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Campaign Timeline

Follows the actions of the characters over the course of the campaign

  • 1000 YK

    20 /8

    Westport founded

    The original settlement of the town begins on Kapaerian Island, off the coast of Xen'drik

    Additional timelines
  • 1001 YK

    6 /9

    "Westport" disappeared
    Disaster / Destruction

    The town was found empty of life, with no apparent cause

  • 1002 YK

    21 /1

    Westport refounded as Beacon

    People start to return to the town formerly known as Westport, renaming it Beacon

    Additional timelines
  • 1002 YK

    18 /3

    Campaign Start
    Population Migration / Travel

    Session 1 of the campaign; all characters are living in the town, and the new governor has arrived. The river starts running with golden oil, and parts start heading out of town to explore.

    More reading
  • 1002 YK

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    1002 YK

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    Session 1: Tracking the gnolls

    Session 1: A party of adventures - Cornelius, Diiroehn, Hettie, Voroc, Shivaren, and Verusa, ranged north tracking the gnolls seen near camp. They returned with Vrind, a former member of the Bravin family, and information on the new demagogue leading the gnolls, The Zenir Clan

  • 1002 YK

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    27 /3

    Session 2: Cleansing the River

    Session 2: A party made of Elanora, Forge, Diiroehn, Mafaldine, Illalai and Voroc travelled northwest up the Goldrun river, slaying a bulette, finding the Rusheme giants under siege, and preventing their defensive weapon from dumping any more golden oil into the river.

  • 1002 YK

    29 /3

    Session 3 - The Harbour Statue
    Discovery, Exploration

    A team made of Forge, Elanora, Zellandria, Shivaren, Cornelius and Ket searched the massive statue overlooking the harbour, finding signs of the town's first settlers, a sealed door leading deeper, and many ideas where to travel next.

  • 1002 YK

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    Session 4 - Into the Jungle

    A team made of Voroc, Shivaren, Ket, Mafaldine, Hettie and Illalai went out into the nearby jungle tracking the local drow. They found them, the Vulkoori clan designating them as "prey", and the party fleeing back to town through the jungle.

  • 1002 YK

    3 /4

    Session 5 - Underneath the Anchor
    Discovery, Exploration

    Cornelius, Shivaren, Zellandria, Diiroehn and Ket met with Forge and Elanora, talking to them to discover what they knew about the history of the island and the lost city of Keht Pradahk. They were interrupted by a discovery - workers breaking through the basement floor of the Glass Anchor to find an ancient Giant complex under the town, guarded by a powerful construct.

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    Session 6 - The Lizgor Camp

    Diiroehn, Cornelius, Voroc, Shivaren, Zellandria and Mafaldine ranged north with Vrind , finding and sacking the camp of the Lizgor gnolls, rescuing Maetica and a pair of Vulkoori, and locating Zenir's canyon.

  • 1002 YK

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    Sailing East - Sessions 7,10, 19

    Forge, Elanora, Zellandria, Eeihoure, Holly and Razzie sailed east with Boris d'Lyrandar, meeting the local sahuagin and forging a truce. They learned that the lost city of Keht Pradahk is nearby in the mountains, but occupied, and the sahuagin have located a key to a hidden entrance in a shipwreck.

  • 1002 YK

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    15 /4

    Sessions 8,11,13 - The Chasm Expedition

    Shivaren, Deborah, Rakki, Mafaldine, Illalai and Hettie travelled west, skirting around the foothills of the northern jungle, heading for the distant chasm ruins. They found Levrin's Barter, a neutral trader, sacked by bandits, and stayed there before continuing. They located Maetica 's brother, a giant named Kanack, but found him fully under the "madness of crowds", a curse that plagues the giants, and were forced to put him down. They located the chasm ruins, and finding them mostly at the bottom of a waterfall ravine, went to climb down via the ruins at the top, but were set upon by kelpies. Making their way to the bottom and fighting off carnivorous plants, they found the crystal keys to unlock the ruins under the town, and fled when the Vulkoori drow arrived, making their way back home.

  • 1002 YK

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    20 /4

    Session 12 - The Elven Hideout
    Military action

    A group of gnoll assassins were discovered breaking into town, and stopped from killing the governor. Getting information from a prisoner, Voroc, Mafaldine, Diiroehn and Shiv travelled north to an ancient elven hideaway the gnolls were trying to loot. Killing the gnolls with the help of ghosts haunting the hideout, the party took valuable items and information home with them.

  • 1002 YK

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    Session 9,14,17 - The Grand Staircase

    A team made of Voroc, Cornelius, Skarn, Illalai, Diiroehn and Ketsitsidis travelled below the Glass Anchor, discovering a vast staircase leading into a ruined Giant city underneath the town. They dealt with a pair of gargoyles, notes from the first settlers, and discovered recently activated constructs that marched them through the city. Exploring further below, they entered into a command structure filled with the constructs.

  • 1002 YK

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    Session 15 - The Obelisk Fort

    A party made of Mafaldine, Shiv, Illalai, Voroc, Zellandria and Ket went in search of a shard-shower they spotted from atop the statue, and found an ancient Quori fortress with an intact obelisk. The obelisk broadcast a psionic control over the surroundings, and they destroyed it, freed a surviving Vulkoori from its control, and retrieved the valuable shards.

  • 1002 YK

    29 /4

    Session 16, 18 - The Tower of Alchemy
    Discovery, Exploration

    A team made of Shiv, Deborah, Rakki, Mafaldine, Illalai and Hettie delved underneath the statue by the harbour, unlocking a sealed door and discovering an ancient Giant laboratory built into an underground tower. Bypassing traps and unstable elementals, they looted the place of tools and supplies, found a diary from Lyndara, an ancient member of the The Sul'at League, and a path that connects it back into the complex under the city.

  • 1002 YK

    2 /5

    Session 20 - The Elven Tunnels

    After being contacted by the gargoyle Calcite, a team made of Ket, Diiroehn, Cornelius, Voroc and Illalai descended under the town again, finding notes from the first settlers and taking treasures from the "Elven District", an area haunted by ghosts and an alchemical ooze holding the memories of the elven slaves.

  • 1002 YK

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    Session 21, 24 - The Fires of Rebirth
    Discovery, Exploration

    A party made from Voroc, Cornelius, Diiroehn, Illalai and Zellandria went down the flooded staircase with the aid of alchemical potions, finding a flooded infirmary, a huge, dark water-filled cavern, underwater streets, and an airtight elevator leading down to The Fires of Rebirth, a site for "honoured guests" of The Sul'at League

  • 1002 YK

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    Session 26 - The Dusksplinter Coven

    A party of Voroc, Cornelius, Ilalai, Ketsitsidis and Diiroehn went south, investigating a building where one of the first setllers disappeared. They found there a family of drow - the cover identities for a hag coven. Escaping their grasp and maybe agreeing to help them with a favour, they returned home planning to go back and deal with the coven later.

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    Session 22,27 - The Foundry of the Molten Gaze

    A party made of Elanora, Forge, Zellandria, Diiroehn, Verusa and Hettie took a cart, horses and went north-west, through the savanna and into the barrens in search of the Foundry of the Molten Gaze, and the dragonshard glass it contains. They returned dealing with a foundry full of undead, glass created themselves, and a deadly curse which Illalai cured.

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    Session 23, 25, 30 - Search for the Iltani
    Diplomatic action

    A party of Deborah, Shiv, Mafaldine, Rakki, Illalai and Voroc prepared to head deep into the northern rainforest, in search of the Iltani drow and some chance of peace with the local drow. They made tentative allies with a Vulkoori, Kevra, and had their first encounters with  The Sulatar "firebinders", a culture trying to follow in the footsteps of the The Sul'at League. Finally, they met and befriended the Moonlight Glinting clan of Iltani drow, and learned their next steps towards peace in the region.

  • 1002 YK

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    Session 28, 29 - The Beacon Festival
    Cultural event

    Almost all of the town gathered together, organising a huge festival party to improve town morale and celebrate the holidays.

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    Session 29 RP - The Infirmary Heist
    Criminal Activity

    Mafaldine, with Zellandria as accomplice, hatched a plan to break into Cornelius' infirmary, ransack his safe, and escape with the Quori Provisioner Stone and the key to the Fires of Rebirth. Mistakes were made.

  • 1002 YK

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    Session 31, 32, 33 - The Siege of Beacon
    Military action

    The entire town of Beacon banded together to defend against Zenir and the families of gnolls he had gathered. Severely outnumbered, they infiltrated his camp, rescued prisoners, held on the walls and bridge, and drove back Zenir, killing him and The Quori spirit which was possessing him and his lieutenant.

  • 1002 YK

    3 /6

    Session 34 - The Heart of the Fires
    Discovery, Exploration

    A team made of Zellandria, Cornelius, Voroc, Josie, Ket and Ilalai descended into the Fires of Rebirth again, breaking into the secure centre of the facility and discovering it was powered by fiendish magic, and Adaxus may not have been alone in its design. The Heart of it was taken, Zellandria spouting prophecy, and an ancient bound fiend was freed to act as a messenger to other forces on its home of Fernia, the plane of fire.

  • 1002 YK

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    Session 35, 39 - Assault on the Command Post
    Military action

    A team of Voroc, Cornelius, Diiroehn, Zellandria, Josie, Ket, Mafaldine and Ilalai took the dragonshard glass forged at the Foundry, and used it to repair the controls of the command post under Beacon. They shut down the constructs, saving Marl and the elementals, before opening the "sun door" and clearing the way to descend further into the Tomb of the Sleeping Sun

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    Session 37 - The Splintered Pillar

    A group of Cornelius, Rakki, Ilalai, Mafaldine, Zellandria and Diiroehn made their way to the Splintered Pillar clan to return the Vulkoori scout Rillaen, only to find that the clan had been scattered by the Sulatar. Clearing the wreckage of summoned demons, they harvested venom as a favour to the Dusksplinter coven, who then made several deals with Zell, Mafaldine and Rakki.

  • 1002 YK

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    Session 36 - The Morkoth
    Diplomatic action

    A group of Zellandria, Hettie, Diiroehn, Verusa and Cornelius met with the local sahuagin and Legate Rinza, answering a call for help. Diving beneath the ocean, they fought off and killed a morkoth, a aberration which had driven out the sahuagin, and returned their settlement to them.

  • 1002 YK

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    Session 38, 41, 43 - Vulkoor and Ruvern
    Diplomatic action

    A team of Shiv, Rakki, Deborah, Mafaldine and Ilalai launched a major diplomatic mission, visiting the Shifting Caverns to receive the blessing of a drow totem deity and Shiv's patron, Ruvern the Black Wolf of Change, before meeting at the Claw of Vulkoor, making deals and amends with the Vulkoori, and saving them from a Sulatar raid, leaving the Vulkoori as new and dangerous allies.

  • 1002 YK

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    Session 42 - Banor's Quarry

    A team of Zellandria, Forge, Elanora, Diiroehn and Verusa made their way to Banor's Quarry in the Banor's Spear mountains. Rescuing an Iltani drow sculptor and slaying a pair of chimera in the pass (and adopting their very young child), they recovered a very useful source of stone for constructing more of Beacon.

  • 1002 YK

    24 /6
    1002 YK

    27 /6

    Session 40, 47 - The Swift Expedition
    Discovery, Exploration

    A team of Verusa, Zellandria, Forge, Diiroehn, Elanora, Cornelius and Hettie set off across the narrow sea to the barrier island. Following the first settler's failed attempts, they found and reactivated The Swift, an ancient teleportation network used by the Giants, before teleporting back to Beacon.

  • 1002 YK

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    Session 45 - Zenir's Canyon
    Discovery, Exploration

    A party made of Verusa, Diiroehn, Voroc, Rakki, Deborah and Shiv travelled north to the canyon once occupied by Zenir, and home to the ruins he found his power in. Sneaking inside, they found it occupied by still-living quori, freed from entrapment. The quori spirits were slain, but leaving a mystery as to where the one which possessed Zenir came from...

  • 1002 YK

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    Session 44, 46, 50 - The Scribe's Fortress

    A party made of Ket, Josie, Diiroehn, Voroc, Mafaldine and Cornelius ventured below the town again, searching for a way to the lowest levels of the Tomb of the Sleeping Sun. They found the Scribe's Fortress there, fighting their way through spectral giants who refused to leave their post, slaying the Chief Securis that kept the specters animated, and clearing the way for more exploration.

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    Session 48, 51 - Through the Fearfrost

    An expedition made of Elanora, Forge, Diiroehn, Rakki, Ket and Josie followed Elanora's historical research, discovering an ancient route taken through the Fearfrost mountains by escaping elven slaves in the days of the giants, and which could lead to a safer path over the mountains. They walked the pass, found the elven hideaway, and opened a Swift terminal at The Mendicant to return home.

  • 1002 YK

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    Session 48 RP - Deals with the Coven
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Zellandria and Mafaldine traveled ahead of the party, spending the night at the Dusksplinter Coven, and making several deals for information and power.

  • 1002 YK

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    17 /7

    Session 49 - Fort Mafic
    Military action

    A large group from the town split into two teams to capture the Sulatar-owned Fort Mafic, with Voroc, Ket, Verusa and Shiv sneaking in below and Deborah, Rakki, Ilalai, Mafaldine and Zellandria attacking from the cliffs above. The teams captured the fortress, discovering more about the Sulatar's plans, and prepared to move out to the south half of the island.

  • 1002 YK

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    1002 YK

    23 /7

    Session 52, 55, 56 - Makhad's End
    Military action

    A team made of Rakki, Shiv, Deborah, Ket, Ilalai, Mafaldine and Zellandria travelled on from Fort Mafic, making their way ahead of the fort's escaping forces, and struck the Sleeping Salamander Hot Springs to kill Makhad before he can do any further harm. Diiroehn, Voroc, Verusa and Cornelius traveled behind, covering their escape into the volcanic tunnels before Sulatar forces could reach them.

  • 1002 YK

    24 /7

    Session 56 RP - A Day in Beacon
    Cultural event

    Everyone in town had a regular day recovering from the last week's events, full of tense discussions, interesting revelations, and revelations stemming from warforged brain surgery.

  • 1002 YK

    25 /7

    Session 53, 67 - Floating Leaf Fortress
    Discovery, Exploration

    A group made of Elenora, Forge, Voroc, Ket, Josie and Cornelius traveled through the Swift to the portal marked as Floating Leaf Fortress, apparently the nearest location to The Forge of Hours. They found an inhabited town built over the ruins, and were caught investigating a murder while discovering the location of the Forge - deep, deep underwater.

  • 1002 YK

    26 /7
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    Session 57 - The Visit Home
    Life, Milestone

    Using her newly developed powers, Zellandria teleported back home to Aundair, bringing Cornelius, Diiroehn, Rakki and Mafaldine for their own goals and for support. Zellandria discovered she'd be replaced as the heir of House Orien, Cornelius uncovered information about Forge's past, Rakki met with his grandfather Rikeen, Diiroehn recruited allies to the town and sought information about aberrant marks, and they all met Threnode, a bard in search of a story who accompanied them back to Beacon.

  • 1002 YK

    28 /7
    1002 YK

    3 /8

    Session 54, 58, 61 - The Road to Scora Bael
    Discovery, Exploration

    A team made of Hettie, Josie, Diiroehn, Verusa, Threnode and Mafaldine travelled through the Swift to "The Mendicant", a strange structure in a lake near the fey-defended Bright Grove. Making a deal with the fey for safe passage in exchange for assistance, and wrecking a destructive Sulatar black-powder operation, they traveled on to find the old Giant city.

  • 1002 YK

    4 /8

    Session 58 RP - The Rebirth Experiments
    Discovery, Scientific

    A research team led by Voroc and Cornelius, with Mafaldine, Zell and Diiroehn assisting, went down to The Fires of Rebirth and experimented with various ways of activating the arcane engine, eventually leading to finding a way to reincarnate a creature, or infuse it with elemental energy while bringing it back to life, and the accidental creation of Bessie - mentally a cow, physically an elk, always on fire.

  • 1002 YK

    5 /8
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    15 /8

    Session 60, 62, 64, 68 - The Hollow Depths

    A party made of Deborah, Rakki, Shivaren, Mafaldine, Threnode and Ilalai traveled deep into the southern rainforest in search of the Vulkoori children sold by Makhad. Finding a corrupted forest and a vast sinkhole in the ground, they travelled down it into the depths of Khyber, and met the Umbragen, an extremely isolated underground people who had "purchased" the children. After some very tense negotiations and difficult exploration, they found the Umbragen town, and attempted to convince the Umbragen to turn the children over to the party.

  • 1002 YK

    8 /8
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    12 /8

    Session 59, 63, 65 - The Scholar's Lodge
    Military action

    A team made of Voroc, Zellandria, Cornelius, Ket and Josie traveled to and infiltrated the Scholar's Lodge, a Sulatar dangerous research site built into old Su'Lat League ruins. Finding extensive records of the Sulatar's plans, speaking to the image of Adaxus from somewhere beyond the world, confirming that they plan to use The Skybreaker to bring about an Age of Fire, and very narrowly escaping death at the hands of The Unburned, they escaped back to Beacon.

  • 1002 YK

    15 /8

    Session 66 - The Inspection
    Diplomatic action

    The entire town turned out to present its best face, as the envoys of the Houses came to inspect their investment, and judge the oversight of Governor Delara. While they may have sighted a fire sled, everything else went off without a hitch.

  • 1002 YK

    16 /8

    Session 67 RP - A Rainy Winter's Day
    Cultural event

    A peaceful day in town, where the heroes of Beacon had a chance to connect, rest and relax, interrupted only by the arrival of the Ties That Bind and Akatash of Reidra, offering material support to the town.

  • 1002 YK

    17 /8

    Session 70 - Depths of Dal Anka
    Discovery, Exploration

    A team of Voroc, Cornelius, Deborah, Rakki, Ilalai and Shiv set off back to Dal Anka, travelling through the now open Swift terminal to the depths of the flooded facility. They discovered information on the Skybreaker, and recovered powerful artifice that once channeled live-giving magic to the surrounding rainforest before the Sulatar could claim it for themselves.

  • 1002 YK

    20 /8
    1002 YK

    22 /8

    Session 71, 75 - Insights of the Fey

    An expedition of Rakki, Ilalai, Deborah, Shiv, Ket and Mafaldine travelled to the Court in Exile, meeting the Archfey Lord Ashwind and learning more of the Sulatar's plans and the damage done to the land's spirit.   Discovering from the fey that the Sulatar were planning on summoning a phoenix, the party then raiding into the volcanic plains, preventing the ritual and foiling the Unburned's plans.

  • 1002 YK

    21 /8
    1002 YK

    22 /8

    Session 72, 74 - Vadalia's Rest
    Diplomatic action

    A diplomatic party of Diiroehn, Elenora, Threnode, Zellandria and Forge met with Lord Ashwind and the Court in Exile. Learning the history of the world and the current actions of the Sulatar, they set off for Vadalia's Rest, an old elven rebellion HQ that the Sulatar were attempting to pillage. They recovered the old Giant planar magic, as well as secrets of the elven rebellion and Elenora's ancestors.

  • 1002 YK

    25 /8
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    29 /8

    Session 76 - The Maw
    Discovery, Exploration

    A team with Voroc, Cornelius, Forge, Zellandria, Elenora, Ilalai and Rakki descended into Khyber to visit The Maw, the ancient underground research facility. Fighting and killing the beholder which had turned it into a gallery, they recovered one of the Destiny Arms, found the site the first drow were created by the giants, and the body of Lyndara.

  • 1002 YK

    1 /9
    1002 YK

    2 /9

    Session 69, 73, 77 - Scora Bael
    Discovery, Exploration

    An exploration team of Hettie, Zellandria, Josie, Diiroehn and Threnode travelled to the outskirts of the ruined Scora Bael, and delved into the city searching for signs of the first settlers. Finding their mission to the city had failed, Edwin ir'Kendall left dead after a clash with Saladronax, and the dragon giving an uncaring ultimatum to the island, the party returned home to plan their next move.

  • 1002 YK

    5 /9

    Session 79 - The Furnace Raid
    Military action

    A team of Forge, Diiroehn, Elenora, Voroc, Ket and Ilalai met with the Sulatar, speaking to the Unburned and Adaxus about diplomacy with no compromise reached. While distracted, they then teleported to the secure Swift terminal atop Adaxus' Furnace, raiding the place quickly and escaping before guard forces could stop them.

  • 1002 YK

    7 /9

    Session 80 - New Arrivals
    Population Migration / Travel

    Gathering on Beacon's docks, Deborah, Ilalai, Mafaldine, Rakki and Shivaren met with their family and friends arriving from the mainland. Deborah broke down, telling her parents she'd been decieving them about her magical talents, Ilalai met with her mother and clan to welcome them to the island, and Shiv was nearly killed by Qilirshara, her sister out to avenge Shiv's murders. The group travelled to the Morphing Caverns again, with a vision of Ruvern helping the land's spirit speak to them again, helping to find closure.

  • 1002 YK

    9 /9

    Session 81 - The Delver

    A hunting party was created of Voroc, Ket, Diiroehn, Mafaldine, Zellandria and Josie, launching an expedition down into the ruined Manufactory below the town. There, they found and defeated the ancient behir known as the Delver, finding another route down below and leaving the ruins safer for travel.

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    Session 82, 85 - The Morkoth's Lair
    Discovery, Exploration

    Sailing south in search of an aberrant collector's hoard, Diiroehn, Mafaldine, Rakki, Cornelius and Deborah discovered an island overrun by fungus, shielding the lair of a morkoth. With the creature's spawn that menaced the sahuagin already slain, the party fought off the parent, recovering several powerful items from its lair including The Descending Storm.

  • 1002 YK

    18 /9
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    19 /9

    Session 78, 83, 86 - The Sleeping Sun

    Zell, Josie, Hettie, Cornelius, Voroc, Ket and Thren banded together, travelling through another high-security Swift terminal to reach the lowest levels of the complex under Beacon. Seaching the complex, they discovered the Sleeping Sun, a eldritch engine designed to trap the dangerous quori remaining in the world after travel to the Realm of Dreams was cut off. After a brush with escaped quori contained below, they escaped with knowledge of the Sun, that the first settlers had been "quarantined" by it to prevent possession, and formulated a plan to fix the damage done to the device and free the first settlers.

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    Session 84, 87 - The Circle Forms
    Diplomatic action

    A diplomatic team, of Rakki, Ilalai, Thren and Shiv, roved out to meet and organise the various factions on the island, rallying them into a new druid circle which could heal the fane, and the damage done to the spirit of the land. Getting the goliath and Rusheme giants to work together, and learning of a Vulkoori archdruid who could bring in the drow, they returned to town having rescued old friends, secured family and allies to their cause, ready to find Archdruid Rahva, the missing piece.

  • 1002 YK

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    Session 87 RP - The Fey Invitation
    Gathering / Conference

    All the town's heroes responded to an invitation from Lord Ashwind, travelling to the Court in Exile for an evening of relaxation and enjoyment, taking an night off from the stress and danger.

  • 1002 YK

    1 /10

    Session 88, 89, 90 - Beacon Burning
    Military action

    After facing a surprise attack from the Sulatar, the entire town joined forces to protect their home and defend from the raid.    As one team prevented infiltrating fliers from burning down the town, another sallied forth to destroy bombardment and firebombing of the town, and a third stayed on the walls, holding off against fire and demons.

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    1 /10 20:00
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    1 /10 21:00

    Session 91 - Chasing the Flame
    Military action

    With the Sulatar forces in full retreat, the heroes of Beacon discovered that the Unburned, who had not joined the fighting, was underneath the town attempting to steal the Heart of the Fires, powering The Fires of Rebirth. Burned, bruised and exhausted, the heroes split into two teams, with Elenora, Forge, Voroc, Zellandria, Mafaldine and Shivaren teleporting to hold off the Unburned as long as possible, while Threnode, Hettie, Ket, Josie, Cornelius and Ilalai teleported to the now Sulatar-controlled Swift Hub, sabotaging the teleportation network to become deadly.   Mafaldine was killed during the fighting, and everyone brought to the brink of defeat, but the sabotage worked. The Unburned barely survived, but her entire honour guard, the best the Sulatar had to offer, were slain. The Unburned escaped, but the Sulatar were crippled, Mafaldine resurrected, and the town saved.

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    6 /10

    Session 91 RP - The Smoke Clears
    Civil action

    Over a few days of rest, the heroes of Beacon helped to repair the (thankfully limited) damage done to the town, pursued personal projects, and started to process what had happened. Mafaldine was thrown a party celebrating his return to life, Diiroehn deepened his connected to his aberrant dragonmark, Cornelius learned of political interference of his father, Rakki and Thren got closer in the aftermath, Voroc and Deborah worked on artificing as she revealed her talents, and everyone in town talked and started to process the stress of the last, desperate battle.

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    14 /10

    Session 92, 96, 104 - Titan's Folly
    Diplomatic action

    Following up the attempts to create a druidic circle capable of healing the land, Rakki, Ilalai, Deborah, Thren and Shiv joined together to search for Archdruid Rahva, the self-exiled Vulkoori leader. Tracking her to the ancient mining facility of Titan's Folly, they found that the site had been used to mine Lamannia, the plane of untapped nature, and Rahva had travelled through the portal there to live on the plane instead of the mortal world. After discovering the Sulatar had beaten them there and stolen the Heart of the Wilds that powered the portal, the party jury-rigged the portal open temporarily and raced through to find Rahva.   They discovered the Archdruid, convinced her to return to her people, and persuaded the Vulkoori speakers to take her back as a spiritual leader. Rahva then persuaded her people to accept one day of working with their ancient enemies for the good of the land, completing the druidic circle needed to cleanse the curse.

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    Session 94, 98 - The Raining Palace

    A party made of Cornelius, Diiroehn, Mafaldine, Rakki, Zellandria and Voroc travelled to the southern swamps on the Mendicant, and uncovered the site of the old Scora Bael's winter palace. Heading inside as it flooded with mud and swamp water, they recovered the Mirrored Ocean, the legendary destiny arm of Archon Kleos, escaping before the palace flooded.

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    Session 93, 97, 99 - Return to Scora Bael
    Discovery, Exploration

    A team made of Diiroehn, Threnode, Hettie, Cornelius, Josie and Ketsitsidis travelled back to Scora Bael. They had a failed diplomatic audience with the dragon Saladronax, meeting as well with the Dusksplinter Coven to discuss their mutual need to kill Saladronax before she contacted her people and organised a purge of the island. They also visited the Scora Bael Conservatory, exorcising it and claiming several instruments of power.

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    Session 95 - Hunting the Hydra
    Sporting Event / Competition

    A team was put together to accept the Vulkoori Wraith's challenge of hunting, to earn the ancient equipment of one of their finest warriors. Shivaren, Mafaldine, Ilalai, Zellandria, Hettie and Ket traveled to the hydra spawning ground in the swamps, baited and slew one of the ancient hydra after growing it to over a dozen heads, and won the competition and the prize.

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    Session 100 - Saladronax
    Military action

    With only days left before Saladronax left the island, a team was put together. Zellandria, Diiroehn, Ilalai, Josie, Hettie, Cornelius and Ketsitsidis returned to Scora Bael, and met with the Dusksplinter Coven. Putting a plan in action, they fought the dragon in her tower lair, eventually wounding her enough for the Coven to sever her connection to the eternal storm of Scora Bael. Grounded, the team found and slew her, stopping her threat to Beacon and the whole island.

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    Session 102, 105 - The Su'Lat Academy

    A team of Hettie, Josie, Zellandria, Cornelius, Mafaldine and Voroc started an expedition to the ruins of the Su'Lat Academy, searching for Adaxus' body and staff, and anti-possession magic known to the Su'Lat League. After fighting off the still-searching construct that guarded the Mirrored Ocean, the team found the academy to be occupied by a clan of fire giants. Discovering that the clan had undergone a coup recently and now claimed to be the Su'Lat League reborn, and determining that the quori had interfered to cause this by possessing the new leader, they fought their way into the academy.

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    Session 101, 103 - The Riedran Job
    Military action

    Deciding to take action against the recently discovered Riedran military force on the islane, Elenora, Forge, Diiroehn and Ilalai grouped together and snuck into the encampment called Dar Zash. Bypassing guards from the Riedran's Harmonius Sail, they fought and killed several of Akatash's vessels to steal the Riedran flagship, The Ties That Bind. Fighting off a counterattack to take the ship back, the team from Beacon prevailed, depriving their enemy of an important asset, and claiming it ready for use against the swimming, undead dragon guarding the Forge of Hours.

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    Session 105 RP - A Chance To Breathe
    Cultural event

    After recovering from their recent struggles, the heroes of Beacon all take a chance to rest and recover. However, they are interrupted by a terrible shift in the world, as the moons shift and temperatures rise...

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    Session 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111 - The Skybreaker
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Sulatar successfully activate the Skybreaker, an ancient Giant superweapon, and use it to bring the Fernian moon of Eyre into close alignment. The world starts to burn and swelter, the volcano of Adaxus' Furnace erupts, and the heroes of Beacon move to stop the disaster.   They confront Adaxus, interrupting his rebirth, and force him to retreat to Khyber while stopping him from reanimating the Sulatar as revenants, fight off Akatash's attempt to claim the Skybreaker for his own, killing his last host in the process, and take the Skybreaker for themselves.   They successfully shut down the arcane engine of the Skybreaker, fight off the Unburned and force her surrender and capture, and convince the Sulatar to retreat from the isles entirely.

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    Session 112 - Aftermath
    Diplomatic action

    The heroes of Beacon scour Adaxus' Furnace and plan their next moves. They interrogate The Unburned, finding her remorseful and struggling with the realization of what she had done. They uncover the part that "The Wandering Prophet" had to play with corrupting translations of the Draconic Prophecy, and convince the remaining Sulatar to leave the West Isles and return to their home.

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    Session 112 RP - A Toast to Heroes
    Cultural event

    After returning to Beacon victorious, the heroes rest, relax and celebrate their victories in various ways. News arrives, that the mainland of Khorvaire noticed the Skybreaker event, and wishes their town's representatives to return and explain what happened...

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    Session 113, 116, 119, 122 - The Forge of Hours
    Discovery, Exploration

    A team of Forge, Elenora, Diiroehn, Cornelius and Ilalai move to find the Forge of Hours, with all their preparations in place. They slay the Enduring Wind, find the Forge itself, and shut down the malignant construct that runs it, rescuing the nascent living constructs it was terrorizing. They find evidence of Elenora's ancestors heroism, but that Forge's visions of the site were trap, and are manipulated into speaking the true name of The Scar That Abides, a demonic overlord that is left one step closer to freedom.

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    Session 115, 118, 121 - The Dream Breaks
    Military action

    A team of Zellandria, Hettie, Josie, Cornelius, Diiroehn and Voroc take their preparations, and get ready to save the lost townsfolk from The Sleeping Sun. They are attacked by forces taken over by Akatash first, however, and end up with the Sun destablized and the heroes trapped within. They find the townsfolk trapped in their own dreamscapes, engineer an exit, and fight off hordes of quori spirits to escape, leaving the quori to perish as the Sun implodes.

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    Session 114, 117, 120 - The Tangled Fane
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The druidic circle formed by the heroes of Beacon moves on the Tangled Fane, with a core team of Rakki, Ilalai, Shivaren, Ket, Deborah, Adalror and Threnode leading representatives of the Vulkoori, Rusheme and Umbragen. They take the Fane, having their most powerful druids perform a powerful ritual to cleanse the holy site of a malign influence.   They banish the demonic power that was bound into the fane, discovering that it was a shard of The Scar That Abides, a demonic Overlord which holds sway over revenge, violence and discord. Removing the demon, they end the Madness of Crowds locally, and revive the Fane's guardian spirit, the Great Jacaranda.

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    Session 123 - The Arcanix Gala
    Diplomatic action

    All of Beacon's heroes travel with Governor Delara and other important figures to Arcanix, far north in Aundair. Called to account for the recent disasters, especially the Skybreaker incident. They attend a grand gala thrown in their honour, meet representatives from the Dragonmarked Houses and the Arcane Congress, and prepare for their interviews.

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    Session 125, 131, 134 - The Arcane Prince
    Diplomatic action

    Adalror, Voroc, Deborah and Josie undergo their inquest interview, only to find that Voroc's long-lost family has tracked him down. A kidnapping attempt goes wrong however, catching Voroc's nephew Voroc Erdek instead, revealing a plot by Adal ir'Wynarn to uncover their secrets. Finding that Adal has been skimming their minds and Adalror's actions have provoked him to move against them, they end up with the prince holding Delara, Adalror and Voroc under house arrest, Voroc Erdek safe, and Adal intending to capture the Skybreaker for Aundair.

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    Session 124, 128, 135 - The City of Towers
    Military action

    Diirohen, Elenora, Forge and Hettie travel to Sharn, chasing down Abria d'Cannith who has uncovered secrets of dangerous artificing that Beacon is trying to keep hidden. They track her down, find she has been scrying on Boris, and destroy her lab before she can ruin the town's inquest interviews and reveal their secrets.

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    Session 127, 129, 133 - New Stone
    Discovery, Exploration

    Ilalai, Shivaren, Ketsitsidis and Rakki get through their inquest interview with only minor problems, and return early to Beacon. There, Shiv makes peace with her sister, and they locate a new home for Otani Oferataru but run into the local goliath in the process. Finding that Adaxus seeks to recruit the local Giants into a new empire, they rescue the local goliath and leave with both critical information and new allies.

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    Session 126, 130, 132 - A House Divided
    Diplomatic action

    Cornelius, Zell, Threnode and Rakki are caught up in House politics, managing attempted business dealings from Houses Cannith and Orien. Unknowingly foiling Kwanti d'Orien's assassination attempt on House Lyrandar's baron wins them some good will, and they get through their interview with only moderate incidents, but with promises made and tensions high.

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    Session 136 - Independence

    At the Inquest in Arcanix, the plan of the Great Houses and Prince Adal became clear - a mixture of bribes, threats and coercion to remove the heroes from Beacon, and take the town's findings for themselves. Instead, the heroes declared Beacon independent, retreated back to the West Isles, and began a new governance under the town, for the town.

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    Session 140 - A Very Polite Heist
    Criminal Activity

    Looking at their promised reward by the Houses be taken away - the reward for stopping the Skybreaker and saving the people of Westport - Beacon hatched a plan. Travelling to Fairhaven in Aundair, Zellandria, Diiroehn, Adalror, Hettie, Josephine and Threnode engaged in an afternoon of bank fraud, walking away with a vast sum of money that should have been rightfully theirs, and the wrath of House Kundarak.

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    Session 137, 144 - Reclaiming the Lodge

    With a potential threat from Khorvaire, the town looked to an offsite location for storing their most valuable finds - the old Scholar's Lodge.   A team of Voroc, Diirohen, Zellandria, Ket, Rakki and Thren travelled back to the Lodge, to find it already claimed - some of the the Returned had claimed it for themselves, including the undead Soot Sisters.

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    Session 138, 141, 147 - The Grand Kleos Aquifer
    Diplomatic action

    Hearing that Adaxus intended to recruit a distant town of cloud giants to his cause, a party of Elenora, Forge, Cornelius, Ilalai and Rakki travelled to the Kleos Aquifer on the distant barrier island.   Finding the scattered township and fields under the grip of a plague, they negotiated with the giant empress, travelling into the aquifer to find the source of the disease and remove it.

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    Session 142 - The Soarwood Grove

    Looking for resources and rare trading goods, a team of Diiroehn, Hettie, Voroc, Zellandria, Josie and Ket explored the small grove of Soarwood once being harvested by the Sulatar. Finding the site abandoned, they fought off a rival court of murderous unseelie fey, leaving the region safe and the grove set up for sustainable logging.

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    Session 139, 143, 146, 148 - The Lambent Marsh
    Diplomatic action

    Hearing that Adaxus intended to recruit an isolated tribe of necromantic stone giants, Deborah, Rakki, Ilalai, Shiv and Adalror sailed south to the delta of the Kraken River, and trekked inland to stop Adaxus' plans.   Finding the ambassador partially successful, and learning the area was under the sway of an ancient giant calling themselves Relic, they liberated a village from a vampiric giant overseer, then turned on the master.   After a vicious battle in his lair, the party killed the vampire Relic, and rescued Sebrak from becoming a sacrifice. Leaving the region in turmoil as vampiric minions scrambled for power, they retreated knowing Adaxus would not have his undead and necromancer allies.

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    Session 145, 153, 158, 159 - The Couatl's Temple

    Ket, Diiroehn, Rakki, Thren and Ilalai sailed to the island dubbed "Isla Mycelia", overrun by an aggressive, colonizing fungus identified as fiendish in nature. Seeking an extremely old temple ruin made by the ancient couatl, the party navigated the overrun island and fungal servants to find it.   Inside, they delved through layers of trials, traps, fungal creatures and old hauntings, finding an old rakshasa's spirit driving the infestation, and trapping her couatl jailer within. The party freed the couatl, named Xochil, and retrieved her bones, and learned Xochil's Prophecy of Binding from her.

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    Session 144 - Taking the Lodge
    Military action

    The heroes looked to the old Scholar's Lodge, with Diiroehn, Voroc, Ket, Rakki and Thren returning to the Sulatar research base. There, they found many surviving revenants from the Sulatar's defeat, defeating the Soot Sisters again as they tried to get their revenge with a hastily-built golem. They took the base, connecting it back to the Swift network, and giving them a site for storage of dangerous items such as the Scar That Abides' prison shard.

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    Session 149, 151 - Into the Storm

    Zell, Diirohen, Hettie, Cornelius and Josephine went in search of Saladronax's research, travelling to the dragon's base inside the eye of the storm, off the coast of Scora Bael. After a harrowing flight through the living storm of vengeance, they broke into the base, and recovered the dragon's prophecy notes - the finally correct instructions on how to release the Scar That Abides. They escaped as the living storm manifested and tried to slay them, leaving the abandoned floating base to fall into the ocean.

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    Session 150, 155 - The Oasis of Renewal
    Military action

    Looking to Adaxus and his plans of conquest, Forge, Elenora, Diiroehn and Ilalai used stealth to scout out the giant's base at the old oasis to the north of the town. Sneaking inside, they ruined the giant's food supply, stopped a storm giant's attempt to resurrect an old giant champion, and escaped Adaxus's retaliation with a hasty escape.

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    Session 152, 156, 157 - The Isle of Silence
    Discovery, Exploration

    An expedition to the doomed Isle of Silence was organised by Cornelius, Voroc, Deborah, Rakki and Adalror. Finding the island a barren desert, they soon learned that the prototype Skybreaker on the island had utterly severed the location from Syrania, the plane of the sky and air, leaving it an utterly airless void.    The artificers build pressure suits to get through the vacuum, fought through undead celestials pulled from Syrania millennia ago, and found the Skybreaker prototype. Within, they found the sympathetic magic used to un-bind and deactivate it, retrieving it to destroy the full Skybreaker.

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    Session 160, 163, 164 - Skybreaker's Fall
    Disaster / Destruction

    With the knowledge to disable and destroy the Skybreaker in hand, Voroc, Cornelius, Adalror, Rakki, Deborah and Hettie travelled to Adaxus' Furnace, but found the quori led by Akatash had already infiltrated the site.   The party repaired the damage done as a distraction, rescued the hostage drow sentries, and found Akatash in the base engine of the Skybreaker, attempting to use it to repair the moon linked to Dal Quor and return the quori's access to the world. After a desperate fight, including the temporary death of Cornelius, Adaxus passed physically into the world, but the created tear was sealed behind him, and the quori was slain, permanently.   Soon after, the Skybreaker was unbound from the world using the recovered magic, and it was dropped into the volcano, removing its threat forever from the world.

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    Session 154, 165, 168 - Family Ties
    Diplomatic action

    A team chose to return to Aundair, this time for Zellandria's home town of Passage. With Zell, Voroc, Josie, Diiroehn, Rakki and Thren, the party moved to recruit and rescue friends and family.   Diirohen recruited the House-hating criminal group of House Tarkanan, while Voroc rescued his brother Avon, nephew Voroc Jr., and his family from the retaliation of Prince Adal. Josie assisted her mother and brothers in fleeing the country, and Thren exorcised the spirit plaguing his sister Virelai, bringing everyone involved back to Beacon. Zell cut a deal for diplomacy with her rival house Lyrandar, while also securing a promise of succession from her father, as he agreed to step down and get a fresh start for House Orien.

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    Session 161, 166, 169 - The Drowned Fane

    A team of Zellandria, Diiroehn, Shiv, Rakki, Ilalai and Ket sailed to the distant island said to house the Drowned Fane, another site of vast nature magic. Hearing that Adaxus would soon be there to work some magic on the Scar's prison that presumably infested the site, they traversed the island, finding a lake of murky, blood-red water.   Hijacking a diving bell from the Giants already at the lake, they plunged to the lakebed, and found the bottom subsumed into Khyber, the fane itself drawing great fiends to it. Reaching the fane, however, they found a trap. The Dusksplinter Coven waited within, and had prepared, springing powerful magic on the party, while Hermantrude revealed himself to be a rakshasa masquerading as Zell's butler.   The party was defeated, with Shiv slain and others greviously wounded. Urged on by Dahlia, Zell chose to do what the fiend told her, and embraced the Scar's prison rather than see her closest friends executed. With a prophecy fulfilled, the Scar That Abides was reassembled from his prisons, and became active again to plot one last prophecy that would mean his full release.

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    Session 162, 167, 171 - The City of Silver and Bone

    Following all their clues, Elenora, Forge, Cornelius and Threnode travelled to the site of Shae Tirias Tolai, the destroyed feyspire called the City of Silver and Bone. There they found the place to be utterly haunted, the souls within trapped by Giant artifice that fed their souls to the Forge of Hours, and overseen by the dead archfey Lady Inkeyes.   They pushed through the tower while Inkeyes refused to let them fix the situation, finding the endless stagnation of a 40,000 year old haunting to be better than true death. Eventually the party defeated her ghost, recovered the Giant artifice keeping them there, and exorcised the spire so the thousands there could finally move on. Inkeyes and several others then chose to be reincarnated into construct bodes by the Forge of Hours, staying in the world.

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    Session 170 - Beacon's Shield
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Scar That Abides regained consciousness, and the overlord immediately brought his full attention onto Beacon, driving the entire town along with Adalror, Josie, Deborah, Voroc and Hettie into vengeful fury.    While the Scar sought to bring the town down from the inside with distant power, those staying in town travelled to the Umbragen drow, experts at warding against fiends. They found the underground fiends surging in power, and fought back an attack on their town. The Umbragen then worked with the party, teaching them wards effective against the Scar, and Ilalai used a shard of the Scar's former prison to power a greatward, shielding the entire town from the Scar's distant attention.

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    Session 171 RP - The Last Calm Day
    Gathering / Conference

    The heroes of Beacon took one day to recover, tend to their wounds and resurrect fallen allies. Badly beaten and with the threat of the Scar That Abides suddenly looming, they took comfort in their friends and planned for what they would do to save their town and beyond.   Meanwhile, one more threat came to the forefront - Prince Adal, forming a grand fleet of Aundairan and Great House forces, would be coming to take Beacon by force in several weeks.

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    Session 172 - Beacon Calls
    Diplomatic action

    Over several days, Thren, Rakki, Diiroehn, Ket, Ilalai, Elenora and Forge used teleportation to travel the world, calling up any and all allies they could. Thren, Rakki and Ilalai got a promise of support and food relief from nearby city Stormreach, Diirohen and Ket secured the help of the Shulassakar and Ket's family, and Rakki brought back the Moonspeaker Druids working with his grandfather Rikeen. During the proceedings, Dahlia appeared to Thren, calling in her end of a bargain - she took Thren's voice and musical ability, in exchange for her sparing of Rakki's life at the Fane.   Elenora and Forge secured aid from the giants of Kleos Aquifer, and then brought the party to Aerenal, Elenora's homeland. There she fought back a political attack by her old rival, the Deathless councilor Elronnethi, before destroying Vadalia's Eye - Exalted to conjure Vadalia's ghost. The ghost revealed the sins of Elronnethi's distant past, destroying his reputation while securing Aereni support for Beacon in thanks.

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    Session 173, 177 - Vulkoor's Revenge
    Diplomatic action

    The town received an uncharacteristic threat from Telrentath - hand over the imprisoned Unburned for execution, or he would assassinate her and anyone who got in his way. In response, Ilalai, Shiv, Diirhoen, Adalror and Rakki travelled to find him at Azur's Sting, a holy site of Vulkoor.    They discovered Telrentath was being focused on by the Scar, warping him into an instrument of revenge against his enemies, no matter the cost. They convinced him to back down before anyone was killed, warded him against the Scar, and brought the Vulkoori back onto Beacon's side.

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    Session 174, 176, 178 - The Sapphire Observatory

    Seeking magic to help protect against the Scar's influence, Zell, Hettie, Cornelius, Voroc, Deborah and Ket teleported to the abandoned Sapphire Observatory, finding it a Giant research site into Far Realm magic.    After an accident of magic and artifice, the party found their souls pulled free, and replaced into the wrong bodies. Traversing the ruined facility, they dealt with the body-swap, handled a mess of diplomatic Sendings, and found the protective magic they needed, before locating the mad herald overseeing the base and using his artifice to return to their correct bodies.

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    Session 175, 179 - Time and Fate
    Diplomatic action

    Word reached Beacon that the exiled archfey, Lord Ashwind, had been attacked by his rival's assassins and gone missing in the fray. Elenora, Forge, Rakki, Thren, Ket and Diiroehn came to his rescue, following his path as he fled from the assassins.   Navigating hostile regions of the feywild, they eventually found him before the assassins could break through his defences, and rescued the archfey. In doing so, Thren found himself bound by fate to the fey, and through the bond Ashwind handed over the mantle of his court to Thren. The succession gave Thren newfound power, and freed Ashwind to move on to a new role and a new story as a herald of heroes.

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    Sessions 180, 183, 188, 190 - The Realm of the Dead

    Josephine led an expedition into the afterlife itself, taking Thren, Adalror, Ilalai, Ket, Cornelius and Voroc with her into the grey wastes of Dolurrh, searching for her father's preserved soul. Finding access through the exceptionally haunted land near the City of Silver and Bone, the party traversed the outer layers of Dolurrh and its politics, cut a deal to have a prophecised weapon forged by the Smith of Souls, and attempted to steal her father from the Queen of the Dead's gallery.   Caught in the attempted theft, they cut a deal with the Queen, and set off to the deepest regions of the path taken by departed souls. Escaping with their memories and sense of self mostly intact, they found Edwin ir'Kendall on the doorstep of the true afterlife, and brought him back to the land of the living, resurrecting him properly.

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    Sessions 182, 185, 187 - The Goliath Raid
    Military action

    With Adaxus' giants on their doorstep but starving, the town heard from the goliaths of Vathgoltorka that giants were at their homes, putting them under siege to pillage their food and water. Diirohen, Zell, Shiv and Ilalai traveled there, taking over the town's defense. They put down multiple attempts from the Giants to abduct, terrify and intimidate the town, before joining forces with Otani, Sebrak and the Rusheme giants to drive away the pillaging forces of Adaxus.

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    Sessions 181, 184, 186 - Delving Deeper
    Discovery, Exploration

    The town sought the help of the Umbragen to explore a wealthy, fiend-infested cave network on the surface of Khyber. With Munokhoi, a team of Deborah, Rakki, Ket, Hettie and Adalror delved into the caves, finding it rich with dragonshards but also containing a tunnel into the Scar That Abide's personal domain of The First Wound.    Within, they gathered critical information about the Scar's domain and its threats, found great wealth to help the town, and slayed a rakshasa who had apparently freed the Scar's new exarch from this place some 15 years prior. They left as the threat of the domain became clear, dozens of vengeful demons coming to kill them for the tresspass.

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    Session 189 - The Grand Fleet
    Diplomatic action

    Diirohen, Thren, Forge, Hettie and Elenora organized one final parley attempt with the Khorvairan's grand fleet. Flying out to an airship, they met with Prince Adal, Esra d'Lyrander, Magda d'Sivis, and others, and attempted to come to an agreement.    Before the events could be finalised, one last trick was played - a message from a false source, having Adal read out the true name of the Scar unknowingly, and bringing the Scar's attention down on the fleet. As the army simmered into vengeful rage, they moved to arrest the heroes, who cleansed the Scar's influence from Baron Esra d'Lyrander and her team, freeing them to retreat before the battle started, and escaped the fleet in the chaos.

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    Session 190 RP - One Day Remains
    Cultural event

    The entire town gathered to defend their homes, putting the final few plans they had into motion. As a group, they set up their final defenses, said any last things that needed saying, and prepared for the attacks of Adaxus and Aundair.

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    Sessions 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197 - The Last Stand
    Military action

    Beacon came under attack from all sides, and all its heroes came to the defence by land, sea and air.   From the ocean, Prince Adal attempted an assault of galleons and airships, but was stopped as Deborah, Rakki, Adalror, Josie and Voroc confronted the Prince - Adalror's father - sunk his ships, and took the warmongering wizard prisoner.   From the north, Adaxus and his giants attacked with fire and force, but were repelled on the walls and in the sky. As the fire giant called down meteors to devastate the town, Forge, Elenora, Cornelius, Ket and Thren rallied out and killed Adaxus, scattering his forces.   Meanwhile, as they held the walls and the skies, Dahlia contacted the heroes, trying to pull them away from the defence by attacking their civilians taking refuge at Landing. Coming to the rescue, Zell, Diirohen, Ilalai, Hettie and Shiv were fast enough to disrupt the Dusksplinter Coven, rescuing Delara d'Tharashk and other unlikely heroes who face certain death. In the process, they killed Kolya and Terez, and Dahlia revealed her true identity as the Scar That Abide's exarch - a powerful, ancient rakshasa.   Beacon was badly damaged, with many lost, but the city and most of its people were saved.

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    Session 197 RP - Final Preparations
    Gathering / Conference

    Seeing one final enemy that threatened them and the world, the heroes of Beacon gathered to discuss The Scar That Abides. They all took as much time as they could afford, finishing their last few projects, gathering their strength, and making a plan to strike right at the heart of the Scar's domain.

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    Session 198, 199, 200 - First Wound
    Military action

    All of the heroes of Beacon launched a raid on The First Wound, the heart demiplane of the Scar That Abides. Pressing deep through layers of twisted burning labyrinth, bone-strewn valleys and lakes of blood, they opened a path towards the Scar itself.