Yepip Anklegnaw
Level 4 Gnome Wild Magic Barbarian
Yepip Fruggleheim Vormop “Sparklegrump” Anklegnaw is a Gnome adventurer who is a member of the Warriors Guild and City Guard and a new member of the Adventuring Guild. He is also running a campaign for Sheriff of the City Guard.
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Yepip first joined the Adventuring Guild on his mission to Transyl.
He later was recruited by Astrid Ironeye to go on another vsmpire related mission to investigate Hailthorpe Manor and the Blood Road alongside Offwald Goldbur. In Yepip's mind, the two immediately became best friends. This mission did not go well at all, with the two being immediately discovered, Yepip being waterboarded and jailed, and the two barely escaping with their lives.
With his last mission having gone so poorly, Yepip spent two months reluctant to go on another. That is, until Astrid put him in charge of a mission to go get information from Chanterelle alongside four new recruits, Dori Goldlox, Elliot Paarthurnax, Starlight, and Kedonna Fritz. Yepip and Kedonna had some instant chemistry. While meeting Chantrelle, Yepip got angry about how she offered to have woodland creatures help them, and he said "What if that's not fucking good enough?"
This resulted in Yepip having a curse from Chantrelle. Mushrooms grow from his skin and when he dies, he'll become a myconid in service to Chantrelle. The one upside is he can telepathically speak to Kedonna when they are closeby. After realizing the Adventuring Guild was not going to help him get rid of his curse, Yepip became a loyal member of the Guild Members' Union.
Blizzie Anklegnaw
Aligned Organization
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