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Kozz (Kahzz)

Mistress Kozz (a.k.a. Taminashka ro Laranaga, Taronaga, Shka)

Kozz is a legendary Orc outlaw, blademistress, and mercenary, most famously known for her involvement with the outlaw gang known as The Ladykillers. A male orc by birth, Kozz made a wish to be transformed into a woman by an enslaved fairy in her hometown of Farshah. She ran away from home days before her eighteenth birthday to escape mandatory military conscription, eventually making her way to Tennerae. There, she stumbled into the barn of Diane Watson, who took her in and gave her shelter. Soon after, she was recruited as one of the four members of the Ladykillers, along with Watson, Jane Danger, and Lynea Galoris. Realizing that Kozz lacked the accuracy to handle a firearm, Watson instead referred her to the mermaid city of Larellia, to be trained in the Mermaid Blade Arts by Mistress Ilano Guile. Kozz trained there for five years, intermittently studying the sword and committing crimes with the Ladykillers. When Watson left the Ladykillers in 5260, and the gang was subsequently disbanded, Kozz took up mercenary work in the Orc Plains to make amends with her kin. To this day, she is available for hire.  

Personal History

Childhood & Transformation

In 5227, Kozz was born to a humble family of Orc merchants, under the name Ta-Ka. Assigned male at birth, she was raised male and socialized primarily with young boys. However, she was not particularly well-liked by her peers. When social isolation started to weigh on her, she turned to an unlikely source for friendship: an enslaved fairy named Dahlia. Dahlia was a Wishing Fairy, captured by the Orcs and locked in a cage in a small temple near Kozz's childhood home. Orcs could travel to the temple and make a wish, which she would grant. But Kozz did not want for anything, except a friend. She would spend long, long hours every night talking to Dahlia about her life, how she was feeling, and what she was going to do the next day. Dahlia listened, and was heartwarmed that a descendant of her captors could be so kind-hearted. They became best friends, and their relationship continued on long into Kozz's teenage years.   At the onset of puberty, Kozz was completely shell-shocked by the changes to her body. Though she had not particularly felt welcome in the world as a boy, she was unable to process her feelings of discontent and dysphoria until puberty hit. It left her listless, depressed, and fearful for what the rest of her life might look like. Because of this, she sought out Dahlia at age sixteen and asked for one single wish: to be transformed into a woman. Dahlia obliged, but warned that she did not have the power to change everything about Kozz's body. Everyone would perceive her as a woman in every possible way, but one mark of her male past would remain: her penis. Kozz was unfazed; if everybody would know her as the person she truly was, then she would find happiness in one way or another. Dahlia worked her magic, and Ta-Ka was no more--she chose the name Kozz, and that is who she became.   Though many, many orcs berated and shunned Kozz for her gender transformation, she remained steadfast and confident in the woman that she was. In any case, she was not intending to remain in Farshah for very long.  

Leaving Home & Forming the Ladykillers

Always looming on the horizon of Kozz's childhood was the specter of her inevitable conscription into Farshah's military, as all orcs must do when they turn eighteen. Kozz, radicalized by her friendship with Dahlia, believed that Farshah was a cruel place that mistreated fairies for their own gain. Disillusioned, she ran from home, but not before saying goodbye to her only friend. She made a vow to Dahlia that one day she would return to free all of the fairies that were enslaved, and Dahlia in turn gave her a glimpse into her future. She told Kozz to travel northeast to the town of Tennerae, where she would find her destiny. Now knowing her path, Kozz stole a juvenile horse from a military outpost and rode off.   In the days that ensued, Kozz travelled northeast as Dahlia instructed, wearing herself entirely thin. With very little water and no food, she began to wonder if she should just turn back. But she knew she had to continue onward. She soldiered ahead atop her horse, which she had named "Dolly" after her trusted fairy companion.   On her eighteenth birthday, Kozz arrived in Tennerae, ragged and fatigued. She led Dolly into a seemingly abandoned barn, where she intended to sleep for the night. But it was not abandoned--she had accidentally stumbled into the barn of outlaw Diane Watson, who was there training her then-protégé Jane Danger in the art of gunslinging. Gun already in hand, Diane held Kozz up, assuming she was an intruder. Kozz broke down in tears, begging Diane to grant her mercy and explaining her situation. Diane, no doubt thinking of her own young daughters, decided to let Kozz stay in her care for as long as she needed.   Kozz was incredibly grateful for the opportunity she was given, and was willing to do anything to make it up to Diane. Accordingly, Diane began to train her in the art of gunslinging. However, Kozz lacked the accuracy and deftness to wield a firearm, so the training quickly fell apart. Diane was dismayed at this, but Kozz became anxious; how else would she defend herself if the Farshah army came knocking? Diane shared Kozz's concern, and had a novel idea to ameliorate it. Through their training, Diane and Kozz both became aware of Kozz's incredible reflexes--she never let a dropped cup or plate fall to the ground, and when she inevitably dropped her gun, she could catch it with her foot and effortlessly toss it back up to her hands. She was skilled in the basics of hand-to-hand combat, as all orcs were at her age, but she displayed a particular aptitude for it. Kozz and Diane were both stymied by her incredible hand-eye coordination in spite of her terrible aim. But Diane had connections, and she knew a friend of a friend that would be able to help train Kozz to defend herself, and more.   And it was just then that Diane had another idea. After seeking out the mermaid technomancer Lynea Galoris, she called upon Kozz and Jane for a meeting with her. She proposed that the four women join together to form an unstoppable gang of outlaws, so that they could each accrue enough money to be set for the rest of their lives. Kozz, like every woman there that day, agreed to the offer, and the Ladykillers were born.  

The Era of the Ladykillers, & "Taronaga"

Through Lynea, Diane had connections to Lynea's former mistress in the mermaid city of Larellia: Ilano Guile, creator of the Mermaid Blade Arts. Diane reasoned that if Kozz could not wield a gun, she might be able to wield a sword. Kozz travelled with Diane and Lynea to Larellia and consulted with Mistress Guile, asking her for her tutelage in the Blade Arts. Guile warned that the task came with complications: for one, Kozz was a land-dweller and a non-magical being, and thus required constant magical supervision to ensure that she wouldn't drown in Larellia's waters. In addition to this, Kozz would be training with artificial gravity magic, simulating the conditions of the surface where she would be putting her skills to practice. The Mermaid Blade Arts were designed with verticality and a mermaid's mobility in mind, so Kozz would be operating at a severe handicap from the beginning. Despite all of these warnings, Kozz expressed a burning desire to study the Arts. Admiring her tenacity, Guile agreed to train her, and so Kozz became her student.   For five years, Kozz's time was evenly split between her training with Mistress Guile and her tenure as a Ladykiller. The Ladykillers rose further and further into fame, skyrocketing Kozz into notoriety. Though she was initially meek-mannered and nervous when it came to criminal activity, these impulses washed away during her training with Guile. She learned to steady herself in split-second scenarios, and to wield a blade with grace. She became an invaluable asset for the Ladykillers, as her skill at close-range combat outclassed every other member.   Eventually, Kozz overcame her shortcomings and began to outclass even the most skilled mermaid blademasters. At the end of her five-year training, she had mastered the arts, and became as elegant and quick on land as mermaids are in the water. She was more skilled than any mermaid had ever been in the Blade Arts--except, of course, for Mistress Guile. After one final test of strength, an intense, protracted, one-on-one battle testing Kozz's skills, which ultimately resulted in a close, exhausted draw, Guile finally granted Kozz the rank of Mistress herself. Kozz became known by the mermaids as Taminashka ro laranaga-- "the eel without lightning." No fin, no magic, yet just as deadly as Guile herself. The phrase was eventually shortened to the nickname "Taronaga."   With her incredible skill, the Taronaga became unstoppable on the surface. The Ladykillers boasted four incredibly talented and skilled women, and with Kozz's ascendance to Mistress, they began to dominate the valley. Kozz conquered legions of foes, human and elf and orc alike, with the grace and deadly precision of an eel. She, like the other Ladykillers, became incredibly popular with among the women of the valley, and entertained many of them as sexual partners. Though it might seem immature, it was common parlance among the women of the valley that Kozz's immense, growing wealth was only outmatched in size by one thing...  

The End of the Ladykillers, & Life as a Mercenary

Unfortunately for Kozz, the Ladykillers would not last forever. In 5260, following Diane's abrupt departure from the group, the remaining members reasoned that they were unable to go on without her, and so they parted ways. Kozz grew to resent Diane for abandoning them, and especially for abandoning her. Kozz was wealthy enough now to live anywhere she wished with the most spectacular means available, but it was Diane who took her in at her absolute lowest. It was Diane who introduced her to the Blade Arts. And now, Diane had left with hardly a goodbye in her. Bitter and resentful, Kozz built a quaint home to the north of Tennerae, miles from any civilization. There, she lived in solitude, with only her trusty steed Dolly to keep her company.   Eventually, Kozz returned to the one place she thought was off-limits for good: Farshah. Though she had amassed much notoriety and infamy among the orcs, both for her desertion decades prior and her repeated robberies of orcs throughout the Plains, Kozz struck a deal. She would be pardoned of all crimes in the eyes of Farshah, if she became a mercenary for hire and pledged fealty to the orcs. Kozz agreed to the terms, and began her new life as a hired blade.   Mercenary work was nothing out of the ordinary for Kozz. An orc would show up at her doorstep begging for revenge on someone who killed their wife, or stole their cattle, or whatever the case may be, and Kozz would promptly decapitate said someone for a going rate of a thousand gold pieces. It was boring, menial work for Kozz, but it was something to keep her mind occupied. More than that, though, it was an outlet for her rage, and resentment toward the woman who abandoned her.   True to her terms with Farshah, she would never accept a contract with an orc as a target: she began to take pleasure in slaughtering human after helpless human. It became somewhat of an addiction, so much so that she took to being a vigilante in her spare time. She would often travel to the nearby Elvish town of Barath, or its sister town Balun, and wait for some poor human to arrive and start trouble--trouble which she would abruptly end. She entertained more Elvish women in these days than any one woman ever could, and became hopelessly sex-addicted.   One day, in 5263, the commander of Farshah's army, Ra-Zo, approached Kozz with a special contract, one with a price of a million gold pieces, for the murder of the woman who shot him in the face and took out his left eye. The target: none other than Diane Watson. Of course, Kozz accepted, and off to Tennerae she went to finally, finally kill the Ladykiller of all Ladykillers...

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As an Orc, Kozz ages at a normal rate. Physically, she is still young, and she is incredibly fit. She does not live with any major debilitating illnesses or afflictions.

Body Features

Kozz is tall for a female Orc, but short as compared to most male Orcs. She is slender with not much defined musculature, despite her strength.

Facial Features

Kozz has slightly larger tusks than most female orcs, but they are still quite small compared to the gargantuan tusks of male orcs. She has slender cheekbones and a button nose.

Identifying Characteristics

As a part of her training, Mistress Guile intentionally scarred Kozz's face with the Mermaidian character "shka," reprisenting grace and humility (pictured left). In addition to her title of Taronaga, Kozz would occasionally be referred to as the Taminashka, or simply "shka" (both as shorthand and in reference to her scar).   Kozz's hair is also a trademark: though many orc women keep their hair short, Kozz grows hers quite long and keeps it in a tight ponytail. Kozz puts a lot of work into her hair, ensuring it is thoroughly straightened and free of knots. One would think it would offer Kozz a tactical disadvantage, but its overall impact on her combat prowess is minimal. It does, however, succeed in impressing the ladies.

Physical quirks

Kozz is unique among Orcish females in that, owing to her male birth, she possesses a penis. It is rumored to be anywhere from ten inches long to a full foot, and quite girthy. Though a penis of that size would hurt most women during sex, no woman has ever claimed to feel anything but pleasure from their encounters with Kozz.

Special abilities

Kozz has godlike reflexes and agility, moreso than any non-magical land-dweller. She can leap into the air ten to fifteen feet with ease, and slice incoming bullets in half with her blade. She is incredibly stealthy, able to control her breathing so efficiently that she hardly makes a sound. She is, without a doubt, the most skilled warrior in the valley.

Specialized Equipment

At all times, Kozz carries with her the Casarinala, a Mermaidian katana with an engraved eel on the blade. She always carries Mermaidian rice paper and refined carp oil to polish Casarinala after use. At home, she performs a more in-depth cleaning ritual utilizing a mineral powder provided to her by Mistress Guile.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Kozz was assigned male at birth, but in her teenage years realized she was a woman, and transitioned from male to female via a wish from the fairy Dahlia.


Kozz is a lesbian. She occasionally has trouble starting relationships with women due to her being transgender, but many women who similarly share an aversion to men do not harbor an aversion to her anatomy.


As a child, Kozz was educated by her parents until age twelve, as all orcs are. Her parents taught her basic history, mathematics, science, and the Orcish language. She then began a supervised education track in a public school, where her knowledge was expanded upon. This education also included a rudimentary combat training course to prepare for military service. Kozz deserted Farshah days before her graduation. In the care of Diane Watson, she was schooled in the English language.


At age sixteen, Kozz worked a part-time job as a dishwasher at a local tavern. She was fired after her gender transformation. She wouldn't be employed again in the traditional sense until she began mercenary work in her thirties.

Mental Trauma

Kozz's gender dysphoria weighed heavily on her for a long while until she was finally able to transform into the woman she was always meant to be. But the people of Farshah didn't take so kindly to her. Though her parents remained supportive, others demonized her, and accused her of defiling the natural order. She was shunned from publc places, and ostracized even further than she already was. This deeply scarred Kozz, and forced her to recede further and further into isolation.

Personality Characteristics


Kozz has always wanted to belong. That is the one, incontrivertible constant in her life. If she feels she is not a part of some greater whole, if she is incompatible with the way of the world, she becomes paralyzed.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Kozz in incredibly knowledgable in the Mermaid Blade Arts, as well as the geopolitics of the valley. She can navigate her way in and out of a heist like it's nothing. She is, however, still a shy introvert at heart, as much as she likes to position herself as a casanova. Socializing does not come naturally to her, and she'd almost always rather be in a small group or alone than in public.

Likes & Dislikes

Kozz is an enormous foodie. Part of committing crimes all over the valley is getting to try the delicacies of all the myriad cultures within it. During her education in the Blade Arts, Kozz took highly to Mermaidian cuisine, and would frequently drag Lynea with her on food tours of Larellia. She also enjoys games, particularly those played with cards and with dolls. On her off-time at Diane's, she would often play house with Diane's daughter Dottie. This game of house was incredibly dense and filled ot the brim with lore, especially since it continued for fifteen entire years. By the end, Kozz and Dottie has introduced over a hundred dolls into their story, and had an entire room in the Ladykillers compound dedicated to a full-scale recreation of their fictional town.   Kozz doesn't particularly enjoy cooking, despite her foodie nature. She would rather prefer to eat at a tavern, or get someone else to cook for her. When she began to live on her own, however, Kozz had no choice but to cook for herself, and soon discovered she was very bad at it. With no interest in getting better, Kozz resorted to hiring a personal, live-in chef with her massive fortune.
Year of Birth
5227 IN 36 Years old
Farshah, the City of Orcs
Assigned male at birth
Black, back-length, straight
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5ft, 11in
146 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Mermaidian (conversational)

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