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7. Patience

  From the journal of Gabriel.     Unndilar 16th, 735PD
Still in Port Damali, I was seeking a way to fully understand my recent visage granted to a humble servant by the all powerful Bahamut, blessed be His name Forevermore. Obviously the others have been marked by other gods and I need to find out what which, so that I can help them become what they need to be.   Arjhan visited me in the temple, speaking of guilt over recent events and his handling of a man in a manner Bahamut might find less than honorable. I gave the dragonborn some limited respite, but he should seek more in steadfast prayer and contemplation.
Together with Arjhan, we sought assistance from an elven wizard by the name of Hathorall Pethrie as to how to potentially restore the cursed armor obtained from the Djinn, and the old sage mentioned that he could potentially help but would first need us to protect a weapon being transported from Nicodramus.
The weapon could potentially be a holy relic, perhaps even one of the fabled Vestiges of Divergence. The sage said he would inspect its authenticity when it arrived at Port Damali and then it would ready to be auctioned off to the highest bidder.
Both Arjhan and I found it abhorrent that a holy relic be sold to some corrupted rich fop instead of being returned to its rightful place. Despite that, Arjhan was still somewhat interested in the contract for the elven wizard, and I suspect he pondered about holding on to the item to further our own holy Quest, but I found the whole matter distasteful. The wizard was not conducting anything of criminal nature, but it was far from righteous Commandments of my faith.   We rejoined with the others and reminded myself I needed to suppress my feelings towards the Shadow Thieves for a while longer. They are criminals and needed to be offered the chance of redemption in the light of the Platinum Dragon, or else hung at the gallows for their crimes. Their time of judgement would come one day.
I half-heartedly made mention of the wizard's contract to transport the potential relic weapon, but the others found it of little interest as there was absolutely no reward for them.   Balor the dwarf made mention of a sky port in the city - of course only the incredibly wealthy could use it with a ticket costing 1,ooo gold pieces, something a honest villager would not earn in a matter of years. It simply fueled my growing disgust - this place had so many familiarities to Rexxentrum and Zadash. I uttered a prayer to the supreme Dragon-God to lay out a path to level all mortals in terms of equality and wealth.
However the sky port could one day take me to Taldorei, where the evil dragons had formed a coalition and laid waste to countless innocents. I still felt a drive to aid those poor souls, I just need to await the sign from Bahamut to join this fray!
Stand as a paragon of honor and justice. Smite evil wherever it is found, yet show compassion to those who have strayed from righteousness. Defend the weak, bring freedom to the persecuted, and protect the ideals of justice and order.
The Shadow Thieves criminal by the name of Kote came over to us and made mention that their agent sent to Crenda on our request was not able to make it to the town, for something was causing an issue at a bridge crossing. It surprised me that an agent had been sent, for it is unwise to take the word of a thief and assassin, but no doubt they sought to lure us further within their web of intrigue and path of crime.
Regardless, the trouble at the bridge crossing was causing death and I had no compunction to leave at once, but the group required some kind of reward for the service.
After some useless negotiation with the local watch, the reward for sorting out the issue would bring twenty gold pieces. Only fifty such jobs and one could afford a ticket on the damned Sky Port.   Leaving Suriel behind, we hired a coach to make our way north to Crenda. On the way I managed to coax the halfling, Dick, to speak about his faith. Not a devoted follower but a follower nonetheless, to the goddess Sehanine. I would need to research more about this deity so that I can assist the rat hunter into what he needs to be. The sooner the fates of these mortals can be achieved, the sooner Bahamut's divine plan will come to fruition.   We arrived at the bridge in a few hours and saw a column of coaches and carts waiting to get through. The guards there were useless and cowardly to do anything, but we managed to remove the problem in short order. It was a creature of some sort and needed fire to be fully vanquished. As Bahamut willed it, the creature is no more, with thanks to Arhjan's Flame Tonue blade which was obviously designed by Bahamut to be in the Dragonborn's hand all along.
Incidentally, during the battle I saw some bulging eyes in the river beneath the bridge, but it was gone when I returned to investigate it.   We got on the coach, and continued to travel to Crenda, I was eager to find what had happened to this little village following the attack by the two vampires last month, which had led to our capture and delivery to the despicable bitch, Karselle - The Fallen Aasimar.
    Unndilar 17th, 735PD
We arrived in Crenda in the morning, and I gave praise to the Dragon-God that it was much like we left it when we were captured. Most of the peasants were unharmed and went about their business normally and the situation was confirmed when I spoke to the village elder. He did make mention that a creature had been trapped inside the local temple of Malora since the night the vampires and their fell horde attacked.   I readied my mace and headed towards the temple but met the dwarf Balor. He too had found out about this creature and also found a strange circumstance in one of the local pubs involving two charred bodies and symbols to lesser gods.   With the others, we headed towards the temple, where Bahamut's Divine will would see this monster vanquished!
Charred Floor at the Crenda Inn

8. Strides To Heroism

At Crenda, the heroes stood in front of the boarded up church, wandering what thing has been locked up inside since their battle with the vampires. They unbarred the front door and readied their wits and weapons.
Gabriel hugged the wall by the church’s entrance door with Arjhan and Balor behind him, waiting whilst the halfling rogue scouted around the holy building. Dick then clambered up the rough stonework of the church where he was able to look though one of the boarded up windows. Unfortunately his eyes had not infravision like so many other races of Exandria, and he couldn’t see anything in the pitch black darkness though he did hear something shuffling around inside.
Dick clambered back down with ease and returned to the group with little information of what awaited them inside.   Undeterred, Gabriel bestowed Bahamut’s blessing upon them and then Arjhan and Balor kicked down the door with a large crack, timber splinters flying everywhere.
The adventures carefully moved inside, with Arjhan’s Flametongue providing some light, enough to provide some details of the church’s interior. Rows of pews sat mostly undisturbed in front of the pulpit and shallow alcoves were located at each side. The light flickered on something on the floor and Arjhan found dead bodies on the floor. Upon close inspection, the dead villagers were pummeled beyond recognition and the smell most foul. As he continued his investigation, the dragonborn uttered a gasp as one of the dead beside him suddenly began to move and snatch at him. The dead villager’s face gave a ludicrous grimace as it stood on its disheveled legs.   As Balor, Gabriel and Dick Punch moved to aid their beleaguered comrade, the adventurers were surprised furthermore by a much stronger being that appeared near the pulpit. In the darkness its shape could not be clearly discerned, but its attacks seem to make short work of Balor’s armour. The wounded dwarf flailed back at the creature but found it impervious to damage.   Meanwhile Arjhan’s Flametongue made short work of the undead villagers, the flame weather blade cutting them and burning whatever was left behind. The Dragon born then moved to help with wounded compatriot but by then Balor was struck another savage blow by the larger undead creature. An excellent shot from Dick landed an arrow into the thing’s head and it collapsed to the ground.
Not keen to see if the undead creature would rise again, the flames of Arjhan’s magical blade ate through the rest of its body.
Balor had collapsed by one of the pews and blood pooled around him. He rasped out for help and the cleric quickly knelt beside the dwarf. Gabriel uttered a hushed prayer as his fingers moved across the dwarf in divine patterns, but where healing light of Bahamut would usually appear, nothing occurred. The cleric shook his head at a loss.
The halfling meanwhile paced around the church interior and quickly found a decent sized hole in the pulpit floor.
The dwarfed grunted and stood up and they all moved down into the tunnel underneath the church. The tunnel was considerable, and after half an hour Balor shared his concerns regarding his health, noting he wouldn’t be able to help them with whatever lay ahead. The others decided to take Balor back to the surface and secured the hole by the pulpit, hoping nothing would break ouit again.   They spoke to Crenda’s mayor and promised to return. The major thanked them for their help – he didn’t have gold to pay them but instead gave them each a bottle of thake, the last of this year’s vintage. He explained that the longer the group waited to sell the thake, or the further from Crenda they travelled the more they could possibly sell it for. He also noted that at this stage. Crenda was without a healer, and as such the adventurers made their way back to Port Damali to help their dwarven friend.   As the band of adventurers pushed their carriage horses beyond their limits back to Port Damali, Gabriel checked Balors injury and found dark veins criss-crossing the skin from the place the monster had struck him.
It was the day after when they finally arrived at Port Damali, and Balor was fading in and out of consciousness. His dwarven stubbornness finally gave out as they pulled up in front of Bahamut’s temple where Gabriel and Arjhan called out for the Platinum Dragon’s aid to lift the curse upon Balor. The Platinum Priest came to them and performed a holy rite, and the dark lines of Balor’s wound’s faded. The priest sought no payment for the temple services, but noted he may seek their help at a later time, to which Gabriel and Arjhan had no issue with.
With Balor recovered, the adventurers took this opportunity to visit the Library of the Cobalt Soul to see if Ioun’’s followers had found anything out regarding the Cerebrus Assembly who held captive Karselle. Dick left them and tended to his own matters. He was startled by undead’s resilience to his arrows and found his worry of his own mortality growing after these events and being wounded recently by the troll under the bridge.   Dick made his way to Adventure MartTM and was again amazed by its size and range of weapons and other knick-knacks one would find helpful in danger he was increasingly finding himself in. he was directed by one of the store-persons to Artorius the Fletcher and Julie Whoosits, the potion mistress.
Finding Artorius, Dick immediately struck up a good rapport as he talked about hunting and the issues he was encountering with the living dead that seem to be everywhere. During the casual conversation, Dick’s keen eye sight spotted Artorius make a symbol on the counter. The halfling recognised the thieves cant signs taught to him by Kote and responded in kind, allowing him to receive a discount on some silvered arrows.
As a fellow adventurer back in his day, Artorius gave Dick a trial arrow, to be used to restrain a foe and asked him to feedback how it worked in the field.   Dick then moved on to speak to Julie Whoosits, a dwarf. Dick quickly indicated in thieves cant noting his Shadow Thieves patronage. Unfortunately the dwarven potion maker informed him healing potions were hard to come by given the current war. Dick’s obvious confusion about the war made Julie question who he was before Dick realised the war with the undead in Port Damali must be more serious than he realised. Unable to mark the cost of potions down too much due to their demand, Dick bought two potions of healing before moving on.   With his shopping expedition relatively successful, he set off to find the other adventurers. On his way, he noticed a poster stuck on the walls around the city, announcing the arrival of a circus in Port Damali. His interest was piqued - this would need looking into after the work in Crenda was completed.
Meanwhile, Balor, Arjhan and Gabriel had found their way back to the Cobalt Soul Library and asked to see the High Curator they had only spoken to some three days ago.
The High Curator and her helpers once again sat with the group in a private chamber.
She first provided Balor a selection of children’s books, myths and fairy tales regarding Darkfyre seeds. Supposedly a gift given to the dwarves by Moradin, a Darkfyre tree was capable of producing metals unknown of in the modern world. Myths claimed the metals were used to create powerful weapons in the calamity and were wielded by the greatest of warriors on both sides of the fight. If they were real and not a dwarven fairy tale, the finding of a Darkfyre seed could metalworking in the known world.
With more questions than answers, Balor showed the High Curator the symbols and map found on the bodies of the cultists from Crenda. The woman had a book bought out with the symbols and information of all the prime and betrayer gods, and explained one of the symbols belonged to Thazridun and the other to the lessor idol, Desirat. She was unsure why cults belonging to these two gods would be in contact but was sure it could only lead to trouble. In regards to the map, Balor was told the place he was looking for is where a swamp met a forest but was too detailed to work out where in the world it could be.   Finally, the group asked after the brand that were mysteriously growing on their arms. The High Curator bought out many old parchments and scripts and told them of a battle that occurred during the Calamity. The battles that occurred between the gods and their followers led to major imbalances in the world. The seven Sins and Virtues were bought to an imbalance and let loose across the world. The two sides of gods chose their avatars to go forth and tame the Sins bringing them under their control and back into balance. These avatars were said to have brands that moved when not in view and gave off a coloured glow when tamed. However there was no basis to any of this, except for the fact the band of adventurers here appeared to have brands of the same type.
As they were leaving the library, Arjhan wondered aloud if perhaps these weapons of divergence they had heard of were made from the metals of the Darkfyre trees.   Meeting up with Dick, the party went to get their reward for removing the creature under the bridge. Captain Drugard, the master of defense, thanked the party and offered the group fair payment if they would consider taking on more jobs to help the city. The Golden Chain mercenary group were the only group currently in the city to complete problematic jobs and their prices were becoming exorbitant and hoped by giving jobs to the party, the Golden Chain may bring their prices back to a fair level. The group said they would see what they could do, though Balor expressed concern that if the whole Golden Chain organisation could not complete the jobs, what would a party of five rag tag adventurers do. The Captain proffered the reward, but instead of the agreed twenty pieces, have two hundred. Dick nearly fainted at such a financial windfall.
The adventurers then made their way back to Crenda by hiring a coach. Without the monster by the bridge, they arrived without issue. Returning to the church, once more they descended into the tunnels underneath. They were unable to discern who or what exactly made them the tunnels but the system was substantial, with branching passages and the size of tunnels increasing the further they descended.
They then noticed that the flames of their torches didn’t seem to illuminate the tunnel in front of them, as if the light itself was swallowed by the damp darkness around them.
They emerged into a large, dark cavern. Arjhan, having cast Detect Undead, immediately sensed a ominous being in the darkness in front of them.
The group lit several torches and threw them into further into the cavern to try and light up the darkness. Dimly illuminated by the torches awaited them something that even to this day the adventurers struggle to describe. The undead mass could even raise horrific hands from the earth itself that grasped at the adventurers. The adventures ignored their rising terror and fought the thing in the dark. Arjhan’s Flame Tongue cut through the inky blackness, Dick’s arrow’s shot accurately, Balor’s great-axe and battle prowess cleaved the undead mass and Gabriel called upon his god’s power to vanquish the monster. The monster could not stand against the combined might and was bought down and burnt to naught but ash.
The adventurers congratulated each other on a good battle and continued to follow what seemed to be the largest tunnel. Seeing light ahead of them, they could even hear the chirps of birds and ultimately found their way outside and in a forest not far from Crenda. The group surmised that the vampires must have got the undead to dig under the town to enable them to surround the town during the Harvests Rise festival.   The band of adventurers returned to back to Crenda to deliver their findings to the mayor. The grateful mayor thanked them and assured them he would have the townspeople cover and destroy the tunnel exits. As repayment, the plump man offered them horses and equipment left behind after the battle of Crenda, which the party happily agreed to.
  18/06/2022, by Jono, Denis & Daniel    

9. Half-Forgotten Myths & Dragons

  From the journal of Gabriel.     Unndilar 21st to 23rd, 735PD
We have travelled back and forth along the Gilded Roadway, from Port Damali to Crenda, enough times this week that I fear that some may think us highway men!
We left Crenda, hopefully for the last time, and it seemed that its villagers were safe, at least for now.
Back at Port Damali, Arjhan and I sought further understanding regarding some new clues from the Platinum Priest and old tomes found in the temple.
From my prior visions and the clues, we believe that a violet dragon has some kind of connection to Karselle. This type of dragon was something of a myth and laughed at by some locals, but despite that Arjhan and I have an inkling that it is some kind of reclusive dragon that dwells underground. Given its possible connection to Karselle and its chromatic nature, it would be of evil nature and deserved Bahamut's ultimate judgement!
However without further information, at this stage all we could do is to keep an ear out for clues, for the Menagerie Coast was vast!   We also came to some conclusions regarding the strange, swirling arm brands that grew up from our wrists. They appeared to respond to our actions that reflected a sin or virtue. The Platinum Priest mentioned chosen champions form the times of the Calamity which represented balance of the virtues who had similar brands.   Regardless, despite our pure faith, I still had some reservations about the rest of our band of chosen warriors.
Balor made mention of Moradin, that traditional deity of dwarves, yet held little regard for his ancestral faith. Obviously he preferred the drink, as right now he drowned himself in ale in some hole of a tavern.
Dick was just as far from a faithful halfling and has started acting strange since he saw some silly circus poster the other day.
Meanwhile, the mumbling Suriel had disappeared altogether.
These gods that apparently held interest over my compatriots either worked in very strange ways or dare I say, cared little for Exandria. I need to find out more about these deities so I can understand how they will ultimately assist my Lord.
Patience seems to be my greatest challenge as seeing the falling grace of Exandria around me brings me great unrest. Here the undead brought by Karselle lurked somewhere in this city, yet it appeared little was being done by its so-called rulers - and this was paltry to the horror occuring in Tal-Dorei. My heart touched by divinity screams for action and justice!   Today, Arjhan and I also visited the local Adventure MartTM to purchase some supplies, where I managed to obtain a good map of the coast.
On it I found the location of Skrytown, a place mentioned in a receipt found in Karselle's dungeon. It was west of the Cyrious Mountains and I would try to make my way here when circumstances allowed, for I believe further clues to Karselle and her benefactor waited here.


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