
Mezro was a powerful city on the Peninsula of Chult that was one of two major centers of power on the subcontinent, until approximately a century ago when it mysteriously disappeared.   Mezro was populated by worshipers of Ubtao and was the chief rival of Omu for power over all of Chult. Mezro and Omu maintained a shaky peace until Mezro was betrayed by one of its sworn Paladin defenders by the name of Ras Nsi. This Paladin broke his oaths and fled to Omu where he raised an army of undead and Yuan-Ti that then marched on Mezro.   Mezro's defenses enlisted the help of a fledgling sea side settlement of Port Nyanzaru. Together they defeated the attack from Ras Nsi and Omu's forces. In retaliation for the unprovoked hostilities, Mezro then marched on Omu and destroyed the entire city, leaving nothing but burnt ruins.   Shortly after destroying their rival city of Omu, Mezro mysteriously disappeared with all of its buildings and residents. Many allies of Mezro from Port Nyanzaru were baffled when they returned to Mezro to find nothing but an empty field. To this day, guides from Port Nyanzaru can take anyone to the location of where Mezro use to be, but so far none have found any evidence the city ever existed or where it may have gone.   With Omu destroyed and Mezro vanished, Port Nyanzaru rose to power uncontested. It still remains the only populated settlement on all of Chult.


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