Red Bazaar

The Red Bazaar is a large open air market located in the Market ward of Port Nyanzaru, a city located on the Chultan coast.    The Red Bazaar  allegedly got it's name from the huge slabs of Dinosaur meat that are sold from butcher shops here. The resulting buckets of blood are often washed down the street gutters resulting in a permanent red stain in the market paths.    The Red Bazaar serves as the market of choice for daily needs in Port Nyanzaru. This would include food items, clothing, Tej and other useful household or traveling goods.    There are two inns located on opposite sides of the Red Bazaar. The first is an upscale establishment by the name of Kaya's House of Repose. The second place is The Thundering Lizard Inn, a more modest but well run place for travelers to stay.
Market square


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