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ElsIf's Awakening

While out on adventure, Trixie Receives A sending spell, from Kadrana,

The Emergence

Kadrana says in sending spell to Trixie, "Uhh, Trixie? the golem has ... woken up? It appears to be disassembling itself? you should come and check this out quick?"   Once the party makes it to Kadrana's workshop they see the Golem at the center, with Kadrana standing near the entrance, seemingly in shock.   The Golem, a large hulking construct, clad in steel and copper armor plating rimmed in golden metal inlaid with complex swirls, Black leather, Onyx and pipes stands in the middle of the workshop. as you and Kadrana look on, the golem continues to tear itself apart, focusing primarially on the chest. *Invite Aaron to continue the description*   *foster an RP between the party and Aaron's character*


3 Rust monsters appear in the junkyard-

Questions Abound

Elsif does not recall much of its history. and their history will be explored throughout the campaign.   What is their Proviance?
  • ElsIf does not recall anything other than the name of Doctor Zachariah Glass who had some connection to the "console connection"
    • Unbeknownst to ElsIf, Dr Zachariah Glass discovered a temple with the lifeless bodies of several modrons and a Marut. Not knowing what any of these creatures were aside from advanced automata, Dr Glass combined and modified these creatures to create the golem and it's control system, this combination of sentient capable bodies allowed elsif's conciousness to form as a gestalt, eventually becoming an induvidual and disctinct being
      • Memories Locked in "stasis"



Elsif They have just awoken from a long blade-runner esq. dream sequence, and emerged from the Golem.   Trixie The caretaker or "owner" of the Golem   Firhalak Nephele Orym


Kadrana Shipwright they activated a system on the golem that woke Elsif from their slumber


Doctor Zachariah Glass the only name that Elsif recalls, who are they, and what do they mean for elsif?


[XenoTermination] [Bralian Navy]


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