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The Tale of the Starlight Nebula

the Starlight Nebula is a cruise ship owned by the company Starlight Cruises which transits the Wildspace regions around the Rock of Braal . ferrying cargo, passengers and tourists along its route between each of the major settlements in the Greater nebula. you the player are for some reason on this ship, think about why you are here? are you a tourist seeing the sights of the Greater nebula or are you a trader hoping to sell your wares at Rock of Braal, a member of the crew, or even a stowaway?   now on its route towards the Rock of Braal, the Starlight Nebula has slowed unexpectedly within the shipping lanes, and suddenly an alarm rings out, what are your character's thoughts, and what do you do?
Important NPCs Captain Arnorr LunarLust   First Mate   Bosun Bill Hawthorn     Misc Crew: Tristan Chaucer Rainydayas Drake


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