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A bit too sweet for my tastes.
Honeytown is, in my opinion, one of the most criminally underrated places on Sol Meridia. Hell, in all of the New World even! I bet even you might not have heard of it before, so good thing you picked up this guide.   It is, as name implies, a town built around honey and related products such as mead and wax. And when I say "built around", I mean it quite literally. The whole town appears to consist of nothing but endless plants and beehieves, relatively few locals' houses and countless shops selling bee-themed products. And in a middle of it all stands the McBride Honey World, an enormous aviary offering luxurious rooms to hundreds of visitors at a time.

Industry & Trade

You have probably guessed already what the economy of Honeytown consists of. Honey products, am I right? That is only one part of it.   You see, bees require flowers and trees to pollinate. The more plants you have - the more bees your land can sustain as well. While most famous for its honey products Honeytown exports large amounts of agricultural produce, primarily fruit and light alcohol drinks.


The whole town was initially just a couple of farms, owned by a McBride family. Then-head of the family, Robert McBride, developed a fascination with bees. As it turned out the place had near ideal conditions for the bees, and Robert's fame grew with years, spreading across the island and beyond. Many new aviaries were started by both locals and expert beekeepers attracted by the rumours, and so Honeytown was born.


The biggest tourist attraction is undoubtfully the McBride Honey World, currently run by Robbie McBride. A very nice place, with a fully immersive program for their guests. In just a few days you get to learn all the basics about beekeeping and how bees benefit the land, try dozens of different types of honey and mead, spend time in the nature during the day and at a dinner table filled with all sorts of fresh produce in the evenings. There is no worry, no conflict at Honeytown. And the prices are not even that high!   Many visitors go after the local souveniers as well. Local craftsmen make elaborate glass bottles and jars in which to package their products; they make numerous small trinkets in the shapes of bees; they even make full-size bee costumes! Many of them routinely offer custom products, making them of any shape you could want - the McBride Honey World was made famous this year for its sale of Kraken-shaped glass bottles for honey. You might leave the place with empty pockets but not empty-handed or without a big smile on your face.
2537 people and 15601 beehives
Location under

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Cover image: WorldAnvilCover_Settlement by Vertixico


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Aug 11, 2024 01:47 by Joshua Stewart

What a pleasant sounding place, I would very much like to visit it if it were real haha. McBride Honey World seems very interesting, would love to hear more about that location specifically. I wonder if there was a reason for the selection of a Kraken for the shape of the glass bottles for their honey?

Aug 26, 2024 22:13

The town was actually created as part of a chill recovery session in a campaign I ran. Kraken shape was something one of the players requested upon being offered custom-made bottles for their honey, so I decided to commemorate the events in this article :)