Esther Ace

Esther Ace

Esther Jasmine Ace (a.k.a. The Hex)

Esther Ace, more commonly known as 'The Hex', is noteworthy as being the first well-known instance of a Human being afflicted by Transmorphification Syndrome and becoming Transformed. Although they have been feared due to their strength and tempermental behavior, they act as a protector and caretaker for various others whom have been Transformed, lending assistance to organizations such as ARC as an advisor.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

They've been described as a bit wide with a bit of a slender form to their appearance. Of course, this can vary depending on their mood thanks to their shapeshifting form.

Special abilities

Curse Casting

Perhaps the thing they're most known for is their ability to cast a curse upon individuals. Of course, if you asked them, the curses they can cast can be just as beneficial as they can be problematic for people. During excursions with others with Never Be Game Over, they have used these curses to be able to warp people's perception of reality, as well as render them blind and deaf, to make them less of a threat. At the same time, they've used their curses to help people medically-- such as cursing one such individual with being unable to eat anything past 9 PM to assist them with their medically-ordered diet.


Of course, if one was to manage to anger them enough or cause grevious harm to one of their patients, they will not hesitate to give people the worst kind've curses that are possible. One incident of such an act involved a doctor deliberately exposing patients to high levels of Mana to force them to undergo Transmorphification Syndrome. Their resposne to this was to curse the doctor to feel an immense weight crushing them anytime they were near any amount of mana. Due to the air being heavily intoxicated with Mana, this had resulted in the doctor becoming greviously injured.



Thanks to the heavy amount of Mana that distorted their form in the beginning of The Withering, they've gained the ability to shapeshfit. They can change the length and height of their body, the compensation of their slimey form, and the shape of their arms, among many other utilities and uses.


They're able to grow extra appendages if needed, which often helps them out when they're needing to take notes of multiple things at once, or hold many things all of once.



Owing to their heavy focus on medical practice before The Withering, Esther knows a great deal of Ceramist techniques to be able to modify and alter people's bodies. This has allowed for them to heal injuries that others have sustained, including broken bones and missing digits-- of which requires a lot of Mana on their part.

Apparel & Accessories

They will wear a pauldron over their shoulders and neck, with a long, purple cape coming down from all sides of it. Underneath that they wear a loose shirt and pants that are a size too big for them, a big belt holding the latter onto them. Adorned on top of their bandaged head is a wide brimmed witch hat.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Esther Ace was born in New York City on October 20th, 1997 to Angelica and Johnny Ace. They were always described by their parents as being softspoken and kind, but with a fierceness that would be hidden behind their words if prompted, not afraid to be blunt with someone if need be. They often wanted to help those around them, at the cost of their own mental health-- of which fueled their desire to become a doctor.


During High School, they would join a school-sponsored program that taught aspiring students how to become an Arcanist. Combining that with their studies upon the medical field, they would quickly advance in their education. Of course, at the end of their high school semester, they would get into trouble due to an accident whereupon they were blamed for a student having lost their hand. This affected their chances at getting into medical college for a while, until they were found by a recruiter from ARC.


They would spend the next several years of their life working at one of ARC's sponsored Medical Research Labs, learning about the various ways species from other realms lived and thrived. They would become known around the Lab as fiercely and stubbornly determined, often working themselves into exhaustion at the late hours of the night. Eventually, they would become enrolled at a local medical college in 2027, their path in life fully determined by this point.

The Withering

Much like everyone else on the planet, they would be caught off guard by The Withering. They were working with their superiors at ARC on a subject when The Withering began, a magnitude 8 earthquake having hit New York City.


Although the building was destroyed, they worked diligently to try and bring people to safety, even as heavy amounts of Mana began to rain down upon the landscape around them. It was by mere luck and chance that they got to safety when the first Purple Haze hit. During the time of everyone either rioting or hiding in bunkers for the first few days of The Withering, Esther would begin to experience the symptoms of Transmorphification. Their body began to shift and change, becoming a consistency akin to that of thick slime.


In the weeks afterward, Esther would begin to expel heavy amounts of Mana on a regular basis, which would require them to drink copious amounts of water to stay alive. Their face would shift between various, disturbing and unnatural forms, often terrifying those around their-- which had prompted them to cover their face up with bandages. Although this particular aspect of their transformation has worn off, they have kept their bandages as a way to keep their true appearance anonymized, to act as a blank slate as she assists those around them.


It was during this time that they began to exhibit a special affinity for Curses. Those around them would unwillingly fall prey to their curses due to them not having any way to properly control them, often resulting in people mindlessly obeying their every word, to lose the ability to speak, to go blind, and other such occurences. The frequency of this was enough that it would garner them the nickname of 'The Hex'. It was due to this that they would go into hiding on Fractus for a while, only returning three years later after gaining control over their abilities.


Since the early days, she has worked closely with ARC and NEVER BE GAME OVER to provide support to Transformed individuals both within the cities across North America.

Gender Identity

Even before their current transformation into what they are now, they would become acustomed to the idea of being nonbinary after meeting another understudy within ARC's labs whom identified as such. After their transformation, they would opt to have a female-leaning appearance while still remaining androgynous. Of course, there have been times where they'll take on a more masculine appearance if they feel like it.


They identify as Pansexual , attracted to anyone regardless of gender. That being said, they often prefer to keep any sexual activity on hold until after they've formed a healthy romantic relationship with their partner. In high school, they did have a fling with another student for a good while, but that ultimately didn't go anywhere.

Mental Trauma

The scars inflicted upon them on the first few months of The Withering has remained on them to this day, the sights of their coworkers and patients dying to the earthquakes and the purple hazes still appearing clear as day to them anytime they go to sleep. On especially bad nights where they are unable to sleep due to insomnia because of their nightmares, they will often be found listening to recordings of Sierra's magically enchanted music.

Personality Characteristics


The only thing that really motivates Esther Ace nowadays is the care of others who have been transformed, wishing to assist any old and new individuals who have become irreversibly transformed. To accomplish this, they help ARC with their research upon transformed people and helps devise ways to help people adjust. Alongside that, they work with Never Be Game Over to regularly make specialized deliveries between research locations.

Likes & Dislikes

Outside of the obvious of their interest in the medical field, they have a particular affinity for Sweets and Music. On their times off alone, they will help themselves to a bar of chocolate. The music they listen to with the music player they keep on their person at all times tends to be Progressive Rock, with her favorite bands being The Moody Blues and Rush.


Conversely, they have an aversion to anything sour, mostly due to how it affects her slime-like form and makes her feel exhausted.

Currently Listening To
Rush - 2112
Date of Birth
October 20th, 1997
New York City, New York
Red, wide
Dark blue, long and sleek
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
7'2'' | 218 cm
231lb | 105kg
Character Prototype

Appearance wise, they were inspired by Dracia from Kirby: Canvas Curse and Joshua Graham from Fallout: New Vegas.


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Jul 8, 2024 02:39 by jyliet of the house

What a cool character! I love the illustration. I think it's really interesting that she kept the bandages as a protective measure against the world's judgment.