Freddie Russo

CEO Freddie Davidson Russo, Mr. (a.k.a. Mister Bossman)

Freddie Russo was the last CEO of the Deepcore Foundation. Although he was not the cause of The Withering, Freddie had once received the brunt of the blame for it. Having acted as the CEO for the Deepcore Foundation since 1989, Freddie Russo effectively led the Deepcore Foundation into a new era that negatively affected the inhabitants of not just Earth, but of the other realms as well.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As a result of his head being transferred onto the body of a SYNTH frame, he had been given a large amount of physical strength, which allowed for him to easily lift up objects and people up to 200 Pounds | 90 kg. His cybernetic body kept him energized at all times save for when he went to sleep, and as a result, he only ever displayed exhaustion when he had been active for a period estimated to be anywhere from three days to a week.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Freddie. D. Russo was born on November 15th, 1957; living with his mother, father, and brother in the town of Chelburg. From the onset, he was a determined child, quickly learning about the history of the Deepcore Foundation and being told how the work the Deepcore Foundation was the most important thing in the entire world. During his youth, he would hear stories and tales of the other realms, of the delights and joys that are held in them. He would hear about how much more there was in these other realms than there was on Earth, and he quickly began to want what was in those realms. His father would give him just about anything he required from the realms.


During his teenage years, he would experience the power of Mana firsthand, joining up with a club in his private school that experimented and played around with Mana in a safe, controlled enviroment. However, when he realized the strength that Mana could give him, he quickly began to use more and more of it in his day-to-day life, growing stronger and stronger. That lust for power remained within his heart as he graduated, and as he began to enter the family business of the Deepcore Foundation, he quickly began to use that power to further research into magic.


He would learn about the tales of the Stars, about how they always prayed and hoped for a realm united together. To Freddie, the Stars and their ancestors, the Nephilim, were a perfect example of strength being used to change the entire world. He desired that same strength. He craved it. He desired to call himself The King Of The World.


The "King Of The World".

Freddie Russo at AEROCELL Conference 2021

His life would be perfect, yet he would always eye the position of CEO with hunger, feeling as though his father was not making ample use of the resources that the Deepcore Foundation had, taking his slow and steady pace with everything rather than jumping at every opportunity. Politicians on their bankroll. Funding reaching up into the billions of dollars. Enough personel to do anything they want. He eyed all of this, and he desired it for himself.


Then, in 1989; when he was 32 years old, the first Vault was discovered. The other realms were now much closer than anyone was ever prepared for, and not only that, people could access them with relative ease thanks to the nature of these Vaults.


Blind with ambition, Freddie decided that he would speed up the process of uniting the realms, fearing that his father would take forever to properly bring them all together. And thus, one cold winter night, his father was found dead. Although none had knew it at the time, Freddie had hired an assassain to eliminate his father, making sure it was untracable. Soon after, Freddie would take leadership of the Deepcore Foundation, and he would begin to spread it's influence as quickly as possible.


He would hire hundreds of scientists to stick into the dozens of research projects that were being created on the fly. He created Deepcore's Private Military Company for enforcing order in areas owned by them. Construction of new towns, mining locations, stations, and warehouses were done all across the United States, before eventually spreading out to across the world. He created TOWER after the discovery of Sheol, intending to harvest the magic from the realm for the benefit of Earth. Because of him, Realm Travel became standardized, allowing for anyone to easily travel from one realm to the other in these Vaults.


Of course, this came with making various cuts to things monetarily wise. Alongside that, the massive amount of growth spread the Deepcore Foundation thin in a lot of areas. Making things quicker and cheaper came at a moral and ethical price, a price that Freddie did not bother concerning himself with if it meant that he could control everything.


Downward Spiral

To say the events that would transpire as a result of Freddie's ambition were a disaster would be an understatement.


TOWER fell due to an unmitigated disaster born from rushed deadlines and a lack of safety measures, resulting in the Red Skies Incident. Efforts to spread their influence into Terra Eclipsis and The Sands resulted in a protracted war & hundreds of casualties in the former, and the collapse of infrastructure & death of a mayoral candidate in the latter. Of course, there was also the heavy famines that tore through South America for years, resulting in the deaths of millions.


All of this resulted in a lot of negative heat being put upon the Deepcore Foundation, yet as far as Freddie was concerned, this didn't matter since he was still going to be in control of the world at the rate things were going. Then, The Withering happened, and all of that didn't matter anymore.


The Deepcore Foundation would immediately become targeted by all those around the world, with blame quickly being pointed towards them after DVNO released a hit piece the instant the internet came back, painting them as the reason for the devastation that was occuring. The irony of this is that the Deepcore Foundation was mining near the Verdefort Crater where The Withering occured, but they were not close enough to even have a direct involvement with it's detonation.


Being blamed for something that, for one, was not their fault, the Deepcore Foundation HQ was met with a chaotic riot composed of inhabitants from different walks of life, different species all united under one banner against the Deepcore Foundation.


This riot ended when Freddie D. Russo was found dead on the rooftop of the HQ shortly before the entire building burned down; having been decapitated by an unknown assailant. Although the killer has not been identified, there has been a lack of interest in finding out who had done it in the post-Withering world. As far as the world is concerned, Freddie D. Russo deserves to be forgotten, all of his dreams left to rot.


Freddie Russo was taught at a private school owned by his father, Jeffery Russo. He was taught early on about the importance of maintaining a smile in business, keeping your cool, and to always be sharp as a knife when it comes to discussions. He quickly learned a lot in the aspects of business and decision making thanks to his father.


He worked underneath his father as part of the Board Of Executives, specifically managing and overseeing the Magic Industry. However, after his rise to power with the untimely death of his father, Freddie Russo quickly took power and began to manage many aspects of the Deepcore Foundation, handpicking the new Board of Executives to work underneath him.

Morality & Philosophy

Although he will often claim that he does things for the greater good of Humanity, in reality, all of his actions were paved by an innate need to be the strongest person in the world. It is what fueled his desire to create the perfect SYnthetic New Technological Human Frame for himself. It's what led to him assassinating his own father, and for him to try and spread the Deepcore Foundation's influence across all of the realms. He surrounded himself with all of the money, women, and yes-men he can get his hands on, if it meant that he'd have absolute control over everything. A desire that ultimately paved the way to his death.

Wealth & Financial state

At one point, he was once the richest man in the world. He owned three private islands, his own jet, and hundreds of properties around the world, including those in locations such as Chelburg, America; Canada; and Europe. At one point, he owned a mansion within Britain, paid for with a mere $2,000,000.


He has since lost all of this on account of being dead.


Current Status
1957 2028 71 years old
Dark blue
Blonde, well-combed and short.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
7'2'' | 218cm
162 lbs | 73.5
Aligned Organization
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Sep 4, 2024 16:39 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

'He has since lost all of this on account of being dead.' I don't know why, but this startled a chuckle out of me.   What an interesting character, going so far as to have his own father murdered to gain power. I wonder how much he believed he was doing things for the greater good of humanity, and how much he knew that was just a cover for becoming the strongest person in the world.

Sep 4, 2024 17:05 by BUGHOLDERS EPIPHANY

I like to think he equated the idea as the same. To him, it was just natural.