
Having existed since ancient times, Humanity is considered to be the origin point for not just Earth, but for the other Realms. Although their appearance would be considered plain by the other sentient species throughout the Realms, and their magicial abilitiy would be considered rather lackluster, humans have been capable of various feats and wonders; surviving the impossible.

From the dawn of humanity, to the onset of The Bloom, to the aftermath of The Withering, humanity shows great ingenuity and unity in spite of it all. No longer united under world governments, large groups of humans work to survive the new world, either alone, or united with those from other realms.

Basic Information


Humans are bipedal in nature, with variations commonly found in the length of their arms and legs, the shapes of their heads, their body-mass and form. Alongside that, humans consistently have two arms, both of them ending with hands that have five fingers.

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans typically reproduce via mating with one of the opposite biological sex, with the female becoming pregnant afterward. Due to the universal nature of a human, they're compatible with a majority of the different human-desendent species throughout the realms, including Nymphs, Vampires, and Elves.


Typical pregnancies will last around 280 Days, though this period of time has been known to take longer or shorter depending on various conditions, including that of the baby's. The baby will have traits akin to a mix of both the biological male and female, though any non-human traits such as those of Vampires or Nymphs will take dominance over standard human forms.

Growth Rate & Stages

There are five stages to a human's growth. Provided it survives it's first years, a Human will go through the following stages:

  • Infancy - The first year of a human's life. At this point, they don't have a conscious idea of what the world is.
  • Toddler - 1-3 years old, they'll slowly gain consciousness and a concept of self, learning how to speak from the sources around them.
  • Childhood - 3-11 years old, a human's childhood is considered to be their most important stage of growth, learning the skills and morals they need, and becoming familiar with various aspects of life. Due to the state of the world at present, sadly, a higher percentage of Children born after The Withering have experienced various struggles that have effected them mentally in their later years of life
  • Teenager - 12-18 years old, a human's teenage years are equal in importantance to their childhood years, as they'll begin to grow and change rapidly throughout these years. They'll begin to form deeper attachments with other humans at this point, growing connected in some aspects and distant in others. At this point, any mental issues or struggles from their childhood will begin to manifest in this stage of their life.
  • Adulthood - 18 Years and beyond. Although the human body will continue to grow until they are around 22 years old, this is the point in which the body is fully developed for a human. As of present, the life expectancy of a human has been difficult to determine due to the everchanging, unyielding nature of the world around them.

Dietary Needs and Habits

A human will often rely on the consumption of water and food products made of meat or plant-life to survive. They are omnivores by nature, often raising livestock and growing farms to produce enough of these foods to survive.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

The average human will have a standard level of intelligence in regards to knowledge of a general field of subjects including math, geography, language, and arts. This level of intelligence grows throughout a human's lifespan as they approach adulthood. Some humans have a higher capacity to be able to learn more efficently or quicker than other humans, which would give them a higher level of intelligence in the fields of science.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans have six known senses, five of which are the most common ones that humans will use throughout their entire life-span. As for this sixth sense, it depends on the human's capability for Mana, of which a majority of them would have to spend time training to be able to make use of.


Our visual connection to the world. After The Withering, some humans have begun to perceive colors differently than others, with 5% being able to perceive infrared and ultraviolet light, 1% being able to perceive the color Devoidia.


Our auditorial connection to the world. Allows for auditorial processing of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. Humans are suseptible to certain sounds and sensations heard when magic is used alongside them, which can affect them mentally.


Our physical touch to the world. Humans can experience all sorts of sensations when dragging their hand across something. Certain physical sensations may feel off or unsettling to a percentage of humans. A rare condition has affected 2% of Humanity where they can feel the air around them consciously.


Our Olfactorial connection to the world. Typically used to warn humans of danger or of being in an area that is not particularly wonderful to be in. Third most-likely to be tricked, below Sight and Hearing.


Our oral connection to the things we eat and drink. Often used as a warning mechanism for letting us know if a human is about to eat something poisonious. Less than 1% of the population has lost this sensation.

Magical Ability

Although there have been eons of history showing that humans are capable of magic, it's typically select individuals that were capable of great feats such as traversing atop of water, flight, and summoning elements around them. Since The Bloom, however, the number of humans that have become capable of magic has grown tremendously. Speculation is that humanity was always capable of using magic, but at an unknown point in Earth's history, humanity had willingly locked it's magical capabilities away.


To make up for the lack of magical ability, humans were said to have relied on their very own native strength and pure resolve in order to pull impossible feats-- with extraordinary cases in the past being the result of that.


Due to a lack of experience by some humans and the risks posed by unprepared usage of Mana, they will commonly fall ill if they are not properly trained in it's usage. Likewise, humans that are overexposed to Mana without proper preparation will often undergo changes in physical appearance, becoming Transformed.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Once, there were various large world governments that people had lived underneath. The United States, Russia, Japan, Europe. Alongside that, there was a vast Megacorporation that was known as The Deepcore Foundation that had it's grip upon the entire world. That was before The Withering occured.


Nowadays, these governments and groups had been replaced by various smaller groups and governments that no longer hold the same reach as they did in years past. The Deepcore Foundation in particular, once a leading manufacturer of just about everything from mining equipment and weaponry to technology and agriculture, had collapsed due to being unable to survive the blame placed upon them, the internal strife that occured within, and the general disaster that had occured thanks to The Withering.


Gender Ideals

Although there had been a purvasive attempt as defining gender as solely that of what humans are born with, througout human history-- and especially in the present day, humans have identified themselves with genders beyond that of what they are born with. Humans have commonly adopted the opposite gender (transgender ), neither gender (nonbinary or agender or otherwise), both genders (bigender ), or something completely formulated for the individual entirely.


In recent times, due to the extraordinary state of the world, people whom identify as queer will oftentimes live in communities alongside their fellows, especially in the digital space. There are select, small groups from other realms (such as Marbacubation from Sheol or The Wicken Gathering from Terra Eclipsis) that will oftentimes assist individuals with transitioning, if needed. However, a majority of these queer individuals will not trust the governments of Earth for assistance, as they have been felled by their systems too much to trust them.

Relationship Ideals

Humans will typically fall into a mix of a romantic and sexual relationships with those of the opposite gender, of the same gender, or occasionally, of those from different humanoid species such as Vampires or Nymphs. Sometimes, humans will enter into relationships with more than one person, partaking in polygamy. Humans will often develop interest in the same gender , two genders (Bisexual ), multiple genders (Pansexual ), or none (Asexual ).


Oftentimes, there will be humans that are into romantic relationships, but nothing sexual. Conversely, you'll have humans that do not seek romantic relationships, but sexual relationships. Yet others may consider relationships above that of typical friendships yet just beneath that of romantic, with particular queer folk coining the term 'Queer-Platonic'.


Humans will often seek marriage with their partner, a tradition that is as old as time. However, in recent times, especially after The Withering, humans have opted to forego marriages, finding the practice outdated.

Common Names
Skins, Tall People, Magicless-Bastards, Parasites
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo sapiens
60 - 110 Years
Average Height
5'5"- 5'11" / 165.1cm - 180.34cm
Average Weight
133 lb - 185 lb / 60 kg - 84 kg
Average Physique
On average, people will have a faint bit of muscle, maybe a few pounds over what would be considered overweight.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities
Population Count
Earth: 3,009,762,652
Terra Eclipsis: 5,052,312
The Sands: 2,041,241
Land Of Nod: 411,105
Fractus: 104,155

Articles under Humanity


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