The KILLERS were once a highly feared unit within the Deepcore Foundation's PMC Military Group. Nowadays, they're something much worse. They've become a part of the terrorist group Tower Of Babel, serving as their most fiered enforcers, protecting the higher-ranked members of the Tower Of Babel & locations that are of interest to them. Hailing from different areas and parts of life, the KILLERS are a force to be reckoned with, from their vast knowledge of machinery and magic to their lethal, powerful skillsets.



The KILLERS are composed of 200 soldiers strong, black-ops specialists whom have seen all manner of war and conflict, and have been trained to the point of exhaustion day in and day out. Of particular note within the KILLERS, however, are the five Captains:




Perimeter, also known as 'The Dead Man's Gun', is an Artificial Intelligence created by Charon Romero to act as a servant to his will and the will of the Deepcore Foundation. After the fall of the Deepcore Foundation, she has taken charge as the leader of the KILLERs Squad, determining the most efficient plans of attack and hacking into any piece of machinery with relative ease.

Major Tom


Major Tom once served as an astronaut for the United States Government, having been injured tremendously as a result of his space shuttle disassembling as in flight a result of The Withering. Although he survived, he was scarred for life, mentally and physically. Yet, his military knowledge and strategizing, as well as his latent effects on gravity and space, has made him an important member of the KILLERS.

Opal Rosemary


Opal Rosemary might've been human once. Having wandered around Strakh since her youth, Opal Rosemary is a vicious woman, warped by the chaotic energies of the realm, yet she has retained an elegance and beauty unmatched by all. With her sais and her agile nature, she often uses her beauty and weaponry as a means to distract and disorient people before finally managing to make the killing blow.




Kasabian was once a member of the outlaw gang The Highwaymen from The Sands, having acted as an enforcer of it's leader. After being exiled from The Sands before The Withering, Kasabian was found by Charon Romero and recruited into the KILLERS. Skilled with guns and honing a strange, electrical magic, Kasabian is often at the frontlines, killing with no remorse.

Hazel De Ven


Once upon a time, there was an Elf that had lost her home and everything important to her. She was all alone, until she was found by the second-in-command of the Tower Of Babel, Iris Nox. Now, she serves with undying loyalty to the Tower Of Babel, to Iris, a powerful mage that exists everywhere and nowhere, warping the world and minds with her magic.


The equipment a soldier within the KILLERS squad is composed of the following items:

  • Helmet
  • Emergency Aid Kit
  • Two Flashlights
  • Three Flares
  • Multipurpose Mask
  • Water
  • Edenite
  • Reinforced Manasteel Body Armor
  • K&M M17S Assault Rifle
  • Kalashnikov PLK Semi-automatic Pistol
  • Combat Knife
  • All-terrain Combat Boots

Covert Ops
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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Aug 4, 2024 06:05 by Marjorie Ariel

Sounds like a well-rounded group. I love the artwork.