The Nightmare King

The Nightmare King is a long feared darkness that feasts upon realms. More commonly known as The King Whom Must Not Be Named, The Nightmare King is spoken of in hushed whispers across the realm, the mere utterance of it's name said to have been enough to bring it's attention towards you.


The Nightmare King absorbs all life it comes across in realms. It comes in moments of a lack of Resolve in a living thing, clouding their mind. It becomes them, taking over their existence and turning them into more of The Nightmare King. It exists as a pure force of chaos and darkness, endlessly reflecting darkness over and over again.


The very presense of The Nightmare King distorts and
all around it. logic falls apart with continued exposure due to it's sheer scale.
Attempts at understanding The Nightmare King only result in the formation of a false mind that the individual's mind attempts to make logic out of, a process which results in everyone having a different idea of what The Nightmare King is.


At the end, though, The Nightmare King is one simple thing: A mindless entity that only desires to spread, with no comprehensible thought or ideal as to anything else. All it can properly process is that it wishes to hunger, and that it will use any way it can to get into the realms to spread it's influence and to, eventually, tear a hole into the realm and begin feasting upon it.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The common marking for the presense of The Nightmare King is that of chains. The dark chains that weigh down on one's mind as it's presense takes over, from the loss of Resolve in one's soul. Without life, there is only darkness.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Nightmare King
has found plenty
of ways to enter
The Realms.

It knows
all of the ways
onto Earth
all of the ways
onto Terra
all of the ways
onto Strakh
all of the ways
onto Sands
all of the ways
onto sheol

It becomes you it becomes the realms it becomes earth it becomes terra it strakh it becomes sands it becomes sheol It becomes you it becomes the realms it becomes earth it becomes terra it strakh it becomes sands it becomes sheol It becomes you it becomes the realms it becomes earth it becomes terra it strakh it becomes sands it becomes sheol It becomes you it becomes the realms it becomes earth it becomes terra it strakh it becomes sands it becomes sheol It becomes you it becomes the realms it becomes earth it becomes terra it strakh it becomes sands it becomes sheol
  It sits on the back of all of the realms, watching from the shoulders of everything. The Nightmare King is everywhere outside of the realm, and when it gains a way inside, it becomes whatever it finds. It becomes you.
The Nightmare King has existed since before any realm ever formed. It languished in the void between realms for eons, in slumber, until suddenly, everything existed. Hundreds upon hundreds of realms had formed into existence. It awoke the Nightmare King, and it's first thought was hunger.   It began to spread, entering realms and quickly driving the inhabitants mad before devouring the realms whole, countless worlds and stars being destroyed as a result. This would continue for a long, long time, even to the present.   Of the realms it desires to get into to feed on, however, are those with high amounts of Resolve within them, as they hold the most amount of energy for it feed off of. Conversely, however, the sheer strength and light of Resolve make this a difficult task for the entity. Resolve is the purest form of life out there, coming from nothing and acting as a shining light in the darkness, making the impossible happen-- a force that is the direct opposite of that of The Nightmare King.   It's because of this, that The Nightmare King acts via slowly spreading it's influence across the realms with pinholes.   It finds the weakest links in a realm, and looks for any way it can get inside the realm from that point. From that point, it becomes whatever it finds.
The only thing truly keeping it from accessing the realms is the sheer force of Resolve that has been on display throughout all of them. This came about after the 10,000 Days, where despite The Nightmare King being a major presense during it in an attempt at entering the realms, the Nephilim of the era managed to trap it outside of the realms, at the cost of their god.   In the post-Withering world, however, the threat of The Nightmare King finding its way into the realm has become a major risk, due to all of the chaotic magic in the air and the loss of Resolve. Many occult groups work to prevent The Nightmare King from intruding upon the realms, acting behind the scenes of others to assist them. This includes working with FENRIR and ARC.   For unknown reasons, The Tower Of Babel wishes to use The Nightmare King to bring the realms to a new age, destroying all that remains of the old order and the corruption that has spread into post-Withering world.
The only thing truly keeping it from accessing the realms is the sheer force of Resolve that has been on display throughout all of them. This came about after the 10,000 Days, where despite The Nightmare King being a major presense during it in an attempt at entering the realms, the Nephilim of the era managed to trap it outside of the realms, at the cost of their god.   In the post-Withering world, however, the threat of The Nightmare King finding its way into the realm has become a major risk, due to all of the chaotic magic in the air and the loss of Resolve. Many occult groups work to prevent The Nightmare King from intruding upon the realms, acting behind the scenes of others to assist them. This includes working with FENRIR and ARC.   For unknown reasons, The Tower Of Babel wishes to use The Nightmare King to bring the realms to a new age, destroying all that remains of the old order and the corruption that has spread into post-Withering world.
Divine Classification
Current Status
Looking for pinholes into the realms.
Current Location


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Jul 21, 2024 22:42 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really appreciate that all of the information that is hard to read is just copied from the main body of the article. Really effective CSS shenanigans here.   I hope the Nightmare King stays where he is.

Aug 21, 2024 17:22 by Stormbril

Well this is just a fantastically horrific and fun article >:D I love the CSS trickery going on here to really set the mood for a terrifying character. Although some parts may be slightly overdone, as they're a bit hard to read -- or like the background text box under Personal History, entirely unable to be read as it's underneath the other box D: But, if that's intended, it does absolutely set a mysterious and uncomfortable mood. Which, of course, is double set through the writing itself. There's something always fantastic about a dark evil force that slowly works to corrupt and worm its way into the weak parts of an otherwise good world.   I'm adding this to my reading challenge as well!

Aug 21, 2024 21:17 by BUGHOLDERS EPIPHANY

I'm glad you enjoyed it :D I'll admit the CSS at the top of the page is a bit harder to read than i intended, what with it being squished. As for the background text box in personal history, that is intentional! It doesn't have anything important on there, but it exists to show an example of the weird distortions The Nightmare King brings about and help set the mood. :)




Aug 21, 2024 21:24 by Stormbril

OHHHHHHHHHH okay that makes sense! I think I must have not looked close enough to realize that it was more creepy nightmare distortion text -- but again I have to say how much I love the mood set by all this :D

Aug 22, 2024 19:56 by Alan Byers

So evocative! Your creativity continues to astound me, O holder of bugs!

Aug 23, 2024 17:41 by BUGHOLDERS EPIPHANY

Haha, thank you! :D




Sep 1, 2024 02:43 by Ivory Garcia

Wow! What a cool way of presenting the article, glad I wasn't reading this with a glass of wine in hand. Favourite line: "It sits on the back of all of the realms, watching from the shoulders of everything." VERY creepy.