The Tale Of The White Regency

The White Regency are said to be a underground order that worked behind the scenes in governmental and religious affairs. Allegedly, they had led the world on the path it took to the modern day before The Withering, subtly trying to bring the world to a new age of magic. Although it's been widely debated for a large number of reasons, people have believed in The White Regency even after the entire world was overrun with disaster following The Withering.


As the story goes, The White Regency was founded in the 1700s in response to ancient discoveries regarding the Stars and their precursors, the Nephilim. The founders of The White Regency were enamoured by the tales and stories of the old world of magic, of people that could shape their bodies into any form they could take, of people that could fly across the entire continent, and of a massive city that spanned half of the globe. Wishing to bring this world back, The White Regency was formed, originiating in what was once Germany.


They would act behind the scenes, funding various governmental and religious figures into pushing policies and ideals that would've allowed for the profileration of Magic. They would spread across the globe, more people joining them, yet keeping a low profile the entire time as to prevent attention being drawn to them, due to being denounced by various other groups at the time as madmen.


When The Bloom occured, The White Regency quickly pounced on the opportunities brought about as a result of magic returning to the world. They gave various governmental groups access to the large depositis of Mana that have formed around the world and would give massive amounts of money to those who would further the spread of magic.


Although rumored to have disbanded after the end of World War II, some have suggested that The White Regency lived on, even after The Withering. It's said that the highest ranking members have retreated to the other realms, staying there for their own safety, and slowly amassing members to bring back onto Earth to try and restore everything back to normal.

Historical Basis

Details of The White Regency are spotty, as although documentation does exist showing individuals' membership status towards The White Regency, they're often discovered to be forgeries shortly afterward. The only substantial proof out there of their supposed existence is those who were said to be members of it, including Richelle Rivers-- as throughout Richelle's Grotto, the markings of The White Regency's symbol can be found throughout it, as well as a written account by her detailing instructions that had been given to the other members of The White Regency.


Alongside this, however, it's said that the founder of ARC, Ishmael, had gotten his funding for it partly through the assistance of both the gold he had been given from Richelle Rivers, and from the other members of The White Regency. Folks have asked him countless times for the truth, though he's refused every time.

Supposed symbol of The White Regency.
Rumored Members
Richelle Rivers
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Aug 9, 2024 14:53

It's a dark organization that is still somehow light. Interesting stuff!