Great Wyrms

There exist draconic powers in Chromatia whose control over natural forces and the material world are paralleled only by divine powers - the Great Wyrms. The Great Wyrms are each the pinnacle of their respective lineages, and in some cases viewed as the individual talons of their associated ancestors - to the Metallics, there is Bahamut, and to the Chromatics, there is Tiamat.  


Each of the Great Wyrms claims a vast swathe of the world as their own personal territory. People know of them, know of their broods, but many will go their entire lives without ever seeing one of the greats with their own eyes. To bear witness to a Great Wyrm's passage is said to be a great omen, though whether that omen is a blessing or a curse often sways depending on which wyrm was witnessed ...  

Elegy of the Old World

There is a story passed down among dragonkind. A legend, if you will, that tells of a third possible progenitor, a dragon none have ever seen nor known. The Dragon Riders believe it to be based in fact, given the existence of jeweled dragonborn, but in the absence of any true gem dragons, most consider the story as just that.    In any case, it is commonly referred to as the Elegy of the Old World.  

Rage of Dragons

Many centuries ago, Chromatic dragons led by Hyltades launched a Rage of Dragons, a violent war against the world with intent to take control and establish themselves as dominion authority over the world. It was only through the combined efforts of the Metallic dragons and the newly founded Dragon Knights that the war was ended, forcing the Chromatic dragons to find an accord with society or face extinction and, coincidentally, laying the foundations for the world's Golden Era.   The wounds of this war still linger on the minds of many Chromatics who have survived since, especially the Greats. When Hyltades - thought to have been defeated at the height of the Rage - returned, many have used their prior loss as justification to come out of hiding and join Hyltades once more in his assault on the world.  

Turning of the Great Cycle

Last is the revitalization of draconic society, and its grounding in faith towards the mighty dragon gods, Bahamut and Tiamat. This concept is commonly referred to among their kind as the Turning of the Great Cycle, a tumultuous event that occurs only once every several centuries when dragons believe their livelihood is threatened by outside forces, and must rise from their perches, their barrows, and their eyries as one force, an unbridled storm capable of cleansing the world. Tyldriss the Noble has declared a new turning during the current era, and works diligently to help unite dragons against the traitorous Hyltades and the forces the Unclean One has wrought unto the world.

Articles under Great Wyrms