
In the world of Chromatia, memories and experience are a unique kind of power in their own right. They represent our character's influence and strength in a variety of ways, from complex combat maneuvers to navigating social challenges.   With the arrival of Resonance, those with the ability to manipulate experience have found ways to draw it out from those who have reached their limits, permitting them to start fresh - for better or worse.   Within the guild, Rhystel of the Scrollbinders oversees the ritual. There are a few other unnamed individuals in the world that may assist with the process, and some have even reported strange or exceedingly rare instances where the effect occurs naturally, but most who seek out the ritual go through Rhystel. The stress of the ritual is so great that anyone short of a Platinum guildsman (level 20) is disbarred from participating. The specifics of the ritual's effects vary from one individual to the next. Some simply forget the previous experiences. Others remember them fondly, though at a distance. For all intents-and-purposes, it is not much different from starting a new life.   If you choose to undergo the ritual, choose to return either to Level 3 (Emerald Restart) or Level 8 (Ruby Restart) and note your choice your character sheet thread. The following then happens:  
  • If you chose a Ruby Restart, gain one (1) Pure Chromatite and add it to your inventory. If you chose the Emerald Restart, you instead gain two (2) Pute Chromatite. Alternatively, you may choose to replace one of your Pure Chromatite rewards with a Ruby Tear with properties based on your character, lifestyle, and memories. 
  • You retain any blessings you previously obtained.
  • You retain your Pillar of Ascension features, including any legendary saves or domain spells you previously obtained. The next time you reach level 20, you may gain an additional legendary save or domain spell, up to a maximum of three (3) each.
  • When you next reach level 20, you may continue to accrue boons at the normal post-20 milestones. However, you cannot ever obtain more than 10 boons.
  • Unless you are a Rider of the Apocalypse, you may optionally choose to retain your Greater Path choice. There are no negative consequences if you choose to relinquish your Path, and you will be refunded any Pure Chromatite invested in your Path Echo if you choose to relinquish it this way.