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Hendrix Gunthfelled

Sir Hendrix unknown Gunthfelled

"I fight much more than for myself, I fight for more than the empire, I fight for honor itself." -Hendrix Gunthfelled
  Hendrix Gunthfelled (born Filbur Gunthfelled) is a knight in the knight house of Belevond. He believes in the core principles of the knight houses, and lives to uphold honor across Roscrea, as well as serve his emperor.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Born of a wealthy noble family in the upper districts of Roncria, Hendrix always had a good and cushioned childhood. Rarely being faced with danger, he was a soft, and fat child, until one day, he wandered outside of city bounds into a forest, and was attacked by The Bloodsworne. He was rescued, only by his father, who was very angry at him. Hendrix swore that day, that he would be stronger, and rely on nobody to save him from a fight. Hendrix began training, and learning how to use various weapons, including a sword, shield, bow, staff, and especially war hammers.  

Misbegotten Love

During his teen years, Hendrix began to fall in love with a woman that would occasionally run down to their local market, and buy supplies for the family she served. Hendrix would always go down to the market to watch her shop, until one day, he saw elves robbing her for her groceries. Hendrix stepped in to intervene but was overpowered by the thugs after a worthy fight. Still, however, the woman was thankful for the attempted rescue and introduced herself as Maribelle. Hendrix's and Maribelle's relationship would continue to grow and flourish after that day, as both of them saw each other whenever their responsibilities would allow them.   Hendrix's parents, however, disapproved of the relationship and would warn him that if he was to ever marry Maribelle, he would be disowned by them. Life continued for years, until one day, Hendrix's father was found guilty of smuggling and illegal possession. His mother hung herself, to spare her from the embarrassment, and Hendrix was free to marry Maribelle at the age of twenty-five.   Hendrix's father was found to be smuggling illegal supplies and weapons, including, people to a local bandit tribe in the area, known as the bloodsworne. He was found out when Hendrix's uncle discovered shipment papers to conclude the deals he was making. Hendrix's uncle called together the local ruling elite, including the emperor and Hendrix's father, disguising it as a business talk. Instead, Hendrix's uncle exposed the smuggling Hendrix's father had been doing. Hendrix's father was outraged and stabbed Hendrix's uncle on stage, and tried to escape the scene. He was caught by the citadel guard and was put on trial for smuggling to the bloodsworne. He was found guilty and sent away to the Island of the Ashamed. Hendrix's mother then killed herself to the disgrace and heartbreak of losing her husband and father. It was later revealed to Hendrix that his father had paid the bloodsworne to fake kidnap him when he was a child so that his father could scare him into staying indoors more.   Hendrix was later ostracized by his fellow peers and all around him. His family name was smeared in the mud and made to be a joke in not only Roncria but all of Roscrea. One day, when he and Maribelle were walking down a path, they were being made fun of by people because of his family name. They began to push the two around, and one of them pulled down Marribelle's dress. Hendrix, enraged by this, went into a rage-induced furry and began to beat the man on the floor. People gather around the scene and see Hendrix beating on the elf, and think that he is beating on the elf because he is racist. The mob burns down his manner and his dog dies. Hendrix and Maribelle decide to begin preparations to leave Roncria.   Hendrix and Maribelle began to pack their belongings and gather their savings to leave Roncria, and one night, they began to depart with their wagon full of supplies under the cover of darkness. However, as they passed the elven embassy, they saw that it was alight with fire, and screams were coming from inside the building. Maribelle convince a reluctant Hendrix to go into the building and save who he could from the flames. Hendrix rushed into the building and helped save countless elves from being engulfed in flames, but when he came back outside, Maribelle had also gone inside to help survivors escaped. Hendrix entered the building once more to find his beloved. Hendrix eventually found her trapped beneath rubble. But as Hendrix tried to help her from the rubble, the elven captain that was in charge of the elven embassy saw Hendrix there, and mistook him for being the cause of the fire. He attacked Hendrix, which kept him from saving his Maribelle. Hendrix eventually won the duel, sending the captain into the flames, but when he went to return to Maribelle, she was severely wounded. Hendrix injured his right arm, burning it severely while digging her out of the burning rubble. taking her out of the burning embassy, Maribelle died in his arms under rain clouds. A small funeral was held in Roncria for Maribelle, and a devastated Hendrix Gunthfelled wept at the side of Maribelle's casket. That was when, a man wearing a golden suit of armor approached behind Hendrix, and offered him into the great knight house of Belevond. Hendrix, having no other path in life, accepted his proposal. Hendrix shaved his head, took off his last name, and covered his left burnt arm with a great suit of armor, and went under a knew alias, changing his name from Filbur to Hendrix, as he now only fought for Roscrea and the emperor, which was his only purpose left. His first mission was to wipe out the bandits of the Bloodsworne, the same that had tried to kidnap him when he was a child, and the same that his father had been smuggling weapons to. Hendrix entered into the ruins of Bloodsworne keep forcefully, and felled any in his path. He showed no mercy to the Bloodsworne, and left no survivors.   Hendrix now lives as a vengeful yet extremely loyal knight of house Belevond. His only purpose in life is to fight for Roscrea and his emperor. He often tries to forget his past and separate his past self and his family with the soldier that he is now.     It was later revealed to Hendrix, that it was his father that had arranged the Bloodsworne to fake kidnap him when he was a child, so that he would be more afraid of the outside world and easier to keep an eye on. It was also revealed later to Hendrix, that it was the Golden Knight, the same that offered him a place in House Belevond, that started the fire at the elven capital.

Failures & Embarrassments

During Hendrix's early teen years, Hendrix and his father traveled to Elbenkior for diplomatic reasons for the emperor. During this time, Hendrix was exposed to elven culture. This had been the first time that Hendrix had experienced another race's culture, and he had been less than impressed. He decided at that moment, that human culture must be superior to all other cultures in Wold.


Shay Chein

Great Grandfather

Towards Hendrix Gunthfelled


Hendrix Gunthfelled

Great Grandson

Towards Shay Chein


Mara Chein

Great Grandmother

Towards Hendrix Gunthfelled


Hendrix Gunthfelled

Great Grandson

Towards Mara Chein


Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Knight, Sir
Short, buzzed
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan White
6'4 feet
250 lbs
Other Affiliations


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