Lightningscales are a thing of beauty with their gleaming blue scales under the light of an electrical storm. As their name suggests, these beasts harness electrical abilities through the magnetic waves in the air. Due to their stormy nature, lightningscales cause ravaging storms that can shatter a mountain.
Basic Information
Ecology and Habitats
Lightningscales seek out active storms and rainy terrain. Mountainous regions are a great place to start as they reach high up into the sky, and even more so if they are next to the sea during spring. A lone lightningscale is dangerous enough to cause a fatal and harrowing storm while traveling through the realm. These lightningscales are considered "banished" by their clan and are usually far more dangerous than a group of them.
Additional Information
Uses, Products & Exploitation
by Amelia Nite (Stable Diffusion)
Geographic Origin and Distribution
Lightningscales can solely be found in the Stormy Peaks, where electrical storms are at their worst. Rarely have they ever been seen is other locations. Once such recording has been over Friska Lake.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Lightningscales are powerful, majestic beasts capable of starting a lightning hurricane when slightly irritated. Lightning consistently sparkles off their scales, as if they're always at a full charge. Touching a lightningscale is almost a certain death unless the beast is deceased. Their sight and hearing are impeccable, especially in a storm. The average lightningscale can hear up to 56,818 miles away, while their eyesight has a maximum vision of 795 miles away.
by pendleburyannette (Pixabay)
Genetic Ancestor(s)
600 years
Average Height
12 feet (3.65 meters)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Lightningscales are typically blue in coloration, though the hues can vary. These differences can range from icy blue to a deep midnight blue with their horns and spike taking on a tannish coloration.
Geographic Distribution
Related Materials
by Amelia Nite (Stable Diffusion)
Lightning in a Bottle Facility
This facility was constructed by Dashier Mallor in the Stormy Peaks as a weak to conduct electricity into a power source for people to enjoy. The facility remains standing in the center of the Storm Peaks. Citizens of Hellisfjoror do not understand how a building can survive such powerful electrical storms without getting severely damaged in the process.