King Nicholas III of Woodangees Character in Woodangees | World Anvil
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King Nicholas III of Woodangees

King Nicholas Woonitu

King Nicholas was born into what was once the ruling family of Woodangees in exile in the United States. Technically a Woodangian prince, he was raised to see himself as a royal of Woodangees in exile, instead of a 2nd generation American.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When he reached his late teens, he was contacted by groups dedicated to the restoration of the monarchy to Woodangees, and unlike many of his reletives who were not interested in such things, he began to talk with them seriously about the prospect of launching a civil war to retake his ancestrial throne. The Prince had an almost delusional conviction that he was destined to be King, and was quick to feed into the ideas that were presented to him once he revealed how willing he was to hear them. Once his arival to Woodangees had been set up, so had the secret alliances needed to launch the revolt.   During the war he hid out in Katurian until the first assassination attempt against him by the Woodangian Peoples Liberation Front, forcing him to move to Panders. He would issue an offer to the leader of the Worker's Party for their surrender after the war had escalated to war crimes from both sides, but this offer was only accepted after the devistation of the day of ruin.   The 2nd attempt against his life would be days after the surrender of the Workers Party, when a WPLF assassin would kill his cousin and take his eye. The injured royal would arrive in what was left of Rotelkon for his coronation, but would be assaulted by the Army Field Marshal.   After assuming control of the nation the king expected to be able to immedietly begin rebuilding, and was not expecting the level of insurgent violence and terrorism that would sprout up in the wars aftermath.   King Nicholas would eventually be forced to admit that his declaration that the war was over was premature, and would have to reshift his efforts towards securing control of the nation from the hands of violent extreamists. He became more susceptible to the influence of his advisors, many who have been pushing for a more dominant monarchy, and do not necessarily agree with the King's more democratic leanings. This has not been helped by the King's perception that his popularity increases whenever he folds and enacts authoritarian measures in part due to the people wanting a strong leader to fix the horrific problems in the nation. This has caused a marked shift in the King's stratagies, leaning into the strong man leader persona more and more.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Successfully led a civil war to restore the monarchy with him as King.

Morality & Philosophy

Seeks to bring a level of democracy to Woodangees, but as time has gone on he has begun to seize more power under the guise of bringing stability to the nation. His advisors have begun to push him to be more authoritarian in his methods, and as time has gone on and the situation in the nation has continued to get worse he has begun listening to them more and more.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Believes in democracy and modernization.

Vices & Personality flaws

Has a level of narcissism and delusions of grandeur that are fed into by those around him.

Wealth & Financial state

Was already born into a wealthy family, but now controls the wealth of the nation of Woodangees.
Current Location
Aligned Organization


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