Woodangian Civil War Military Conflict in Woodangees | World Anvil
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Woodangian Civil War

The Woodangian civil war is an ongoing military conflict in the nation state of Woodangees. The war is currently being waged between the federal government led by the Workers Party of Woodangees with the goal of maintaining national control and the royalist rebels, led by Prince Nicholas , self proclaimed head of Woodangees former ruling family and heir to the Woodangian Throne, whose goal is to restore the monarcy.   Prince Nicholas is a member of the family that ruled over Woodangees from its foundation until the dissolution during the Breakfast Wars. While a member of the family, there are claimants with stronger ties to the Throne, and has a more legitimate claim to the Duchy of Niccadia. Despite this he is the member with the strongest claim willing to launch a rebellion.   Despite the signing of the peace treaty that saw the official end of the civil declared and the monarchy restored, the war is still technically on going, as groups like the Woodangian Peoples Liberation Front, the Labor Party, and the Communist Party refuse to accept the results of the war, and continue to wage guerilla war againmst government forces.

The Conflict


Exiled royal Nicholas of Wünenburg of House Woonitu returned in secret, aided by sympathizers and the surviving members of House Deej of Dijit. Once in the country he began reaching out to various groups and people for aid and support, one being his cousin, High Admiral Jotan of the Woodangian Navy. With the Admirals aid and support of House Deej when Nicholas declared himself the true King of Woodangees Tynica and Dijit immediately declared their loyalty to the crown, with Panders doing the same shortly after learning that the Navy was backing the king.


To ensure a quick surender the King agreed to form a civilian government and to grant the Worker's Party of Woodangees control of that government until an election can be held in late 2024.
Conflict Type
Civil War
Start Date
July 20th, 2023
Ending Date
January 9th, 2024
Conflict Result
Workers Party forces forced to surrender to the Royalists



The Royalist movement currently controls most of Dijit and Tynica, as well as major portions of Niccadia and Panders, as well as the vast majority of Woodangees naval might.
The WPW controls all of Ontangees, Castonguay, and much of Niccadia, as well as having the loyalty of the Woodangian Peoples Army



Restore the Woodangian monarchy with Prince Nicholas as the new King.
Maintain control of the country by any means nessisary and prevent the return of the monarchy.


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