The Peace Treaty Document in Woodangees | World Anvil
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The Peace Treaty

The Peace Treaty brought an official end to the Woodangian Civil War, although not an end to the violence caused by it. The treaty established a new government in the nation of Woodangees under the reign of King Nicholas III of Woodangees, with the Worker's Party of Woodangees being allowed control of the civilian government but no crontrol over any military forces. The treaty also legalized new political parties for the first time, and set up a Parliamentary Race to decide the future of the nation, although the Workers Party would not be allowed to field a canidate for prime minister nor any for regional governance.


To bring a swift end to the rapidly escalating Civil War in the nation and establish a new regime under the rule of the new King.

Document Structure

Legal status

The document is legally binding, as it was agreed upon by both sides of the war, although some say the Workers Party was forced to sign.

Historical Details


This document brings an end to the offical civil war, although there are those still loyal to the red side of the conflict that have turned to insurgency to fight against the treaty.

Public Reaction

Public reaction was split, with those loyal to the white forces celebrating, those loyal to red forces being upset and forming guerilla organizations, and those in the middle simply hoping it meant and end to the destruction of their nation. The ongoing partisan violence in Ontangees, Niccadia, and Tynica is considered a direct result of the peace treaty.
Treaty, Diplomatic


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