
**Aegir Pantheon: Second Generation** 11. **Bavarius, God of Brew and Parties:**
  • **Origins:**
  • Second-generation deity, born to Belenus and Selene, the elder son of the Aegir pantheon's leaders.
  • **Domains:**
  • Brew
  • Celebration
  • Festivity
  • **Personality Traits:**
  • Jovial
  • Sociable
  • Adventurous
  • **Symbol:**
  • A frothy mug, symbolizing the joyous spirit of celebration and the art of brewing.
  • **Ceremonies:**
  • **Bavarian Revelry:**
  • A grand celebration where mortals and deities come together to revel in the joy of life, marked by feasts, music, and merriment.
  • **Followers:**
  • Brewers
  • Revelers
  • Partygoers
  • Those who appreciate the art of celebration
  • **Sacred Places:**
  • Taverns and alehouses
  • Festival grounds
  • Places where laughter and merriment abound
  • **Mythical Narrative:**
  • Bavarius, the eldest son of Belenus and Selene, is the exuberant god of brew and parties, bringing mirth and joy to both mortals and deities.
  • His influence is felt in the clinking of mugs, the sound of laughter, and the vibrant atmosphere of celebrations.
  • The Bavarian Revelry is a grand celebration where mortals and deities come together, reveling in the joy of life with feasts, music, and merriment.
  • Bavarius embodies the spirit of camaraderie and adventure, ensuring that festivities are marked by boundless cheer and the shared warmth of celebration.
  • Relationships



    Towards Venari



    Towards Bavarius

    Raise your mugs, my friends, To Bavarius, the jolly lad! God of brew and all things merry, Let's drink to laughter and cheer!   With every sip, let joy abound, As we feast on hearty fare. Bavarius, bless our gathering, Fill our hearts with warmth and flair!   May the ale flow and spirits rise, As we share our tales and songs. To good friends and good times ahead, With your blessing, nothing's wrong!   So here's to the clinks of our mugs, And the laughter that fills the night. To Bavarius, our merry guide, Let’s celebrate till morning light!
    Venari (spouse)


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