Ehlad-Elvar Species in World of Azocar | World Anvil
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Along with the Elvar, legend holds that these people are the direct descendants of ehlad that first ventured out of the Feywild into the natural world eons ago and remained there. The ehlad-elvar are those have remained genetically closest to their fey ancestors. While their elvar brethren generally have little qualm with mixing with the other peoples that live around them, ehlad-elvar are more insular and guarded. As such, they represent a small portion of all elves that populate Azocar; estimated to be no more than 10% of the total population of their kind in the world.   Ehlad-elvar also differ from their more common kin in that they have remained in the same general areas that their ancestors first came to in the natural world. There has been no migration for them and any member of their kind that is found in a foreign land is usually an individual traveler. Or a member of a very small group whose journeys are borne of some very specific purpose. Therefore, almost all people of this group are found in one of two places: on the continent of Tasserania not far from its iconic capital Tasser Dale and on the main islands of the Northern Kingdoms of Ka-Lin.   These elves resemble their fey brethren more than any others of their kind on Azocar. While all elves have pointed ears, these are usually longer and more pronounced with the ehlad-elvar. They also retain the same, usually pale skin tones, as well as hair and eye colorations as their ehlad ancestors. Their hair is usually some shade between golden and auburn but often can pull more from their ancestry with blue and green hues mixed in. Similarly, their eyes are typically some variant between sea-green and chestnut but it's not unusual to meet ehlad-elvar with eyes like pools of liquid gold or silver.   Culturally, ehlad-elvar occupy very distinctive places in the societies they are a part of. Both those resident in the nation of Tasserland and those who call the Lands of the Twelve their home are regarded by others are special or distinctive in some way; as a sort of aristocracy. However, for ehlad-elvar from the western continent, this distinction is more cultural and ceremonial. In the eastern lands, their status is both cultural and ceremonial but also entirely functional. The ehlad-elvar are the ruling elite in the Northern Kingdoms of Ka-Lin.  

Ehlad-Elvar in Gaming

Dungeons & Dragons 5E

In D&D 5E, ehlad-elvar are functionally identical to the so-called subrace high-elf . They have all the same features of the elf race and high-elf subrace in the D&D 5E rules:
  • Ability Score Increase - Ehlad-elvar Intelligence scores increase by 1.
  • Elf Weapon Training - These elves have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.
  • Cantrip - Because of their close connection to the magical nature of their fey ancestors, ehlad-elvar know one cantrip of their choice from the wizard spell list. Intelligence is their spellcasting ability for it.
  • Extra Language - Ehlad-elvar can speak, read, and write one extra language of their choice.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Biologically, mating for all of Azocar elves is similar to that of other humanoids and their gestation period is slightly longer longer than that of humans; about 300 days. Elves of all kinds can mate interchangeably with the other elven ancestries of Azocar. The product of such mixed unions are always elvar with one exception. Elf-kin offspring from unions with any other kind of Azocar elf are always elf-kin. Additionally, elves can breed with humans and orcs with the products of these unions being elf-kin or orc-kin respectively.

Growth Rate & Stages

Ehlad-elvar are infants for about their first two years of life. They are children for the next ten years or so as they develop and grow further. Their adolescence lasts for nearly two decades and they reach physical maturity at about the age of 30. They remain largely unchanged for the rest of their days thereafter.

Dietary Needs and Habits

While technically omnivores, ehlad-elvar rarely eat animal flesh of any kind. When they do eat meat, it is usually wild fowl and fish. Otherwise, they sustain themselves on the large varieties of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes that are abundant in the lands they live in.
Ehlad-Elvar live between 600 and 800 years.
Average Height
60-74 inches; no quantifiable difference between males and females
Average Weight
100-150 pounds, depending on height; males tend to be slightly denser and weigh marginally more than females
Geographic Distribution


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