Elvar Species in World of Azocar | World Anvil
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The elvar are the so-called "common" elves of Azocar. They are the most numerous of all elves in the world though there is some question as to whether they represent the majority of their ancestry. Along with the ehlad-elvar, legend holds that they are the direct descendants of ehlad that ventured out of the Feywild into the natural world eons ago and remained there.   Legends hold that an ehlad named Lahr-nal of the Highburn Forests lead his clan and several others out of the Feywild into the natural world nearly seven millennia before the Current Age. Lahr-nal was an explorer of the various material planes and had become enamored with a particular area of the Azocar continent of Tasserania. He settled his people permanently in the woodlands area known today as Tasser Dale.   Others on the the plane of light heard of their brethren's migration and followed suit. Many of these joined Lahr-nal's settlements on Tasserania. Many more still however settled in the far off lands of Ka-Lin. The ehlad exoduses continued for centuries but eventually dwindled and ultimately ended. From those that came to live in the natural world came the elvar.   In the eons since their ancestors' migration to the natural world, elvar have migrated throughout most of Azocar. As they did, the evolved to take on some of the characteristics of the other people they came to live among. Elvar of Tasserania retained their ancestors' skin-tones and hair and eye colorations because the humans and dwarves of the continent had similar such features.   Conversely, elvar of Ka-Lin took on the slight, golden-yellow skin tones of the peoples of that land. Additionally, those that migrated and eventually eventually settled in other lands such as Aradi al-Qadr and Uhmlas saw changes in their features, predominantly in skin tones and hair coloration. For instance, elvar of the Lands of Fate developed the tan and olive to copper skin tones of the Qur. And on the eastern half of the Central Continents, elvar developed the coffee and darker complexions of the Uhml people.   Still, the elvar retained some of the traits of their elven ancestry. These include their general physical size and stature, as well as their long life-spans.

Elvar in Gaming

D&D 5E

Relative to the elves of D&D 5E, elvar represent an entirely unique sub-group of the elf ancestry. They are characterized primarily by their adaptability to their surroundings, both physically and culturally. They have the following features:
  • Ability Score Increase - elvar gain an increase of 1 to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.
  • Elf Weapon Training - elvar have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.
  • Superior Mobility - elvar have advantage on acrobatics checks.
  • Wisened Mind - elvar are proficient in insight.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Biologically, mating for all of Azocar elves is similar to that of other humanoids and their gestation period is slightly longer longer than that of humans; about 300 days. Elves of all kinds can mate interchangeably with the other elven ancestries of Azocar. The product of such mixed unions are always elvar with one exception. Elf-kin offspring from unions with any other kind of Azocar elf are always elf-kin. Additionally, elves can breed with humans and orcs with the products of these unions being elf-kin or orc-kin respectively.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elvar are infants for about their first two years of life. They are children for the next twelve to fifteen years or so when they develop further into adolescence. Another decade and a half approximately bring them to physical maturity though adulthood from an emotional perspective isn't usually reached until their ninth or tenth decade of life   As they traverse the remaining centuries of life, they remain largely unchanged physically. Only the most venerable of elvar show the signs of age that are much more commonplace in other ancestries. And even then, only hints of graying of their hair and the slightest of wrinkling of their skin around the eyes and mouth are all one sees in an ancient elvar.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Elvar are omnivores like many other species of humanoids, though they generally consume meat in much lower quantities than humans, dwarves, orcs and others.
Most elvar live well into their 6th century; members of their kind reaching 700 years in age is not unheard of
Average Height
60-74 inches; no quantifiable difference between males and females
Average Weight
100-150 pounds, depending on height; males tend to be slightly denser and weigh marginally more than females
Geographic Distribution


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