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Azocar's elves, or "elvar" as they are called in their ancient tongue, are said to be the descendants of the first sentient mortals brought into existence in the Feywild by the Bright Mother, the goddess Marha. These first elves, called the "ehlad", remain a significant presence throughout the plane of light to this day. However, it is said that they also gave rise to all others kinds of elves.   Ehlad plucked from the Feywild and transported to the Shadowfell during the turbulent eons of the Age of Chaos eventually evolved to become the chadar. From the fanciful wilds of the plane of light, ehlad first ventured to the natural world many eons ago. Many stayed there and became the ehlad-elvar and the elvar. From those, many would crossbreed with humans giving rise to the elf-kin. Finally, whole nations of ehlad-elvar in the natural world became corrupted by Anthra and her associate Lolth during the lost histories of the Age of the Ancients and became the drow.  

Elven Characteristics

Though their characteristics vary with the different sub-ancestries of elves, they are very similar in general size, shape, and appearance to humans. There are differences though. All types of elves are generally more slender and delicate in build than humans, with generally more angular facial features. Their skin tones can vary as much as those of humans overall but less-so within each subgroup of their ancestry.   This is similarly so with eye and hair colors. While many humans can grow facial and body hair, elves only grow hair atop their heads. Furthermore, elven hair is always straight and they appear incapable of curly locks. Finally, elves have pointed ears, a feature that is more pronounced for those of ancestries with closer ties to their fey origins.   In total, it is estimated there are between seven and eight million elves living on Azocar. This does not account for the ehlad and chadar as the study and understanding of demographics are not pursuits of interest in the Feywild and Shadowfell respectively.   Elves on Azocar are endemic to Tasserania and Ka-Lin, the latter of which wherein they are the plurality. The passage of time however, has seen elves migrate throughout most of the world. Elven populations of substantial amounts are found everywhere with a couple of exceptions. There has been no significant settlement of elves on Atalassia, The Crescent, and the island lands of the Mithanos Imperium.  

Elven Ancestries

Elves of Azocar are as varied cosmetically as humans. In addition, there are much more distinctive divisions between the several kinds or ancestries of elves of which there are six. The ehlad-elvar, elvar, drow, and elf-kin are all endemic to the plane of the natural world. The ehlad and the chadar are native to the Feywild and Shadowfell respectively.
  • Elvar - The elvar are the so-called "common" elves of Azocar. They are the most numerous of all elves in the world though there is some question as to whether they represent the majority of their ancestry.
  • Ehlad-elvar - These elves are more closely related to their fey ancestors than any other elves of Azocar. Because of this, they represent a small portion of all elves; estimated to be no more than 10% of the total population of their kind in the world.
  • Drow - Also known as "dark elves', drow account for about 5% of their ancestry and are the smallest group of elven people of Azocar.
  • Elf-kin - The second-largest group, comprising a third or more of of elves on Azocar, elf-kin are the descendants of mixed breeding between elves of all kinds and humans as well as of other elf-kin.
  • Ehlad - The ehlad or so-called "first people" are elves who remain in and call the Feywild home to this day.
  • Chadar - Chadar are elves that are endemic to and call the Shadowfell home.

Azocar Elves in Gaming

Dungeons & Dragons 5E

With the exception of elf-kin, all of Azocar's elves are functionally members of the so-called elven race as it is defined in D&D 5E's rules. They have all the features of the base elf therein:
  • Ability Score Increase - All elves have their Dexterity score increased by 2.
  • Age - Although Azocar elves reach physical maturity not much later than humans, their understanding of adulthood goes beyond physical growth. Elves typically only claim full adulthood around the age of 80 or even later for some. With the exception of elf-kin, all elves usually live in approach of 600 years and some even live well into their eighth century.
  • Alignment - Azocar elves value freedom, variety, and self-expression and thereby lean somewhat toward the gentler aspects of chaos. They value others' claims to these things as well as their own and they are more often good than not, with "neutral good" being the most common alignment amongst most elves. The drow are one exception with many of their kind still adhering to the vicious and cruel tenets of the goddesses who corrupted their kind eons ago. Many drow are evil though there are many of their kind that push back against their ancestors' failings. Another exception are elf-kin, whose alignment can vary as widely as humans and are usually informed by the lands and societies they live in.
  • Size - Elves range from under 5 to over 6 feet tall and have slender builds. Their size is Medium.
  • Speed - Elves' walking speed is 30 feet.
  • Darkvision - Elves have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. They can see in dim light within 60 feet of them as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. However, they can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Keen Senses - Azocar elves have proficiency in the Perception skill.
  • Fey Ancestry - Elves of Azocar have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put them to sleep.
  • Trance - Elves don’t need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. (The Common word for such meditation is “trance.”) While meditating, they can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice. After resting in this way, they gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.
  • Languages - Azocar's elves can speak, read, and write the ancestral tongue of their kind. Elvish is fluid, with subtle intonations and intricate grammar. Elven literature is rich and varied, and their songs and poems are famous among other races. Many bards learn their language so they can add Elvish ballads to their repertoires. Additionally, all elves are also fluent in the common language of the land they live in; i.e. Eldess in Tasserania, Ar'qadr in Aradi al-Qadr, etc.
  Additionally, Azocar elves get the features of their specific types as these are defined in the embedded articles for each type of elf. The lone exception are the elf-kin. These are functionally equivalent to so-called half-elves in the 5E rules. These are explained further within the embedded article herein detailing their kind.


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