Armed Branch Organization in World of Faêrun and Baptomet | World Anvil
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Armed Branch

The Armed Branch is the military might of the Cult of Baptomet. They work as other cultist, by infiltration, and powergrabbing. But are doing so in a much more confrontational manner.   Usually the head cultist of a region brings with him a Captain from the Armed Branch with a band of warriors numbering about 10 - 20 depending on size of the region to infiltrate and take control over.


Hierarcial in form. But uses strict pyramid with one General at the top of the armed branch. And then lesser ranks underneath that General. They do how ever serve under the main Cult of Baptomet hierarchy. So the Armed Branch is always both beneath and to the side of the main cult order.


Abled fighters. Many veterans and seasoned ones


Formed as the Cult of Baptomet grew and they needed military might for some conquests.

Mythology & Lore

Will serve the cult as Baptomets 8 powers will aid them to glory on the battlefield.

Tenets of Faith

Follow the leading Cultist. Fight the enemies of Baptomet and make sure the survival of the cult!


Slay any one and everyone that poses a threat to the Cult of Baptomet


Each leader of a band is also a cultist leader in a circle in the Cult of Baptomet

Political Influence & Intrigue

Are usually provided power and are enabled by the scheeming cultists. The Armed Branch themselves usually pose as guards, military or the like.


There are the Silent Fingers which are the assassins of the Armed Branch. They work with deadly force in the shadows to do special assasinations. All of them answers directly to a Commander or higher. Any Region Leader of the cult who needs assistans of the Silent Fingers will need to send for one at a special request.   Then there are the Striking Arms which is the usual infantry melee troops. They will usually have heavy armor and longswords to fight in a classic style on the battlefield.   Lastly its the Whispering Breath which is the ranged fighters. They use either bows or crossbows to mark and take down their targets. Are not as numerous as the Striking Arms, but when used correctly are a deadly force.

We are the arms of Baptomet

Founding Date
Military, Army
Alternative Names
The warriors
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Armed Sibling
Parent Organization


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