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Insatiable Dragon

A race of insatiable Dragons that turn that insatiability onto the very land they live on.  Their list for beauty and wealth leads them to fixate on a wealthy area with many riches and gradually, or not so gradually, take the area for its own.  If it is a city, this will often involve razing most of it to the ground, and if it’s a kingdom, it will often result in all but the capital being destroyed.  In the destroyed lands, and only there, will it make a lair.  The areas it targets generally don’t have much riches in terms of gold or even simple resources, but instead want spell components, with expensive jewels, specifically blue ones, as the most prized rewards.  The greatest boast for any Insatiable Dragon is “I could cast any spell”.  A less common, though still sought after, are prisoners or servants for them, generally powerful or highly trained.  Although they often do raze whole areas to the ground, sometimes they will preserve buildings under a shell of earth, sometimes with survivors living a semblance of a life inside, as museums for it to boast about.  However, it’s insatiability sucks the life out of the surrounding land, gradually turning it into a desert.  In this desert, they will burrow, creating grand underground caverns to make stir their immense treasure, which they salvage from the rubble of their conquests.  Where they live, in addition to transforming it into a desert, they will summon thunderstorms to pull energy from the land, pull sand from under the surface to create sinkholes, and, when those don’t suffice, pull air elementals into the sand from the Air Chaos, which it then hunts.  Their crystalline lairs which they carve with their lightning breath are unimportant to the dragon, easily recreated, and they will easily collapse the caverns if needed, although they are loathe to abandon an area altogether, as that would mean they would have to abandon most of their treasure.  Because of this, their treasure rooms will often be located deep in the ground, where it has more possible access points, and if the access point does fall, they make another.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

When an insatiable dragon is traveling, looking for a space to make a lair, they will sometimes ask for help from other Insatiable Dragons, who will gladly help in return for their egg.  This egg will be the most prized possession of the Insatiable Dragon, who will shower it with lightning so it can keep its blue sheen, whisper to it stories and legends and try to teach it.  Many of these stories will be from their own parent, although some will be from its own life.

Growth Rate & Stages

An Insatiable Dragon only grows in power enough to destroy its target, then stagnates.  However, it developes in the egg as fully sexually mature.

Ecology and Habitats

During its search for a suitable lair location, they will choose an area where the amount of life nearby will roughly equal the life they can extract from the surrounding area, since they need to both ensure they will win and maximize their wealth.  This makes absurdly wealthy cities in very dense rainforests the ideal, though nearly impossible, situation.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They mostly eat cooked meat, although they can eat anything if their is not enough food nearby.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Insatiable Dragon with the most and most valuable treasure is the most well regarded.  Two Insatiable Dragons might be of equal standing if one had a unicorn in the Prime World, while another had five million chickens.


They may be domesticated, although they only can be kept for a limited amount of time before they start scheming to destroy wherever they’re kept, and they will succeed.  To combat this, some owners try to move captive Insatiable Dragons, but they inevitably find a weakness in that somehow and escape.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

A Dragon that sucks life from around it is not very useful, although their eggs are considered both delicacies and beautiful.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They can be found anywhere there was a wealthy yet vulnerable city.

Average Intelligence

They are very smart, able to make plans and calculations and remember any amounts of detail across any amount of time.  Their patience outlasts that of the gods, and can wait generations to let people forget it exists, believing the growing desert to be natural or a part of a curse, something it often spreads the idea of, then launching an attack, devastating the area, though it dries up after they have made their lair, and anything testing their patience then is liable to end up barbecued.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

It’s thought it can sense energy through its pull on it.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Many call themselves by their most prized possession or possessions, leading to names like “Rosette Diamond Temple of Diana” or “Richard.”  The longest known names are comprised of over thirty belongings.

Common Taboos

Stealing from other Dragons.


They were created by Geltham as embodiments of magic and then let loose on the world.

Historical Figures

@Geltham created Dragons.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Often enslave non-draconic races and identifies their worth in gold, usually getting rid of mortals with low value.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Conservation Status
They are very rare, as most put their sights on very wealthy areas and get killed during their attacks.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They are blue with yellow leathery wings and underbelly.


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