The Forgotten Continent Geographic Location in World of Gods | World Anvil
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The Forgotten Continent

A continent that was cursed after the Universal War. The straight between it and Plurum used to be used for trade, but because of the curse, the straight fell out of use. The Forgotten Kingdom used to be here.


Varies, although it is primarily grouped into 4 main sectors, the Highlands, Great Plains, Great Forest, and Bay of Fire. The Highlands were mountainous, alternating between plateaus and broad peaks. The Great Plains was an unremarkable land with the least population, just grassland with occasional gradual hills. The Great Forest used to be a section of the Great Plains until Creator Dragons created trees, blanketing the uninhabited area with them, and they soon spread to the inhabited areas. The Bay of Fire is what used to be a volcano with a giant caldera but was covered in water after the continent was cursed. In the center of the caldera a large city called the City of Kami was created, supposedly so Kami could destroy it at any time, as a way to appease him.

Fauna & Flora

There are many types of plants and animals, however most are cursed. This was the birthplace of trees and many other shrubs, so there was a larger variety of plant life here, although it is unknown how many of these survive. A large amount of animal life was also created and exists in most diversity here, although, again, it is unknown how many survive.

Natural Resources

The Great Forest was a great supply of wood and animals for hunting.  The Great Forest, being the home to many Creator Dragons, also was rampant with leftover magical energy from their creations.  This made it an ideal place to conjure anything.  The Great Plain  had little to offer in terms of resources except for unutilized farmland and berries.  Most animals were unfit to eat.  The Great Plateau had many minerals, including iron, diamonds, other gems, coal and stone of any type.  They had very little life, although Giant Eagles did live there at some points and could be used as a mount.  The Bay of Fire had lots of iron and raw energy from the volcano, most of which remained untapped.
Alternative Name(s)
Cursed Lands
Location under
Included Organizations
Owning Organization

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