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A continent containing hundreds of city-states, including Metropolis. The city-states on it are held together through many different bonds, many of them military, many of them trade related, and some religious.  Trade is easily controlled in Plurum due to the rocky seas around it, which discourages sea travel between the port cities, which are rare due to the mountains at the coast and the rocky sea.


Near the edges it has been broken up by the Universal War, causing rivulets of water to run through the continent, and mountains to form, called the War Ravaged. However, originally it was bland, designed to be a test area for the gods, and that's what it is still like in the center, with nearly no natural resources, and that doesn't receive much varying weather because of the mountains in the War Ravaged, an area called the Test Barrens.

Fauna & Flora

Grasses and a few scrubby bush-like things, and small critters like mouses and rats and gophers.

Natural Resources

Nearly none.
Alternative Name(s)
Multa, Multiiugis, Plura
Location under
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species

Articles under Plurum


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