Artonsamay River

Navigable from Redspan to the great delta at the Nyr Dyv, the Artonsamay is one of the longest rivers in the Flanaess. Rhennee often congregate near the Great Northern Bend.

  This great river is navigable from Redspan Town in Tenh to the Nyr Dyv. Of its tributaries, the Cold Run rises from an underground source; its waters are chill. Great sluggish eels and pike throng its waters within the Fellreev. The Yol drains the Troll Marshes, and its waters are unhealthy and foul for half its length, although it is navigable for almost all its expanse. Barges travel its length from Wintershiven to its meeting with the Artonsamay, although this traffic is greatly lessened with the presence of the Fists to the north and west. The Zumker reputedly originates in a large mountain lake in the Griffs and joins the Artonsamay just northwest of Redspan.  
Bandit Kingdoms
Location in the Flanaess


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