Bluff Hills

A mass of rugged ridges and steep hills that mark the western terminus of the Griff Mountains that are a hiding place for brigands, renegade orcs, and refugees from the Rovers of the Barrens and Tenha.

  The western terminus of the Griff Mountains drops slowly to become a mass of rugged ridges and steep hills as it approaches the Fellreev Forest. These heights were called the Bluff Hills in the Bandit Kingdoms and were part of the minor domain of Grosskopf. The hills have since become a hiding place for those brigands, renegade orcs, and scattered Rovers of the Barrens and Tenha who escaped Iuz's claws, though all must contend with ferocious bands of ogres that stalk the hills. The Bluffs contain copper and gold, but conflict in the area prevents their exploitation.  
Bandit Kingdoms
Rolling Hills
 Location in the Flanaess


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