Crystalmist Mountains

These mountains are the tallest in the Flanaess, and they are the home to innumerable giants, ogres, orcs, goblins, and other monsters.

  The highest peaks in the Flanaess are in the Crystalmists, the massive midsection of a range that divides the Flanaess from the rest of Oerik. Amid the summits and valleys of the Crystalmists dwell giants, ogres, orcs, goblins, and other monsters. Precious metals and gems are found here as well, dug out by armed mountain dwarves who trade with humans on either side of the range. Barbaric cavemen are scattered throughout. The Davish River's source is a weird, gargantuan glacier where the Jotens meet the Crystalmists.  
Crystalmist Mountains
Mountain Range
 Location in the Flanaess


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