These steep and rugged mountains form a daunting barrier between the east and the west and are infamous for their many hidden valleys and strange inhabitants.
This small, ore-rich arm of the Yatil Mountains isolates Perrenland from the realms to the east and its lower western slopes are occupied by many communities.
This formidable ice-capped mountain range forms the backbone of the Thillonrian Peninsula.
These mountains are the tallest in the Flanaess, and they are the home to innumerable giants, ogres, orcs, goblins, and other monsters.
A lesser mountain range populated largely by dwarves who have a strong alliance with Sunndi and the Iron League.
The peaks of these mountains are home to griffons and other monsters, and the mineral-rich range nearly walls off the Thillonrian Peninsula from the other lands.
This treacherous landscape is a hive of evil, fraught with volcanic activity, steep mountains, and a great many giants and fire-loving abominations.
The Jotens are the largest spur of the Crystalmist Mountains, and its name is derived from the old word for "giants," as this is the home to many such antagonistic creatures.
This range is home to many dwarves, gnomes, and halflings, as it contains some of the riches gem and precious metal deposits known.
The Rakers are the southern arm of the Griff Mountains, so named because their sharp peaks appear to rake the sky.
This range separates the Dry Steppes from the ghastly Sea of Dust, running west from the Crystalmist-Hellfurnaces chain.
This minor spur of the Crystalmists thrusts north into the Plains of the Paynims, cradling Ull, and is known for its ogres and related monsters.
These great mountains are nearly impassible for many leagues west and south of Lake Quag, and are known for the terrible monsters that dwell within the region and the many legendary stories about "lost magical treasures."