Dry Steppes

A seemingly endless wasteland prairie, once fertile and abundant with water, ruined by the horrific Invoked Devastation at the end of the Suel-Baklunish War a thousand years ago.

  West of the Crystalmist Mountains and the Ulsprue is an endless prairie called the Dry Steppes. The area was once fertile and blessed with abundant water, a veritable garden for the ancient Baklunish padishahs and sultans. The Invoked Devastation ruined the beauty of this land at the end of the Suel- Baklunish War one thousand years ago, and destroyed the empire that existed here. The nature of the steppe changes toward the central region, becoming more pleasant and rich. Large hordes of nomads, herd animals, and centaurs roam the area, migrating north in summer and returning south with the rare rains of winter. Little rain falls here, and rivers and lakes are few.   Many nomadic Baklunish clans in the Dry Steppes are dervishes, devotees of mystical religious practices who defend their lands and beliefs by strength of arms. Their most powerful leader is called the Mahdi of the Steppes, a prophet and warrior. Dervishes in this region celebrate his divine insight, and others are well advised to do likewise if they wish to have the goodwill of these fanatics.   There are, of course, many legends of ruins and buried cities which have great wealth and wonders that survived the Devastation, but the nature of this terrain is such that few seek them. Most noted are the tales of the Stone Circles on the shore of Lake Udrukankar, reputedly sacred to the people of the lands and said to hold powerful magic and deep latent evil within.  
Plains of the Paynims
 Location in the Flanaess


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