Udrukankar, Lake

This salt lake near the Dry Steppes is nearly lifeless, except for a few birds and insects near the mouth of the Rumikadath.

  This salt lake near the Dry Steppes is nearly lifeless, except for a few birds and insects near the mouth of the Rumikadath. The extent of the waters was once much greater, especially to the north and east where large salt flats are now. Obviously, salt is the major export of this locale, though many goods can be found in the market city of Kanak on the lake's southern shore.   The timeless monument of Tovag Baragu rises from the flats north of the lake. It is considered holy to the human and centaur nomads of the Dry Steppes, and is watched over by zealous dervishes. Recently, Tovag Baragu was reported to have changed dramatically.  
Plains of the Paynims
 Location in the Flanaess


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