Fozan Richdale

6th Level Human Cleric

Played by Anthony Vitale III

Race: Human (Oeridian-Flan)
Level/Class: 6th Level Cleric (Tempest)
Alignment: Lawful Good

Hit Points: 59
STR:11 DEX:12 CON:15 INT:10 WIS:16 CHA:8   Height: 6 feet
Weight: 185 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Patchwall 13, 582 CY   Biography: Fozan grew up in the Barony of Goldenridge and was the childhood friend of Marion Lightbringer, daughter of the renown cavalier, Caric Lightbringer. Even in their youth, the parameters of their relationship were the same as they are today: Marion would get herself into trouble and Fozan would try to get her out of it. Always the more strict and virtuous of the pair, Fozan tried to keep the young girl on the lawful path, constantly reminding her that she was the heir of a just and noble champion of the highest distinction and a scion of the Ten. At this, Marion would infallibly scoff, and tease Fozan for his pious counseling.   As they grew, Fozan's reverence for the Ten only heightened, and Marion's tendency towards misdeeds and trespass increased. As Fozan's training led him into the holy order of Heironeous, Marion's proclivity for stealth and roguery was a never-ending source of stress for her parents and instructors. All of Fozan's life, he felt that a day would come when Marion would no longer be able to stand the constant scrutiny her life at court burdened her with. When that day arrived, the young cleric knew that Marion would leave without a word and disappear from his life forever.   And so, Fozan kept careful watch on his friend, swearing a silent oath that he would follow her into the wilderness, along whatever path she might take, and dedicate his life to her protection and guidance. Inevitably, that day arrived in the early summer of 605 CY, the year that Geoffrey Antillus Aspensore IV went missing. In the confusion that followed the young paladin's disappearance, Marion seized the opportunity to slip away unseen. Fozan had acquired some small skill as a tracker and managed to finally catch up with the girl as she approached the town of Daerwald, many miles east of Goldenridge.   Since then, the pair have begun a life of adventure. Their stay in Daerwald was short-lived, as Marion (under the changed name of Cipher) was discovered plying her "trade" of picking-pockets in a local tavern. A brawl ensued, and the timely presence of four other childhood friends led to a joining of forces and a delicate departure from town. As fate would have it, Arakhor Strongbow and his companions Aerdon, Amon, and Greault also happened to be in that tavern that night, and together the six young adventurers departed Daerwald in haste and headed towards the tiny hamlet of Zelkor's Ferry located along the northern outskirts of the Dreadwood Forest. Intrigued by Arakhor's earnest desire to locate the missing Geoffrey Aspensore IV, "Cipher" eagerly offered her services as "scout" and "surveyor" – and of course, Fozan would come along with that bargain.   In short time, Fozan and his new companions found themselves deeply entangled with the affairs in the eastern Dreadwood, where an ancient and evil dungeon known as Rappan Athuk drew them ever-deeper into darkness and danger.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently exploring the dungeons of Rappan Athuk

Year of Birth
582 25 Years old

Adventure History

605 CY
Rappan Athuk


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