Griff Mountains

The peaks of these mountains are home to griffons and other monsters, and the mineral-rich range nearly walls off the Thillonrian Peninsula from the other lands.

  As the name implies, these mountains are home to griffons and other monsters, particularly giants and ogres. The Griffs nearly wall in the Thillonrian Peninsula from other lands. They are uninviting to civilization, though humans and dwarves are sprinkled here and there, for these mountains contain valuable mineral deposits. Legends tell of a beautiful land in the heart of this range, where buildings are roofed with precious metals and gems lie about on the ground. More reliable are reports that a gigantic city of orcs lies underground here, near Stonehold.  

Mighty griffons dwell in the highest peaks of this mountain range

Griff Mountains
Mountain Range
 Location in the Flanaess


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