Jeklea Bay

Sea lions and kraken inhabit these seaweed-choked waters, stirred by a steady clockwise-moving current.

  For many years this part of the Azure Sea, largely encircled by the Hook Peninsula and the Hellfurnaces, was the private realm of the Sea Princes as they raided the Amedio Jungle for slaves and riches. After the Sea Princes' realm fell to the Scarlet Brotherhood, then into complete civil chaos, Jeklea Bay has been used only by the Brotherhood's ships to maintain its holdings in the southern jungles, but they hug the coast tightly. Sea lions and kraken inhabit these sea-weed-choked waters, stirred by a steady clockwise-moving current.  
Ships laden with treasure from the Amedio being destroyed by the kraken of Jeklea Bay
Amedio Jungle
 Location in the Flanaess


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