Kalcyte Krystalfist

16th Level Deep Gnome Fighter

Played by Kevin Driscoll

Race: Deep Gnome (Svirfneblin)
Level/Class: 16th Level Fighter (Battle Master)
Alignment: Neutral Good

Hit Points: 169
STR:20 DEX:13 CON:18 INT:15 WIS:8 CHA:8   Height: 3 feet 4 inches
Weight: 120 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Dark Gray
Hair: Bald
Complexion: Gray
Birthdate: Harvester 3, 579 CY   Biography: Kalcyte's youth is shrouded in uncertainty. He has come to suspect that he was most likely once a resident of a hidden colony of deep gnomes somewhere in the Underdark of the Crystalmist and Hellfurnace mountain ranges. He has dreamlike memories of some long-gone time of peace and safety, where he was cared for by the tender supervision of others of his kind. He is often troubled by his inability to capture the faces of what must have been his parents, but he still recalls inexplicable feelings of warmth and adoration towards these mysterious figures from his past.   Much clearer in Kalcyte's memory is his subsequent existence of toil and labor. Most of his life since the dim and fading memories of his early years has been spent as a prisoner of the drow. In Kalcyte, the dark elves found a tenacious grittiness and relentless strength. Even at a very young age, the little svirfneblin demonstrated a ferocious aptitude for hard work and exertion. His abilities to put pick to rock in even the smallest of spaces made him a useful tool in the numerous mining camps throughout the drow's vast network of caverns and tunnels. But as he grew stronger and stronger, Kalcyte became an increasing liability, as more than one drow overseer was slain by a pick to the chest after being too liberal with the use of their whip.   Ownership of Kalcyte passed through many hands over the years, until finally, he wound up in the prison of Velkynvelve. The risk of using the gnarly little gnome for work eventually became too great a price to pay for the savage recompense he offered, and so he was scheduled to be sent to the drow city of Erelhei-Cinlu for lobotomization. As fate would have it, Kalcyte would eventually come to the debauched city of the drow, but by entirely different means.   In the prison of Velkynvelve, Kalcyte was cellmates with a strange group of upperworlders with whom he established a friendship. It was with these comrades that he forged a plan of escape, and achieved liberation from his long-suffering at the hands of his wicked captors. Together, Kalcyte and his group fought their way through the perils of the Underdark, eventually achieving an escape into the surface lands above. Kalcyte was mesmerized by this bizarre upper world. The strange orbs of light that passed through the skies above were like nothing he had ever imagined. Open spaces so vast and infinite that it made one feel small and insignificant in comparison to the majesty around them. But Kalcyte instantly fell in love with this world, its colors and its vibrancy and its freedom. It changed him forever and he began to develop a more open display of loyalty and camaraderie with his companions.   Eventually, the path of Kalcyte and his friends led back into the Underdark, and although he was loathe to leave behind this exciting new world he'd discovered, the courageous little gnome spared no thought of leaving his trusted companions now. The events that followed are now well chronicled and Kalcyte's role in the downfall of the drow priestess Eclavdra is beyond dispute. Wielding the vicious Trident of Certain Death that he claimed from the dead hands of the vampire lizard king Sakatha, Kalcyte stood by the side of his friends and laid low all that dared to challenge them – be they drow or illithid or dragon or prince of demons.   Kalcyte now spends a great deal of time traveling the lands between the Viscounty of Nume Eor and the Barony of Goldenridge in Keoland, as well as frequent trips to visit with Isidore in his wizard's tower on the shore of the Azure Sea.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Kalcyte spends most of his time in either the city of Vendare in the Viscounty of Nume Eor, or the palace of Goldenridge, or the Tower of Isidore on the shore of the Azure Sea.

Year of Birth
579 28 Years old

Adventure History

605 CY
Out of the Abyss (Part I)
Tomb of the Lizard King

606 CY
Out of the Abyss (Part II)


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