Relmor Bay

The eastward branch of the Sea of Gearnat is Relmor Bay, long the battleground for the fleets of Almor, Nyrond, and Onnwal, against the naval squadrons of old South Province.

  The eastward branch of the Sea of Gearnat is Relmor Bay, long the battleground for the fleets of Almor, Nyrond, and Onnwal, against the naval squadrons of old South Province. Warfare was almost constant here in 579-584 CY, during the War of the Golden League and Greyhawk Wars. Nowadays, Nyrond is the sole major power around, projecting considerable naval force from Mithat (primarily), Oldred, Wragby, Shantadern, and Nessermouth. However, Ahlissa fully intends to sail this sea again with newly built squadrons from the infamous port of Prymp, and the bitter rivalry and conflict could easily be reborn.  
The Royal Navy of Nyrond at sail in Relmor Bay
Sea of Gearnat / Relmor Bay
 Location in the Flanaess


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