Sevrin Daan

16th Level Human Cleric

Played by Jonathan Lee

Race: Human (Oeridian)
Level/Class: 16th Level Cleric (War Domain)
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Hit Points: 153
STR:16 DEX:10 CON:14 INT:9 WIS:16 CHA:13   Height: 5 feet 11 inches
Weight: 190 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Ready'reat 27, 577 CY   Biography: Sevrin was born in a nameless hamlet in the far northern realm of Perrenland. He was the seventh child born to his hard-working parents. The handful of extended families that made up the community had been there, in the shadow of the distant mountains for generations, and would have happily continued to do so had they been given a choice.   The inhabitants of his little hamlet knew very little of the outside world. Once a year a few of them men would take pelts and some other items to trade at the villages to the south. On rarer occasions small bands of dwarves would pass through. Too young to be permitted to interact with them, Sevrin would sit just outside the firelight and listen to their stories about how one day, a new king would come. They were strange, exotic creatures with a rough language that Sevrin found beautiful and that he tried to practice. They never stayed long.   Life went on. Harvests. Foraging. Hunting. By the time Sevrin was 14 he was doing less farming and more work building and maintaining the few tools and structures the village had. On occasion he would go deep into the woods with the men to harvest trees and hunt. He had strength and a skill and patience few others possessed. At 15 he was betrothed to a girl from the village. At 16 they were married, and at 17 they had baby girl in a small house Sevrin built. In hindsight they were happy enough, though happiness was never something that was considered at the time.   It was in the spring of the following year that his village and all of its inhabitants were destroyed. It is presumed that a roving war band from the Empire of Iuz was responsible, though this was never satisfactorily confirmed. Sevrin had been away with six other men on an extended hunting and foraging expedition in the forest, discovering the ruination of all they had known and loved upon their return.   Sevrin was lost. Faced with the reality of the death or enslavement of his family and bereft of any desire beyond futile thoughts of vengeance, Sevrin stumbled off into the wilderness in pursuit of the destructive horde. Ultimately, he was forced to shoulder even further impoverishment and bereavement, for in his despair and weariness, he himself was captured by other marauders and low men who beat him, shackled him, and subjugated him. In the blurry stretch of time that followed, Sevrin was drawn further to the south and forced to work in grueling conditions of drudgery as a thrall to his cruel captors. Eventually, as his usefulness began to wane from the strenuous toil, he was sold off to a small farm while his captors moved on to other lands. As fate would have it, the owner of the farm was kinder than most others that had dealings with his former captors, and he offered to release Sevrin after a year of labor.   During this period of indentured servitude Sevrin met the priestess, Raela. She passed through the farm three or four times a year; giving news from the road, tending the ill, and speaking of her god. Sevrin knew little of the gods but he felt a strange affinity for the grey-haired woman with her weather-stained cloak and cool gaze. She carried a sword that looked well used. At first their interactions were limited to a handful of conversations, but by the end of his second year she had agreed to let him travel with her. He could not deny her abilities but it took time for him to accept that they were divinely granted, and more time for him to accept that it would require more than a desire for power to be brought into the fold.   Raela taught him to fight first — he took quickly to it and had an endless appetite for practice. Her god valued the freedom of choice so she never forced anything, preferring to let the proper moment present itself. For two years they travelled through a remarkable number of cities, towns and villages — ever onward and ever southward. More often than not they were simply helping common folk with their ailments, but on occasion they would drive off bandits or low creatures for the locals. Many meetings were taken in the dead of night, and in time Sevrin learned of the network Raela was fostering. She was opposed to power and oppression and had devoted her life to making sure that those who ruled, or had undue power, should never feel comfortable in it. To this end she operated a sizable network involved in underground activities and organization. They were not criminals, but rather labor organizers who used a variety of levers to unbalance those who would use their power to oppress.   After some time Sevrin was brought fully into the order. He was presented to the temple, studied the texts and rituals, and took his vows. He committed himself fully to the way and, in time, learned how to channel and direct the power of Trithereon. Freedom is for everyone except those who deny it to others. For them, there is only vengeance.   His days as an acolyte were exciting. The temple was an active place but it had little structure. He would study for months then, without notice Raela would show up and they’d be off on an “errand” of one sort or another. Now that he had some foundation for spellcasting she was able to help him in ways she hadn’t in the first few years. He was getting noticed by his superiors and one day was called into the high priests’ chambers with Raela and given his first solo assignment: a distant barony in Keoland where banditry was reputedly on the rise.   It was in this place that Sevrin first encountered Geoffrey Antillus Aspensore IV. The young paladin embodied the same ferocious appetite for bringing justice to those who would oppress or harm others, but he also was the son of the Baron of Goldenridge, the illustrious Geoffrey Antillus Aspensore III. Sevrin had developed a deep disrespect for leaders who lived like kings while the people that they ruled were forced to live harder lives under the shadow of their protection. Perhaps there would be a way to bring justice to the bandits that plagued roads leading through the southern forest of Dreadwood, while simultaneously inspiring the Lords of the land to give more of themselves to the people. Together with the young paladin and the band of neophyte heroes he had put together, Sevrin's life was about to accelerate along a trajectory that he had never presumed to experience.   What followed was a tale of epic proportions. From the group's capture at the hands of a drow raiding party, to their escape into the Underdark, to their long and arduous adventure returning to the surface world, Sevrin slowly became more and more attuned with the powers offered by his deity. By this time, the priest of Trithereon had formed a strong bond with his fellow adventurers, and the group answered a call for aid from the Viscounty of Nume Eor, Keoland. The primary roads through the land were beset by banditry and attacks by aggressive lizardfolk coming out of the Hool Marshes in droves. Ultimately, the machinations of an undead lizard man named Sakatha was determined to be the cause and Sevrin was instrumental in the task of laying him low.   The fame of their adventuring band had attained a reverential status for their previous accomplishments, and so, they were summoned by King Brogan Stoneheart of Urrakbek-Duum, where they were implored to return to the Underdark to see if they could solve the mystery surrounding the presence of the powerful demon princes wreaking havoc below. Sevrin's abilities were constantly put to the test during this endeavor, and on more than one occasion the man who was once a lowly farmer in a nameless village a thousand miles away, was now commanding power given directly from the gods themselves. Before the final conflicts were over, Sevrin Daan would find himself standing before several of the most powerful demon lords in the multiverse, controlling divine magic so potent that all of their efforts to destroy him were rebuked. In the days that followed the titanic struggle with these demon lords, Sevrin would reflect on the long and arduous journey that led him here. How might the outcome of this terrible conflict have unfolded if not for the tragedies he had previously endured?   In the wake of these adventures, Sevrin continued to journey throughout the southwestern Flanaess. It was recently reported that he was seen traveling with a grey-haired woman wearing a weather-stained cloak and cool gaze along the northern towns of the Hold of the Sea Princes. A series of freed slaves from that realm have only strengthened these accounts.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Rumored to have been seen in the towns along the northern border of the Hold of the Sea Princes.

Year of Birth
577 30 Years old

Adventure History

605 CY
Out of the Abyss (Part I)
Tomb of the Lizard King

606 CY
Out of the Abyss (Part II)


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