Sterich, Earldom of

The Earl of Sterich is a nominal vassall of the King of Keoland. although treated more as a favored relative than a vassal by the king. The Sterish are loyal to their Earl and the King of Keoland alike, and in time of need a large contingent of the renowned light cavalry and sword-armed light infantry of the earldom are sent to Keoland, accompanied by companies of stout heavy dwarvish infantry from the Crystalmists. A good portion of the levies of Sterich must always remain on guard to the west, however, for many humanoids, giants, and even worse monsters tend to follow the headwaters of the Dovish River down into the fertile low country to loot and pillage. The halberdiers and medium horse of Sterich are thus seldom seen outside their native land. The Earl maintains good relations with the Grand Duchy of Geoff (being of the same bloodline as the Grand Duke, this is not too surprising), and some trade is carried on with the Yeomanry via the Javan River.

Demography and Population

Population: 40,000
Demi-humans: Mountain Dwarves (4,000), Gnomes, Halflings
Humanoids: Some (in mountains)

Agriculture & Industry

Gems (II, III)
Head of Government
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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