Ebdos Character in World of Lathas | World Anvil


Ebdos Devotion Ao'Dis (a.k.a. Ebb)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ebdos Devotion Ao'Dis came to be in the Tiefling enclave Helblock, of the city of Asfalls, of the Kingdom of Lyra, of the Marin Empire. Though belonging to a enclave of his own people, it didn't take long for him to face the onslaught of racism from other Lyrans. From being used as a target for rotten vegetables and fruit, to bearing increased scrutiny from the local guards simply because of his appearance. The economic situation of his own people did not fare any better, for they were often relegated to the "dirtiest" of jobs, such as working in the sewers, sorting local garbage, and hard labor. Their wages were never adequate, since the Lyran government assisted in the continuous societal oppression of its Tieflings by writing policy aimed at keeping them from rising. Enslavement and indentured servitude had all been enabled by the Kingdom's leadership decades prior. Tieflings were not allowed to serve in the military, except as front-line infantry or by bearing the load of the filthiest tasks of a regiment. Tieflings were not permitted to hold government positions, own businesses, become investors, drink alcohol, enter businesses where they were not wanted. Assaults and murders upon the Tieflings did not result in justice.   Under these condition Ebdos became a Tiefling man. Passionate and a natural leader, he started an organization to rally support for Tiefling reform. He, fellow Tieflings, and citizen supporters would show solidarity and protest the oppression of the Tiefling people. They executed sit-ins and rallies in forbidden plazas. For a year, they worked to enact true change by forcing the people to see a side of the Tiefling race they refused to acknowledge. That they weren't violent. That they were people like any of the other races. A year on and the people of Lyra showed themselves the true monsters.   They came quick and sudden. The door of the meeting hall splintered at the latch and hinges and clapped to the floor. A room of Tieflings and other Lyran supporters leaped to their feet, scattering their seats behind them, as dozens of angry citizens poured in through the doorway. Black sacks hooded the Tieflings, ropes secured their arms, their legs, and their necks. Within minutes a tree out front bore the weight of a half dozen Tiefling men and women. Screams for the still breathing organizers filled the night air. No one from the enclave came to their rescue. No one from Asfalls came to put a stop to the violence.   Ebb saw the faces of guards among their attackers. Nobles, shopkeeps, traveling merchants... Hatred burned in their eyes and they laughed and openly grinned as his brethren twitched under the tree. Hoots and hollers erupted when the convulsions stopped and the hanging bodies swayed under the creaking branch.   Eventually, a rope secured itself around Ebb's throat and its burning grip brought him up into the air. The ground swept out from his feet and his blood pounded from his neck to his skull. He prayed for rescue, for vengeance.   Something answered. Something offered him rescue. It offered him vengeance. It offered him power. It demanded only his obedience, just his soul. So, it was thus that Ebb came to serve the Fiend. Power erupted from his hanging body and the rope burned away. He crashed to the floor, but rose with inhuman speed. Infernal commands tore from his throat and bright red magic ripped from his hands, destroying the lives of his attackers. The other survivors rose back up. With his murderous magic, they fought back and slaughtered their would-be murderers.   And then Ebb had to flee. He fled from the Lyra, for he quickly became a wanted man. The murder of his people did nothing to justify his actions to the citizens of Lyra. The law demanded his demonic head. So, for years he fled and took up jobs in the south. He worked for the halfling communities, taking jobs no one else wanted, confronting dangers no one else would. He eventually found himself in Ossindi, again bearing the hatred of the other races. Work came slowly. Rarely he came upon food by the means of his hard-earned coin.    Then the plague came. People became desperate. The jobs trickled in, then flowed in, then rushed in. Coin, still less than the other races would make, filled his bag. And he hate like a person, in a room, his ass in a chair, his plate on a table, ale filling a mug. He tasted near freedom. The plague quelled a bit, but the city suffered on. It continued to suffer until a group of heroes appeared and allegedly saved the little city Lord from a treacherous and conniving advisor. Stories sung in his ears regaled that a band of foreign heroes claimed titles and land by challenging monstrous guardians in a temple.   No one brought up their races. No one discussed their motives or what they looked like. Not until he really started to dig into them. Ebb knew he needed a group like this, just as he still needed the Fiend. They would guide him to more power, more freedom. Through them, he could have protection, maybe gain clout and fame. Maybe become a leader who could create a safe home for his devilish people. Nothing would stand in his way.

Gender Identity







Assorted. In his younger years, he was mostly a criminal, stealing what little food he could from stalls or from the garbage. He would also work the sewers when an opening appeared. Eventually, he became the leader of a Tiefling Freedom Movement in Lyra. After he was forced to flee, he worked as an adventure, a handyman, and a criminal.
Current Location
Helblock, Asfalls, Lyra, Marin
Pure yellow
Black, pulled back into a bun
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
185 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Infernal, Abyssal


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