Kingdom of Volkova Organization in World of Lathas | World Anvil

Kingdom of Volkova

Notable Locations


Notable People

  • Sorin Skarnhend
  • Tanner Taverstone
  • Isaac Vaberos
  • Abegor of Horfden
  • Sir Fedhin of Pelor
  • Sir Ivan Volkov of Zemlenka
  • Bregolon
  • Rezzuk Vampa


Absolute Monarchy


Royal High Cabinet

  • Archmage of the Court Wizards: Count Yaromir Jasna
  • Chief Seneschal of the Royal Treasury: Countess Galina Blazhovna
  • War Master: Grand Marshal Octavian Tlayco
  • Spy Master: Count Hektor Mahavir
  • Royal Inquisition: Grand Inquisitor Adrex Delmirev
  • Conductor of the Choir Orthodox: Grand Theogonist Thoradin Daerdhak

Royal Low Cabinet

  • Interior Councillor: Baroness Runa Matlal
  • Head Ambassador: Baron Baraka Abhay
  • Chief Judge: Baron Hakim Melech
  • Supreme Agronomist: Baroness Savaran Vadania

Divine Mandate

The Divine Mandate is the codex upon which the supreme authority of the monarch is predicated. It outlines strict boundaries on what constitutes righteous rule. It is believed that any King or Queen that deviates from the mandate, will be cast down by the gods. Under the Divine Mandate, the Royal Inquisition and the Choir Orthodox were instituted.

Demography and Population

  • Population: ~300,000
    • 87% Humans
    • 6% Elves
    • 3% Dwarves
    • 2% Mixed Folk
    • 2% Other
  • Population Density: 20/sq mile


Zemlyan Pantheon, Deities with greater than 3% of population are followers are granted a representative in the Choir Orthodox.

Trade & Transport

  • Primary: Agrarian
  • Secondary: Trade
Due to its geography, Volkova leverages its central location to leverage and facilitate trade with its neighbors
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Volkova, Zemlya
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Major Exports
Primarily food stuffs, spices, textiles, and warehousing and trade transportation services.
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles


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