Llaemaerahl Organization in World of Lathas | World Anvil


Llaemaerahl is known to the world as the home of the reclusive wood elves. For the surrounding civilizations, the name means: “Off-limits” or “trespassers beware” or “trespassers killed on sight”. And truth to their interpretations, outsiders are strictly forbidden or face pain of death.

To be a Llaemaer lelf is to carry on that torch of willful isolation. Outsiders are bad and to be a good Llaemaer, one must commit themselves to only the homeland, her woods, and her rivers. Those few kingdoms who have dared trespass or invade Llaemaerahl have come to know pain. Llaemaer children are quickly sorted into their natural proclivities, with their elders directing them into specific academic and martial studies, producing highly educated, intelligent, and lethal elven warriors.



  • Total: 8,687 sq mi
  • Land: 7,412 sq mi
  • Water: 1,275 sq mi


  • ~500 mi


  • Seasonal
  • Hot and humid, with rain all year.
  • Winters are cold, but snow is rare, typically temperatures hanging just above freezing.


  • A sprawling forest over low hills and flatlands divided by a bounty of flowing rivers. To one edge of its borders are mountains from which all the water deposits.


  • Mean Elevation: 50m
  • Lowest Elevation: -50m
  • Highest Point: 600m

Land Use

  • Habitation: ~100 sq mi
  • Forest: ~7,000 sq mi
  • Other: ~1,600 sq mi


Council of Elders
  • Grand Elder: Dael Thalahl
  • Elder of the Laemaer: Siohalin Herahl
  • Elder of Magic: Aradlin Onaera
  • Elder of War: Maenad Hahlaer
  • Elder of Exchange: Oaen Siotaerin


Notable Military Units

  • Stalkers
  • Swiftstrikers

Demography and Population

  • Population: ~15,000
    • 100% Llaemaer Elves
  • Population Density: 1.7/sq mile



Every able bodied Llaemaer is considered a member of the defense force. Most citizens perform rotating duties throughout their routine week. Every citizen is categorized for their best martial skills, resulting in a highly diverse and elite military force.

Technological Level

The Llaemaer strive to live as primitively and close to nature as possible. That being said, they use magic to guide their environment to provide for living spaces, common areas, defense, etc.


The effort for learning never ends for the Llaemaer. Many become scholars, philosophers, sages, teachers, and so on. The basic education system covers the first 80 years of a Llaemaer's lifespan. Much like the way they are sorted into their best martial skills, they are also directed into studies to which each individual gravitates toward, resulting in exceptionally educated citizens.
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Deathwood, Red Forest
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
Major Exports
Major Imports
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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