Elenduil Syndicate Organization in World of Lathas | World Anvil

Elenduil Syndicate

A rising threat in the Zemlya Valley, who is offering the rare service of death for those who can pay enough. Their leader is currently unknown. Authorities are still looking into this once thought fledgling organization that seems to have risen out of nearly nowhere. There have already been brief skirmishes between the Elenduil Syndicate and those gangs already in place, resulting in sudden and violent discoveries of gang bodies. It is known that its members prefer the use of ranged weaponry, relying on being unseen before killing their target with an onslaught of arrows.

Public Agenda

  • To bring an end to abusive, corrupt, and negligent leadership.
  • Assassins-for-Hire


  • At least a dozen active elite assassins.
  • Considerable wealth aggregated from eliminated bandit camps and vulnerable merchants.

The Only Answer to Negligent Leadership

Founding Date
Guild, Assassins
Alternative Names
The Whistling Death
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Notable Members


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