Adam Taurus

High Leader (a.k.a. King of Blades |The Scornful Bull| Icon of Scorn)

Adam is a deeply injured individual, he grew up in Atlas until he reached the age of 5 when a Slave Driver in the SDC branded his face in a massive Ego Trip. Causing Adam's dust mine to revolt His Father tried to get him to safety during the revolt when SDC PMCs shot out both of his knees and slowly executed Adam's father in front of him. They were going to kill him too when a Whitecliffe Spec ops team raided the mine and killed the Guards but rather than staying with Whitecliffe, Adam ran growing a deep fear of humans as a result.   He eventually made his way via smuggling to Menagerie where he spent a year in a Faunus Orphanage before being found by a Young Sienna who lost her mother and found her way into the Orphanage too. They began their life of crime early by stealing from the biggest house in Kuokana, the Belladonna palace. They were looking for food, rich people's food but when they got captured. Blake insisted they'd get dinner first. Ghira listened to his daughter and they were able to stay.   As a Teen, Adam was troubled and without purpose, by this point, he was in a pseudo-relationship with Blake and was living in a small hut with Sienna who was busy getting started on rights and advocacy. Helping organize protests and travelling to other countries doing so. Adam on the other hand developed an alcohol and Hemp problem, getting high and drunk often and being generally bitter about life.   That was until he was 13 when Blake did not come home, he learned that a small group of Human supremacists kidnapped her and meant harm. Immediately taking his drug money he purchased a basic Katana and ran off to Mistral, he rescued Blake if not fatally. Though she was grateful, this was the first bit of violence Adam had ever committed and it made him feel powerful.    As he grew up he became something of an arbiter who for most of his young life was incredibly justified and reasonable, even showing mercy and empathy. After Sienna took charge, Adam took on much greater responsibility. As he was getting more violent, he was now being asked to take care of troops. He began delighting in defeating his enemies becoming more and more like a loose cannon.   Sienna tried to moderate him but by Volume 1, Adam had completely gone off the deep end when Blake left him. Murder became easier and easier and his ability to empathize declined even further. Mercy and Understanding became scarce and even unpopular with his supporters, driving his fall further. It was the Fall of Beacon that completed his fall to villainy where he hurt Blake, cut off Yang's arm and promised to steal Blake of everything she loves, even making an attempt on her life.   He became an increasingly powerful Tyrant, stealing more power and influence from Sienna and devaluing his friend's life on her insistence on moderation and not kicking the hornet's nest unnecessarily. He saw her like he sees Ghira, a soft-hearted fool who must be removed for the sake of the Faunus, it didn't hurt him that he'd gain immense power by committing such a grievous betrayal.   By Volume 5, he killed Sienna Khan before the Battle of haven in 81 AGW, becoming the High Leader and True Dictator of the White Fang. Turning the once-vaunted, self-defence and equal rights advocacy group into a Fascist, Genocidal, Insane Paramilitary Terrorist Organization. In Adam's mind, all of this pain and corruption is justified because people like Jacque Schnee deserve to feel a jack boot on their neck.
Chaotic Evil
18 (Vol 1-3) 20 (Vol 4)
Red and Black spiky Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair White
79 KG
Aligned Organization
Adam used to be quite fragile about the Branding on his face but eventually, he came to see it as a reminder of why Humans must suffer. Adam isn't the only one to be branded in this way, most Freed Men and Women were branded in some way though most simply had Bar codes tattooed or branded upon them rather than the words S.D.C.  
Adam wasn't always like this, he was a kind and loving Boyfriend to Blake for years prior to his Fall during the books. While he was mean and unforgiving to his enemies. He actually did shelter Blake and the people around him. He was considerate and didn't manipulate them. He didn't hit, or shout or anything. He was patient. This was what caught Blake off guard, he only began hitting and shouting towards the end and it happened as suddenly as she ended it by cutting the train link, figuratively severing their bond forever.  
Adam and Sienna were Brother and Sisters in bond but not Blood. They worked with each other on everything and depended upon each other in the Kuokana Orphanage. Sienna didn't enable him to kill ruthlessly but rather tried to impart her mother's ideology of reciprocity to him. He never understood truly and came to enjoy being the hero. Sienna always told him that he was too focused on the fight and not the people.   Sienna becoming a leader had the unintended consequence of thrusting much too much responsibility on Adam from an early age. He was still young and unlike Sienna, he did not possess a  fully developed Empathy system. With the horrors of war, of Leadership bearing down upon him day after day. Witnessing the very worst that the S.D.C had to offer, eventually broke him and he began to hurt people who loved him dearly, people like Blake and eventually killed his own sister, Sienna Khan.   He didn't make a public display of it, but this action emotionally wrecked him and made him self-doubt and question more. This was a radicalizing effect as it would only cause him to lash out more.


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