White Fang

The White Fang is the legacy of the Great panthers, a Faunus Advocacy and Defense Group from before the Faunus Liberation War, its first form was the belladonna Army and was one of the last surviving remnants of the F.L.R after the War. In 71 AGW, Ghira Belladonna stepped down and the White Fang become an officially recognised name and identity for the group. Before White Fang was simply a catchy nickname for the organization that some protesters increasingly used early in Blake Belladonna's life and towards the end of Ghira's Reign.     After Sienna Khan took power within the organization, a uniform shift occurred within the faction where the Defensive part of their activities became increasingly potent until it became offensive. From 71 AGW to 76 AGW, the Organization saw incredible success and growth, managing to force Faunus Equality through fear however by 76 AGW the expected Supremacist backlash fully materialised in the Human Purity League. The two groups clashed violently which dragged the White Fang into a growing list of small-scale conflicts with countless corporations, guilds, factions and small bands of groups for one reason or another.   In the Years leading up to 79 AGW, Volume 1. White Fang had developed into a fairly extreme terrorist organization that was highly sought after by Atlassian Counter Terrorist organizations from both Atlas and Whitecliffe. It had also been growing a longer and a longer list of civilian casualties and of course began its huge war against the SDC. After the Battle of Beacon, the White Fang underwent a radical transformation as zealots like Adam swiftly overtook many positions of power, emboldened by what happened in Beacon.   The Last evolution of the White Fang occurred in 81 AGW, where Sienna Khan was slain prior to the Battle of Haven, and the White Fang assumed a fully recognised Racial Fascist Ideology in an all-out war with everything, not them. Completely zealous by that point and brainwashed beyond all reason, the extremist group goes on to claim many lives.  

Government & Leadership

The White Fang was led in a semi Tribal Clanship, with Sienna Khan as High Leader. She was practically the top Warlord yet she didn't like thinking about it that way. The White Fang is an extremist meritocracy where everything about your rank and Status is entirely judged by your utility to the cause. Leaders often bickered with each other, scheming and plotting to steal more power from each other.   Sienna Khan maintained her power by crushing over eager lords and ensuring that everyone followed her strict instructions with harsh punishments such as whippings and solitary confinement becoming popular choices. Though in her later years Sienna questioned if she became blinded by the hatred and made a serious mistake in this regard because her many Lieutenants, namely Adam Taurus became increasingly extreme while she was starting to wane off the extremism of her Autocratic order.  


White Fang despite popular belief, was never truly a Democratic Faction, Ghira's beliefs moderated further after leaving the faction. At the start, the ideology was simple, Free the Faunus and bring equality. After Sienna took over the faction became to prefer more autocratic forms of government. Placing the military at the top of the Hierarchy with Sienna the leader of the military.   This slow turn against democracy began to stain their demonstrations and rhetoric, demanding that the ineffectual Liberal Democracies of the world be torn down with a truly equal meritocratic statocratic, hegemonic system placed in its stead. Legends and stories entered the political mainstream, such as great prophecies telling of Faunus Supremacy and the true history of the Faunus, claiming them to be the former ethereal rulers of the world and that they must wrest divinity and greatness from Humanity.   Eugenics and Race Science also steadily infected the faction, Many members came to believe that Faunus are genetically superior to Humans and Race Science justified how Humans were inferior to all forms of life, including the Grimm. The Desire of Genocide humans was strong in many members and only continued to grow as the White Fang went through the years, with moderate members steadily leaving the faction for others.   By Sienna's death, almost no moderates were left. Sienna was alone. Still free of the ideological taint going on around her. After her death, the Faction fully embraced Fascist belief structures and worshipped Adam Taurus as the true saviour of all Faunus kind, which of course, he very much was delighted to learn.  

Military & Function

The White Fang is a deeply militant faction, Even the Belladonna Army was this way. The White Fang's links to the FLR means they have many seasoned officers commanding and training new soldiers for the faction. The deeply Meritocratic nature of the army means recruits pretty much must prove themselves in order to even be considered anything of value. This means that there is very little complacency within this army.  


The White Fang has options for conventional War but mostly sticks to the Raider Ethos, using Light Vehicles, few but effective air assets and keeping a stockpile of Heavy ordnance and Vehicles when they need it. The White Fang share no respect for their enemies and Sack and pillage very often. This helps them maintain resources and makes Humans fear them but their targets aren't always Humans.   Sometimes they attack Faunus too, mostly in Vacuo before the Fall of Beacon but became far more common after Beacon.  

Creating Armies & Maintaining them

The White Fang before the Fall of Beacon was a mostly volunteer army but since then more conscripts have been brought in and indoctrinated, often Orphans or lost individuals are conscripted in order to keep manpower high no matter how closely the White Fang resembles Raiders. Settlements with Faunus often depend on groups like the White Fang so in order for communities to receive their protection, a small section of their viable healthy potential fighters must be contributed to the White Fang.   Armies are trained in Boot Camps often controlled by FLR or White Fang Veterans who act as Drill Sergeants and drill disobedience and individuality out of their recruits. Soldiers are equipped with a large assortment of equipment from ceremonial robes to simple partisan garbs which involve normal clothes and combat gear. Soldiers use a variety of weapons but prefer guns as opposed to melee because average White Fang Soldiers aren't anywhere close to as strong as their Hunters.   Factories from occupied or controlled cities are how they produce war supplies while the rest is often stolen, commonly from Atlas and the SDC. To say supply issues are common is an understatement. If a cell cannot steal supplies, it will often be undermanned and undersupplied and on death's door.

Covert Operations & Propaganda

The Shadows of Fang are often highly trained hunters. This is 2nd largest role Hunters of the Fang fulfil and they pretty much conduct Sabotage, Espionage and Assassinations for the Fang. Intelligence is integral to running a revolution and the White Fang's network is vast if not under siege. No threat is greater to them than Whitecliffe's Counter Terrorist Operations. Often fighting and succeeding against other covert organizations but the Counter Terrorists of Whitecliffe is their real foil.   The Order of Words is Whitefang's propaganda arm, they're highly experienced propagandists from the Faunus Liberation Wars and have gotten very good at distorting the truth for the sake of the Rebellion. The Order of Words has always been on Adam's side, their Director, Director Phoenix Banewillow was dissatisfied with the FLR's failure to truly change the lot of the Faunus. As such Banewillow has his organization churning out Propaganda that has been steadily shifting the White Fang from its Centrist Position and into Far Right Race Politics.

"Peace Through Power!" | "Freedom Through Power!"

Centrist (Faunus Liberation War - Pre Vol 1)
Proto Fascist (Vol 1 - Vol 4)
Racial Fascist (Post Vol 4)
High Leader Sienna Khan
High Leader Adam Taurus (Post Vol 5)
Director Phoenix Banewillow (Order of Words Leader)
Fennec Albain Jackall Cult Leader
Corsac Albain Jackall Cult Leader (Post Vol 5)
Kabayato Daichi Military Leader (Pre Vol 1 - Vol 3)
John Stone Military Leader (Post Vol 3)
Founding Date
71 AGW
Illicit, Terrorist group
Predecessor Organization
Brothers / Sisters
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Official Languages
Related Species
Sienna Khan's Reign saw the White Fang take an increasingly aggressive stance, this is because the White Fang was resisting Erasure by the Kingdoms and trying to expedite the far too slow process of acceptance and change. Even though her movement ran very far away from her intentions and goals, the many successor factions that would be created to oppose the extremists but fight racism would never have happened without Sienna.   Without her, the Faunus would have meekly accepted the slow grinding wheel and eventually be snuffed out by bureaucratic inefficiency and the silence of bloated systems.  
Just before Sienna Khan seized control as High Leader, the White Fang briefly wore the prototype robes, these robes are ceremonial garbs, unlike in the show. partisans usually wore their own clothes with combat gear and use their own weapons. Still, those that wore faction colours still used blues and used the old symbol. After Sienna's take over, blue was quickly cast aside for red and aggressive imagery.  
In Volume One, The Egalitarian Front was hosting a protest in Vale about Faunus Rights. it became common for the White Fang to attack humans partaking in the protests and any humans trying to stop them. The White Fang believed that all Humans were born Equally, equally guilty and thus hated them all just on principle. Many fights against other civil advocacy groups are often started over this due to many successor factions having sizable groups of humans within them advocating for Faunus rights.  
Adam was increasingly popular because of his successful War against the Schnee Dust Company, unlike other leaders in the White Fang, he practically ran circles around all of his enemies. His cunning nature made him a popular choice and his striking appearance made him the ideal Poster Boy of the entire faction. The trouble was, is that  Adam was practically sprinting right wards, developing increasingly more fascist beliefs and ideas.   Turning what was once a righteous,  justified fight against oppression into a violent war between two dead-end extremes.


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