Pyrrha Nikos

The Bronze Champion | Legendary Huntress

Bronze Hoplite | Heroine of Argus | Champion of Argus | Protector of the Realm (a.k.a. Pyr | Autumn | Nii | Pyrie)

It is said that every generation has a select few who are deemed prodigies but there are few who challenge the heights of the Long Forgotten Silver Eyed Warriors. A Huntress so mighty her emerging Legend challenged that of the Grimm Reaper. Pyrrha Nikos was something behind the typical Huntress, while yes her often concealed Semblance was a ruse to make her seem invincible, there was simply just something different about her from a young age. Her impressive combat prowess for her age and her astounding feats in Argus and local areas before she had even attended Beacon Academy was nothing to sniff at. For a Huntress she had a higher kill rate of the Grimm then most her age do and this was often accredited to her astounding ability to dominate almost any Grimm unfortunate enough to cross her spear and shield which in itself is fashioned off the Legendary Ancient Tales of Great Heroes that predate even the Prehistorical and Ancient Kingdom of Astoria, one of the earliest known nations in recorded history.    It's important to understand that Pyrrha does not possess any genetic differences from a Typical Human Female, rather something about her Semblance makes her a greater fighter then most, ontop of being able to manipulate metal, it was theorised she had a sort of 'magnetic tug' upon destiny itself. Her Biographies were quite detailed before her Demise in the Fall of Beacon.   Compared to the other Members of JNPR it seemed almost strange on the surface on why she'd be with Jaune Arc, Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie, except like how she is inspired by the Heroes of Ancient Mythology, The Arc Family was that of Legendary Warriors and Kings or Queens. Nora is inspired by a religion she owes no loyalty to yet undoubtedly her abilities and weaponry is like that of Noric. Ren who is essentially the Hunter equivocation of Mistal Monks who prey to the Elder Spirits. It is easy to see why she'd be so appropriate for this team but she was often mistaken as its leader when it was really Jaune's team.    In reality, her biggest impact was not the legendary Warrior Status or her impressive combat records but the inspiration she spread to all those she interacted with, her unstoppable kindness and the frankly mythic Wisdom she regard imparted to those around her. Her fall didn't dim her light but rather her light would continue in the hearts of Hunters and Huntreses.  

Equipment and Fighting Style

Pyrrha equips herself with Lightweight Bronze looking Armour with long bits of cloth hanging off, her style is much like the Ancient Bronze Warriors, a highly mythologised and possibly purely fictional class of Warriors from times utterly forgotten, complete with the Iconic Round Hoplite shields and Spear. Her Spear can transform into a 308. Rifle that fires Blaze rounds with a purely Holographic targeting system. She also equipped a utility belt which could carry gear pouches and extra holsters, sometimes using a Pistol fire arm but more often then not, she had ammo and Raw dust pouches which she'd occasionally Bend the elements through the use of Dust.    She also had a head dressing that wasn't super protective but had two green dust Crystals which gave the Head dressing the ability to better focus aura for the use of semblances and other uses which doubled her already substantial abilities. Her Shield was a simplistic shield with Focusing Dust Crystals and Grav Dust that allowed it to carry more weight and therefore more force when throwing it if she sought to outright kill the opponent, often Grimm.   


Polarity, She has the ability to effect magnetic waves, from interfering with transmission signals, disrupting energy flows, levitating metal and out right manipulation of metal. Pyrrha had quite the gift. Nearly every Huntress and Hunstmen has metal somewhere and therefore something she can exploit. Her most advanced use was stopping bullets in the chambers of guns and causing explosions in firearms.    Her substantial Aura allowed her to maximise the effectiveness of this semblance. Had she of completed training, it is reasonable to believe she would be pushing the boundaries of what is considered a semblance and just literally unleashed magic.   

Destined or Skilled?

One of the Strangest things about Pyrrha's Semblance is that he semblance is already defined as being about polarity but her Epic amount of Aura and being seemingly blessed with Legendary Combat Talent. Some have theorised that she may bare a rare Multifacted Semblance and that Polarity may simply be a single face of her actual Semblance. The theory goes is that she can manipulate the flow of chance into her favour or perhaps that the flow of Fate favoured her.    However, none of this was proven or considered very Scientific for Pyrrha never exhibited any ability to actually control destiny and simply may just of lucked out in the game of genetic chance and just simply had a lot of Aura and her interest in Hunters from a young age and early start as a fighter played an integral role in her development.  


In all of this talk of Legendary Warriors and great powers and prestige, one thing that is almost always forgotten including within the actual Biographies themselves is the person. Pyrrha Nikos is a 19 year Girl, one who was ultimately a doofus. yes, a doofus. Whether it was the Awkard but light hearted greetings, the Regal nature of which she spoke or her relatable fear of spiders. Pyrrha was a more well-rounded person then most knew.    Her friends often describe her as kind but Introverted, she isn't a fan of massive gatherings and many noted her lack of big public outings, instead she almost fled the limelight and when she was in the spotlight, she often began doing so alongside others. She craved true personal connection and it wasn't just from Jaune, who she undoubtedly grew to cherish. She truly loved all of her friends from team SSUN, FNKI, RWBY and CFVY, she even ended up having a healthy competitive relationship with Cardin Winchester after he calmed down and stopped bullying.    She was also said to be quite sporty, enjoying calmer games like Golf, ping pong, Video games and most commonly world puzzles which she was said to be a little obsessed about, challenging her friends to games of wit.   


Pyrrha was also a private Author, she wrote 3 Books about an ordinary Girl going about an ordinary life, celebrating the majestic splendour of a fulfilled life, these works were published by her mother who became the editor and concluded the series with the 4th book years after. As discussed prior, Pyrrha was a sporty gamer type of recreationist. Her favourite movies were cheesy romcoms, Historical Dramas, Psychological thrillers and Silly carefree children's cartoons.   She wasn't as adventurous as one would think, because her job often included so much adventuring so often, indeed she was so sedentary that her critics sometimes called her lazy which was surely quite amusing to her.  


Another often unspoken element of her person was her flaws, now while she wasn't a very cruel person she was very Socially maladjusted due to her immense fame early in her life, so she often stayed quiet and due to friendship issues early in her development, she was something of a internaliser and wasn't very good at talking about her feelings, creating an illusion of Emotional Stoicism but this wasn't the truth.    Pyrrha had incredibly thin skin, while she could take an insult. People getting hurt around her would visbly frustrate her sometimes making serious threats of harm to the likes of bullies and sometimes following through with it during fights. Such as when she duelled all of Winchester's team members and completely stomped them on the field and not pulling any of her punches. In fact this was extremely common, possessing quite the vindictive streak that she lost in her time during Beacon.   She is also got the problem opposite of narcissism and rather obsesses about everything and everyone but herself, her personal neglect being more of a drain on those she cherished more then she realised and if she had, perhaps she would've not fought Cinder Fall in their ill-fated final confrontation. She also had a problem of getting lost into the fight, showing poor judgement when pressured, because she is so rarely pressured in a way which exposes it, such as when Emerald Sustri used her semblance to increase the number of blades Penny Polendina was supposedly using, defying all reasonable logic but because Pyrhha had been lost into the fight as she usually does, she uses her semblance to an accidental and fatal extent.    Because she was so sensitive she often held onto even minor negative events for unhealthy amounts of time, obsessing over fights causing a drain on her Academic performance and mood in ----all--- of her interactions.    Pyrrha was a beautiful, graceful and kind person but like anyone, she had flaws and those flaws didn't detract from her internal beauty whatsoever.   


Pyrrha is a Pansexual woman, appearing to find interest in others based on personality and not gender. Even though Jauen is her most on-screen crush, there were a few others before her time in Beacon. Generally admiring many people of all genders and types with relatively equal interests. Pyrrha in terms of Romance is often quite patient and drawn out, for indeed she had been dating Jaune for a while before any kissing had occurred and indeed it took several weeks before even simple hand-holding was done, Pyrrha very much values honesty and change, helping her partners becoming better people with her and appreciates those who respect her slower then usual pace.    She also appears to have little to no interest in Marriage and preferring a more unorthodox progression of a relationship.
Heroic Good
Current Status
Deceased (Read Past Vol 3)
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Mildly Feminine
Emerald Green with a near mystical Glow
Red Long flowing hair, wavy and often poofy when not tied.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair Skinned
Non-Theistic Spiritualist
Aligned Organization
Most people who fought Pyrrha could sense an extraordinary amount of Aura within her, Aura is one of biggest sources of power for a Hunter. It provides them the ability to use their semblance, it also can be used to empower strikes, crush and ultise Raw Dust and shield one's self from injury. Pyrrha is capable of weathering damage that would simply just kill most. Such as the time an Ursa Major smacked her into the ground and shoved its claws at her during a fight near Windpeak where she used her shield to not only rebuke the Ursa major but then fired an Aura-empowered dust round which blew out the large Grimm's head clean off.    Simply put, her ability to dish out damage, tank damage and utilise dust is simply several classes above and if trained further, she could've surpassed some of the best Huntresses and Huntsmen of her age and perhaps beyond.  
Pyrrha is a Mistal Woman, though she was born in the City of Argus which is considered more of an Atlassian City, Pyrrha still very much adored the Former Owners and their Culture and often wore dresses their celebrated their culture and hung a Mistral banner in her own bedroom. Biographies stated that Pyrrha is respectful to the First owners of any land and takes pride in depicting them as authentically as she can. For instance her Mistal Kimonos were all handcrafted, designed and distributed by Mistal Designers and Creators and often paid good money for it.    She also is known for frequenting Mistal Media and Litectecture and was apparently quite the skilled Erhu Player, a Mistal String instuement in the same concept as a violin.


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